Theoretical Physics Program

The histories of mathematics and physics are closely intertwined with many of the key discoveries in each made by scientists who were active in both areas. Indeed, throughout history the disciplines have cross-fertilized each other.

Already existing mathematics has often proved to be "unreasonably effective" in describing reality while conversely, efforts to describe and explain physical phenomena have often lead to the development of new mathematics. Today, with the progress and growth in each, the two fields are more distinct, however they remain two of the most closely related sciences.

The interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics is aimed at students who wish to work at this interface. It is broadly based and includes several subdisciplines with the common denominator that each applies advanced mathematical techniques to the study of physical problems.

These include, though are not necessarily limited to: advanced classical mechanics and non-linear processes, classical and quantum field theory, general relativity, many-body theory, partial differential equations of mathematical physics, quantum mechanics, theoretical astrophysics, theoretical condensed matter physics, and theoretical and geophysical fluid mechanics.

Currently, thesis supervisors are drawn from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography (St. John’s campus) as well as the School of Science and the Environment on (Grenfell Campus). This program is primarily intended for students who have a background in mathematics and/or physics, but it also allows for more general backgrounds where appropriate.

If you have questions or need clarification on any of the information contained in these pages, please contact Dr. Ivan Booth, chair of the program, or Our mailing address is:

Theoretical Physics Program
Dean of Science Office
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL Canada A1B 3X7