M.Env.Sci. Project Report
The project report provides an opportunity for the student to create an original perspective on a selected environmental issue through the reading of appropriate literature and reinterpretation of other sources of information (e.g. existing data). Normally the project will be multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary in nature. The project report will be equivalent to a review article in a journal, or a consultant's report on a particular environmental issue. Collection of new data from the field or laboratory and analysis of this new data is permitted, but not required for the MEnvSci degree.
MEnvSci students register for ENVS 6009 in the semester in which they plan to submit their report for examination, typically when all other course work has been completed. Students must follow the format requirements (margins, pagination, etc.) as outlined in the Guidelines for Theses and Reports on the School of Graduate Studies website. You must submit your paper to the program administrator by email (PDF format preferred), so that it can be sent out for examination. In order to meet the deadlines for convocation, please keep the following in mind:
- examiners need enough time to review the report, comment on it, and return it to the student for corrections;
- the student makes the corrections in consultation with the supervisor;
- the student submits the final copy by email, along with the Report Deposit form, to the Program Administrator at the Dean of Science Office;
- the Chair of the program submits the grade to the Registrar's Office and ensures the Recommendation for Award of a Graduate Degree form is sent to the School of Graduate Studies by their deadline.
The recommended deadlines for submitting your report so that we can best avoid delays in completing your requirements for the semester are:
Fall semester - November 15
Winter semester - March 15
Spring semester - July 15