The following list includes courses specifically designed for the Environmental Science graduate program as well as environmentally relevant courses that have been taught by various departments in the Faculty of Science, the department of Geography, and the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science. Students should check course availability with each department.
Core courses required for all students in the Environmental Sciences program are:
ENVS 6000
ENVS 6010
In addition,
MSc. Students must complete:
1 of ENVS 6001, 6002, or 6003
and 1 elective
M.Env. Sci. Students must complete:
2 of ENVS 6001, 6002, or 6003
ENVS 6009
and 3 electives
The remaining courses are electives from which students can choose appropriate courses. This is not an exhaustive list - additional graduate courses not listed here may be used as electives by approval of the student’s supervisory committee.
Environmental Science:
ENVS 6000 - Environmental Science and Technology
ENVS 6001 - Earth and Ocean Systems
ENVS 6002 - Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
ENVS 6003 - Applied Ecology
ENVS 6004 - Environmental Pollution and Mitigation (Cross listed as Engineering 9601)
ENVS 6005 - Environmental Sampling and Pollutant Analysis (Cross listed as Engineering 9603)
ENVS 6007 - Environmental Risk Assessment (same as Engineering 9609)
ENVS 6008 - Air Pollution (Cross listed as Engineering 9624)
ENVS 6009 - Environmental Science Project (M.Env.Sci. Students only)
ENVS 6010 - Environmental Seminar
ENVS 6201-4 - Selected topics in Environmental Science
BIOL 6000 - Research Topics in Microbiology
BIOL 7220 - Quantitative Methods in Biology
BIOL 7535 - Research Methods in Marine Science
BIOL 7944 - Conservation Biology II
CHEM 6110 - Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 6151 - Analytical Separations and Organic Mass Spectrometry
CHEM 6152 - Electoanalytical Techniques
CHEM 6190-9 - Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry
Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology (CABE):
CABE 6351 - Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology
Earth Sciences:
EASC 6210 - Genesis of Mineral Deposits
EASC 6410 - Advanced Engineering and Environmental Geology
EASC 6500 - Stable Isotope Geochemistry
EASC 6510 - Trace Element Geochemistry
EASC 6520 - Methods in Advanced Research in Geochemistry
EASC 7300 - Changes in Global Paleoenvironment
GEOG 6250 - Conservation of Natural Resources
GEOG 6400 - Fluvial Geomorphology
GEOG 6401 - Glacial Geomorphology
GEOG 6402 - Coastal Geomorphology
GEOG 6410 - Climatology
GEOG 6420 - Quaternary Geography
Mathematics and Statistics:
MATH 6100 - Dynamical Systems
MATH 6102-6109 - Special Topics in Applied Mathematics
MATH 6520 - Linear Models
MATH 6561 - Discrete Multivariate Analysis
Ocean Sciences:
OCSC 7400 - Fisheries Resource Management
OCSC 7531 - Biological Oceanography
Physics and Physical Oceanography:
PHYS 6316 - Ocean Data Analysis
PHYS 6320 - Ocean Turbulence and Mixing
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science:
ENGI 9420 - Engineering Analysis
ENGI 9501 - Finite Element analysis with Engineering Applications
ENGI 9603 - Environmental Sampling and Pollutant Analysis (Cross listed as ENVS 6005)
ENGI 9605 - Advanced Waste Water Treatment
ENGI 9621 - Soil Remediation Engineering
ENGI 9622 - Environmental Statistics
ENGI 9625 - Environmental Impact of Offshore Operations
ENGI 9627 - Environmental Systems Engineering
ENGI 9629 - Environmental Policy and Regulations
ENGI 9630 - Pollution Prevention
ENGI 9713 - Stochastic Hydrology
This list will be updated as changes occur.