Information and Media Services (HSIMS)
Health Science Information and Media Service
The Health Science Information and Media Service (HSIMS) is a support department and provides computer support, conferencing services, instructional design, curriculum support services, teaching facilities, education technology, multimedia, graphic design, and media relations. HSIMS is located in room 1614 of the Health Sciences Centre.
HSIMS is your point of contact for:
PC Support Desk
Problems with classroom technology during a lecture
MUN email, Mednet accounts and network drives
Health Education Technology and Learning Unit; including information about
- One45
- Desire2Learn (D2L)
- Additional medical education technology for students
- CBlue (curriculum map) and Instructional Design
Wireless Internet
Room bookings
Web collaboration (Blackboard Collaborate)
Medical Illustration
Conferencing Services
Memorial University's Newsline
For a complete list of HSIMS services and contact information see the HSIMS website.
PC Support Desk
If you have issues with your Faculty of Medicine computer* or your internet connection, call the PC Support Desk at 864-6000 or email
*Faculty of Medicine computers are tagged with a Med equipment sticker
Problems with classroom technology during a lecture
If you encounter problems with any of the classroom technology (e.g. you are unable to get your presentation to work), call 864-6017 or 864-6000.
MUN email, Mednet accounts and network drives
MUN email
New faculty members get their MUN email ( automatically assigned and sent to them. You can access your MUN email through or the MUN account at The account offers access to a wide variety of information and services e.g. employee services.
Faculty of Medicine email
Faculty members in the Faculty of Medicine are encouraged to use their Faculty of Medicine email ( With a Faculty of Medicine email, you can use the Outlook Web App to remotely access your Outlook profile including your calendar and tasks (using your Faculty of Medicine email or Mednet account to sign in). Your MUN email will automatically get routed to your Faculty of Medicine email. To have your Faculty of Medicine email set-up or to configure Outlook on your Faculty of Medicine computer, contact HSIMS at 777-6721 or
Please note that official email correspondence from Memorial University will only be sent to your MUN address/Faculty of Medicine address and not any other email address. Under Memorial policy you are also not able to forward your MUN/Faculty of Medicine email to any other email address. For more information about Memorial email accounts, visit this FAQ page.
Mednet Account and network drives
All faculty members in the Faculty of Medicine are eligible to set-up a Mednet account. With the Mednet account, users can sign in from any Faculty of Medicine computer and have access to any network drives that are available under their Mednet account. Every Mednet account user has access to a personal network drive. Faculty members overseeing several students/staff (e.g. in a research laboratory setting) can inquire about additional network drives. To get a Mednet account or to inquire about additional network drives, contact HSIMS at 777-6721 or
Health Education Technology and Learning Unit
The Health Education Technology and Learning (e-Learning) unit within HSIMS offers education technology for faculty and students in the medical education programs. It provides support for the following technologies:
- One45
- Desire2Learn
- Additional medical education technology for students
- CBlue (curriculum map)
- Instructional Design
For more information about medical education technology used for the medical education program, contact the Health Education Technology and Learning unit.
One45 is the software used by the Faculty of Medicine to track grades, evaluations and schedule rotations. In Phase 1, 2 and 3 One45 is used for course evaluations, grades and community placement. For Clerkship/Phase 4 it is also used to schedule rotations and academic sessions in addition to tracking grades and evaluations. You can access One45 here.
If you are required to complete an evaluation of a trainee you would normally receive an email with an autologin link so you can complete the evaluation on One45. This One45 online training module explains the basic use of One45 such as your to-dos, how to complete an evaluation or to view an evaluation of you and how to access your rotation schedule. While it is recommended that you view the whole module, you can navigate to specific sections to access information on a specific topic. For more detailed information refer to the One45 FAQ section. If you have trouble logging in or need further support using One45, contact
Desire2Learn (D2L)
D2L is Memorial University's Learning Management System. Students use D2L to access course material, calendars and other course related information. You can access D2L here.
All lectures are uploaded to D2L. To have your lecture uploaded, email your lecture to
All exam questions for Phases 1, 2 and 3 have to be submitted electronically to Refer to the exam question submission checklist for more information.
Additional medical education technology for students
T-Res is the software used to track student learning experiences in clerkship/Phase 4. It allows students on their clerkship rotation to efficiently record and evaluate clinical and academic activities as well as mandatory procedures using either a mobile device app or a web-based application.
Ask Buddy is an information application for students available online and as an app for mobile devices. Students can access necessary information in a convenient FAQ style format at any time.
A new app called Your Clerkship will be available by September 2015 that will enable sharing of relevant resources between Clerks and provide new Clerks with a comprehensive, crowd-sourced all-in-one clerkship resource.
CBlue (curriculum map) and Instructional Design
CBlue is the software used by the Faculty of Medicine for curriculum development and blueprinting. CBlue can track relationships throughout all levels of undergraduate medical education program and is compatible with existing medical education technology. The current curriculum map has been developed using CBlue. In the curriculum map you will find detailed information on course goals, program competencies and session information for each course including learning objectives. A demonstration on how to use the curriculum map can be found in this video. For more information on teaching in the undergradaute medical education program, refer to the Teaching section of this handbook.
The e-Learning Unit also provides instructional design, especially as it relates to curriculum development. For more information, view the instructional design page of the e-Learning Unit.
Wireless Internet
Wireless Internet is available in the Health Sciences Centre and the Medical Education Centre. To get connected to the wireless internet, follow the steps outlined here. Please note that you need to have your MUN account set-up before you can get access to the wireless internet.
Room bookings
To book rooms/lecutre theatres for meetings, lectures or other events in the Health Sciences Centre or the Medical Education Centre, contact 864-6010 or All lecture theatres and rooms in the Medical Education Centre and all lecture theatres in the Health Sciences Centre feature up-to-date multimedia technology. Most rooms in the Health Sciences Centre are equipped with interactive whiteboards. Multimedia carts (including computers and data projectors) are available for rooms without built-in technology.
Web collaboration (Blackboard Collaborate)
Blackboard Collaborate is the web collaboration used by the Faculty of Medicine to stream and record lectures, presentations and meetings. It includes two-way audio, multi-point video, interactive whiteboard, session recording, application and desktop sharing and more.
If you want your lecture, presentation or meeting to be streamed or recorded, fill in the webcast agreement form. Submit the form to your discipline administrative contact if you are presenting as part of a clerkship rotation or a residency program. In all other cases and for general information about the web collaboration services, contact
Medical Illustration
HSIMS also includes a team of medical illustrators providing the following services:
- Digital and/or freehand illustrations
- Design & layout of posters, newsletters, brochures, flyers and other print/digital media.
- Assistance with interpretative illustration, consultation and instruction.
- Photographic services such as clinical/biomedical & public relations photography, photos and slide scanning.
- Motion media services are also available for multimedia recording and/or duplication.
- Lecture capture recording and archiving are also available, both in studio and in classroom upon request by the client.
- Maintaining the look and feel of the Faculty of Medicine website and providing web-site design and creation services.
Conferencing Services
Recently added under the umbrella of HSIMS is the Conferencing Services Team. This experienced five member team is available to provide video and audio conferencing tools to reach colleagues in remote locations.
Memorial University's Newsline
Newsline is Memorial University's primary internal communications tool.
Subscription to Newsline is now automated for employees and the distribution list will be updated monthly to ensure all current employees receive it. New employees will begin receiving Newsline once the monthly update to the distribution list has been made.
Distribution for Newsline is twice a week – Tuesdays and Fridays – with an events-dedicated Newsline continuing to be distributed on Thursdays.
Employees may submit items to Newsline by reviewing the Newsline guidelines and writing