A Fine Crowd 2019

Dean’s Awards

Award for Teaching Excellence
Carol-Lynne D'Arcangelis | Gender Studies 
Sarah Martin | Political Studies  

Award for Graduate Supevision
Liam Swiss | Sociology

Award for Distinguished Scholarship
Rose Ricciardelli | Sociology

Award for Exceptional Service to the Faculty
Ruby Bishop | Sociology

The Peter Cashin Prize

Anne Budgell, We All Expected to Die: Spanish Influenza in Labrador, 1918-1919

Authors & Editors

The publication of a book is often the culmination of many years of sustained research or concentrated creative energy. A Fine Crowd acknowledges the significant achievement of those who wrote or compiled/edited/translated a volume.

Kodjo Attikpoé (Editor)
Les pouvoirs de la littérature de jeunesse 

Kodjo Attikpoé MODERN LANGUAGES, LITERATURES AND CULTURES and Josias Semujanga (Guest Editors)
Les figures de l’écrivain et de l’écrit dans le roman africain Présence Francophone

Trevor Bell, GEOGRAPHY, and Tanya Brown (Editors)
From Science to Policy in the Eastern Canadian Arctic: Synthesis and Recommendations

Amanda Bittner (Guest Editor), POLITICAL SCIENCE
Personality, Party Leaders, and Election Campaigns Electoral Studies, Volume 54

Kelly Blidook, POLITICAL SCIENCE, Royce Koop and Heather Bastedo 
Representation in Action: Canadian MPs in the Constituencies

Sonja BoonGENDER STUDIES, Lesley Butler and Daze Jefferies 
Autoethnography and Feminist Theory at the Water's Edge: Unsettled Islands

Julia Christensen, GEOGRAPHY, Christopher Cox, and Lisa Szabo-Jones (Editors) Activating the Heart: Storytelling, Knowledge Sharing and Relationships

Ratana Chuenpagdee, GEOGRAPHY, and Svein Jentoft (Editors) Transdisciplinarity for Small-Scale Fisheries Governance: Analysis and Practice

Isabelle Côté, POLITICAL SCIENCE, Matthew I. Mitchell, and Monica Duffy Toft (Editors) People Changing Places: New Perspectives on Demography, Migration, Conflict, and the State

Robert Finley (Editor), ENGLISH 
Best Kind Essays

Mistress of the Blue Castle: The Writing Life of Phoebe Florence Miller

Josh Lepawsky, GEOGRAPHY
Reassembling Rubbish: Worlding Electronic Waste

Alex Marland, POLITICAL SCIENCE, Thiery Giasson and Andrea Lawlor (Editors) Political Elites in Canada: Power and Influence in Instantaneous Times

Seamus O'Neill (Editor), PHILOSOPHY
Neoplatonic Demons and Angels: Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, and the Platonic Tradition

Fiona Polack (Editor), ENGLISH
Tracing Ochre: Changing Perspectives on the Beothuk

Rose Ricciardelli, SOCIOLOGY, and Michael C. Adorjan
Cyber-risk and Youth: Digital Citizenship, Privacy and Surveillance

Neil Rosenberg, FOLKLORE
Bluegrass Generation: A Memoir

Jennifer Selby, RELIGIOUS STUDIES, Amélie Barras, and Lori Beaman
Beyond Accommodation: Everyday Narratives of Muslim Canadians

Katherine Side, GENDER STUDIES, and Jennifer J. Connor, HISTORY (Editors) The Grenfell Medical Mission and American Support in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1890s-1940s

Arthur Sullivan, PHILOSOPHY
The Constitutive A Priori: Developing and Extending an Epistemological Framework

Steven Wolinetz, POLITICAL SCIENCE, and Andrej Zaslovc (Editors)
Absorbing the Blow: Populist Parties and Their Impact on Parties and Party Systems