Undergraduate resources
Our faculty has a lot to offer students: 15 departments, 25 majors programs, 14 diploma and certificate programs, study abroad programs, interdisciplinary programs. It's a lot of wrap your head around, so we've created a number of resources to help guide you through your academic career.
Wondering what courses will be offered next semester?
Use Our Upcoming Courses Database
Resources for choosing and successfully completing your major
Step 1: Choose a major
Browse our listing of majors and minors.
Step 2: Declare a major
Visit our iDeclare page and learn the perks of declaring a major.
Step 3: Consult our Degree Maps to simplify course selection and ensure you meet your degree requirements
Use our customized degree maps to simplify your course selection and ensure you meet all degree requirements for whatever major you choose.
Step 4: Use our upcoming courses database to see the coming semester's course offerings
We have an upcoming courses database so you can easily see what courses our departments are offering next semester.
Step 5: Seek academic advice whenever you need it
You can make an appointment to receive one-on-one academic advice from our Manager of Academic Programs any time.
Looking for an elective?
Check out our electives database to search for all HSS electives being offered in an upcoming semester.
Spaces on campus for HSS students
Places to kick back and study:
The Digital Learning Centre (SN-4030) and HSS Commons (SN-1107) are open to our students during campus hours.
Spaces to practice learning new languages:
The Digital Learning Centre and French/Spanish Help Centre offer services and resources to improve and practice your language skills
Help centres:
Looking For help writing a paper? Need peer tutoring in French or Economics? Check out our Help Centres page
Archive essentials:
Not sure how to start exploring our faculty's extensive archives? Check out this Archive Essentials tutorial
Student societies:
Want to meet some like-minded students and get involved with a student society? Check out our student societies listing