Diploma in Environmental Humanities

If you are interested in environmental issues and ideas, then the Diploma in Environmental Humanities is a great opportunity for you. In recent years, scholars in the environmental humanities have argued that studying the environmental idea, politics, and culture are equally important to addressing environmental issues as the sciences. The Diploma in Environmental Humanities offers students a chance to study the environmental issues and ideas through a range of subjects including, philosophy, history, geography, religion, sociology and anthropology.

The diploma is a relatively brief program, comprised of 27 credits (or nine courses). It will serve as an excellent foundational program for BA students who are looking for an environmental focus in their degree, for BSc students who are interested in environmental issues, for professionals in NGOs and government who are looking to augment their knowledge of environmental issues, or for members of the general public interested in learning about the subject outside of a degree program. The diploma will be of interest to any students who wish to work in the broad field of environment after graduation.

Requirements and Courses

  1. 3 credit hours in GEOG 1050 Geographies of Global Change;
  2. 3 credit hours in a “capstone” chosen from one of:
    • GEOG/HIST 4500 Engaging the Environmental Humanities
    • HIST 4125 The History of Environmental Ideas in Canada and the United States
    • SOCI 4104 Environmental Sociology

Students take of 21 additional credit hours in eligible courses offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, selected from Table 1, of which no more than 15 credit hours may be in a single discipline. Students interested in the program should consult the full regulations in the Memorial University Calendar.

Table 1

ANTH 3050 Ecology and Culture
ANTH 3083 Environmental Crises
ANTH 3280 The Arctic

ANTH 3452 Fisheries, Aquaculture, and the Global Commodity

ANTH 4450 Politics of Landscapes

CLASSICS 2902 The Environment of the Greeks and Romans

COMMUNICATIONS STUDIES 4003 Media and the Environment

ENGLISH 3009 Literature and the Environment

GEOG 2001 Cultural Geography
GEOG 2425 Natural Resources
GEOG 3610 Cultural Landscape
HIST 3030 Environmental History

HIST 4011 Nature and Culture in Medieval Europe
HIST 4125 The History of Environmental Ideas in Canada and the United States
HIST 4220 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment
HIST 4252 Canada and the North
PHIL 2561 Environmental Ethics
RELS 3880 Religion, Worldviews, and the Environment
RUSS 3440 Ecological Imagination
SOCI 2290 Animals and Society
SOCI 4104 Environmental Sociology 

Admission Info

Students wishing to declare a Diploma in Environmental Humanities are encouraged to consult with the program coordinator to discuss the requirements of the program. Information about declaring a program of study in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is available at iDeclare.

Program Coordinator

For more information students are invited to contact the Program Coordinator. Please see http://www.mun.ca/hss/about/contact/coordinators.php for current contact information.

Upcoming Courses in the Diploma

To look for course offerings in upcoming semesters please visit http://www.mun.ca/hss/courses.php