Degree Programs

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers diverse, multifaceted and unique graduate level programming, led by stellar faculty.

Master’s degree programs in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are one to two years in duration, and minimally require a bachelor’s degree for admission. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers several kinds of master’s degree, including the MA (Master of Arts), the MSc (Master of Science), the MER (Master of Employment Relations), the MPhil (Master of Philosophy), the MGS (Master of Gender Studies) and the MA&Ed (joint Master of Arts and Education). In addition, our master’s programs can be thesis-based, coursework-based, internship-based, or project-based. Thesis-based master’s programs are typically two years in duration, and consist of courses and a thesis. Coursework-based master’s programs can be one or two years in duration, and consist of coursework and a major research paper. Internship-based master’s programs can be one or two years in duration; they typically include coursework and an internship placement, and may also have a major paper. Project-based master’s programs include courses and a major project.

PhD programs in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences typically require a master’s degree for admission. PhD programs are four years in duration, and include a year of coursework; a year for comprehensive papers, exams, or other requirements; and two years for researching and completing the doctoral dissertation.

The specific degree programs offered by each department in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are listed below.

Anthropology – 1-year coursework-based MA; 2-year thesis-based MA; and 4-year PhD degree programs offered. See Anthropology graduate studies page

Archaeology – 2-year thesis-based MA and 4-year PhD degree programs offered. See Archaeology MA page and Archaeology PhD page

Classics – 1-year coursework-based MA degree program offered. See Classics graduate studies page for further details.

Economics – 1-year coursework-based MA and 2-year thesis-based MA degree programs offered. See Economics graduate studies page for further details.

Ethnomusicology (joint program with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of Music) – 2-year coursework-based MA; 2-year thesis-based MA; and 4-year PhD degree programs offered. See Ethnomusicology page for further details.

English – 1-year coursework-based MA; 2-year thesis-based MA; and 4-year PhD degree programs offered. See English graduate studies page for further details.

Folklore – 2-year course-based, internship-based, and thesis-based MA, and 4-year PhD degree programs offered. See Folklore graduate studies page for further details.

Gender studies – 2-year internship-based, project-based, and thesis-based Master of Gender Studies degree programs offered. See Gender Studies graduate studies page.

Geography – 2-year thesis-based MA and MSc, and and 4-year PhD degree programs offered. See Geography graduate studies page for future information.

History – 1-year coursework-based MA; 2-year thesis-based MA; and 4-year PhD degree programs offered. See History graduate studies page for further information.

Humanities – 2-to-3-year MPhil degree program offered. See Humanities graduate studies page for further information.

Interdisciplinary PhD — 4-year PhD degree program offered. This PhD program is housed in the School of Graduate Studies, and is available for qualified students who want to study a topic that span disciplines in several Faculties or Schools at Memorial. See the Interdisciplinary PhD page for further details.

Linguistics – 2-year coursework-based MA; 2-year thesis-based MA; and 4-year PhD degree programs offered. See Linguistics graduate studies page.

Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literature and Cultures) – This is a MA&ED joint program with the Faculties of Arts and Education. 1-year coursework-based MA&ED, and 1-year project-based MA&ED degree programs offered. See the MA&ED program page for further details.

Master of Employment Relations (MER; joint program with the Faculties of Arts and Business) – 1-year coursework-based MER degree offered. See MER page for further details.

Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - 2-year thesis-based MA in French. 1-year course-based and thesis-based MA in German.

Philosophy – 1-year thesis-based MA and 4-year PhD degree programs offered. See Philosophy's MA studies page and Philosophy’s PhD studies page for further details.

Political Science – 1-2-year MA-thesis, 1-year MA-internship-based, and 1-year MA-research paper degree programs offered. See Political Science graduate studies page.

Sociology – 2-year thesis-based MA, 1-year coursework-based MA, and 4-year PhD programs offered. See Sociology Masters or Sociology PhD pages. 

Also see the School of Graduate Studies’ program descriptions for information about graduate studies in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.