Sharing archival secrets
The Maritime History Archive is partnering with the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives and The Rooms to create the third in a series of informational videos for archive workers.
Britanny McDonald graduated last year from Memorial’s Faculty of Arts with a BA and is currently doing coursework for her performance and communication diploma. She is directing the video and handling camera work while Stephanie Micikyan and Nicole Joyce, who created the script together, explain how best to handle and preserve bound volumes on camera. Sharna Brzycki, a student in Memorial’s graduate folklore program is doing her work placement at the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives. As part of her workplace placement she is acting as Brittany’s technical assistant.
Ms. Micikyan and Ms. Joyce are interning at The Rooms as part of their graduate certificate in museum management and curatorship from Peterborough, Ontario’s Fleming College.
The 10-minute introductory video will focus on the preservation of bound volumes including appropriate handling and storage. Previous videos in the series have addressed the preservation of scrapbooks and how to store, handle and move archive pieces.
“This is a great opportunity for those of us in the archive community to partner and share our expertise with others,” said Heather Wareham, archivist at the Maritime History Archive.
The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives’ youtube channel can be found at