Patrick O'Flaherty
From Dr. Jennifer Lokash:
You may have heard the sad news that our former colleague, Dr. Patrick O'Flaherty, has passed away. A scholar first of Samuel Johnson and then of Newfoundland Literature--an area of study that he is largely responsible for establishing--Patrick was an engaged teacher, researcher, creative writer, and member of our department for more than three decades and has contributed immeasurably to the intellectual life of the community both within and beyond Memorial. He was a brilliant, incisive, loyal colleague and mentor, and a steady and rational defender of our department and our discipline through some challenging years. The significance of his seminal study of Newfoundland Literature, The Rock Observed, as well his three volume history of the province, cannot be overstated. He has also likely set a record as one of the most prolific, scholarly, and creative retirees at Memorial, having published three new books in the last year alone.
I know you will join me in sending our best wishes and condolences to Dr. O'Flaherty's family and friends during this difficult time.
Here is the oration that Shane O'Dea wrote and delivered on the occasion of Dr. O'Flaherty's honourary doctorate in 2011: