Bringing Home Animals - A symposium and book launch

The Department of Anthropology has organized a symposium to be held on Friday November 14 to mark the occasion of the publication of the revised, second edition of Dr. Adrian Tanner’s ethnographic study Bringing Home Animals: Mistissini Hunters of Northern Quebec (ISER Books, 2014).
The book will be launched with an event on Thursday November 13 at the Great Hall, Queens College (210 Prince Phillip Dr.). All are welcome to both events.
Bringing Home Animals is an ethnography detailing what the author learned as a result of travelling and working with Iinuu (Cree) hunters and their families in Northern Quebec. The study was conducted from 1969–1971, and is a rich example of subsistence hunting in an Indigenous territory. The second edition revisits and updates contextual material following the construction of the James Bay hydroelectric project in the region, while preserving the original argument. Bringing Home Animals explores the way of life of the Mis- tissini Iinuu hunters, their understanding of and adaptation to the ecology of their hunting grounds, their subsistence-based economy and its relation to market production, their land tenure system, the impact of external agencies on them, and their rich spiritual and symbolic life, particularly the rituals that show respect for the animals before, during, and following the hunt.
SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE — Friday, November 14, 2014
10–10:15 a.m.
Opening and Introductions
10:15–11:15 a.m
Dr. Toby Morantz
Professor Emerita, McGill University
“Bringing Out Animals: Mistissini Cree Hunters’ Encounters with Administrative Snares”
11:15–11:30 a.m. — Coffee/tea break
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Peter Armitage
Consulting Anthropologist, St. John’s
“Why Bringing Home Animals is the ‘Full Monty’”
12:30–2 p.m.
Lunch break
2–3 p.m.
Dr. Clint Westman
Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Saskatchewan
“Bringing Bringing Home Animals West”
3–4 p.m.
Dr. Adrian Tanner
Honorary Research Professor, Department of
Anthropology, Memorial University of Newfoundland
“Thinking Things Twice: On Multiple Modes of Intellectual Discovery”
For more info, contact Dr. Mark Tate at 709 864 4052