Calendar Change Proposals (Graduate or Undergraduate)
The Office of the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences has developed the following documents and packages (see links below) to assist faculty members with developing proposals for changes to undergraduate entries in the university calendar. These resources include the standard forms that are required by Senate on the Office of the Registrar’s website. Upon completion, a proposal should be submitted as a Word document (not as a pdf) to the Secretary to the Associate Deans of Humanities and Social Sciences (, who will review the document to ensure formatting consistency. Proposals received in the Office of the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences by October 15 (or next workday) will be prioritized for eligibility for inclusion in the next print edition of the university calendar.
- Visual summary of the stages of proposals. Proposals to change the undergraduate calendar must past through a number of stages. This document demystifies what happens when a proposal is submitted to the Office of the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences and helps to illustrate why it is important that proposals are well-designed and submitted in a timely manner.
- Proposal Deadlines (Oct 15 & Jan 30): This document summarizes the various timelines involved with proposing a change to the Faculty’s undergraduate calendar entry, and establishes the basis for October 15 and January 30 deadlines. It outlines that the normal process involves consultation undertaken by the proposal author before it is submitted to the Dean’s Office to embark on a process of formal consultation. The document also establishes that normally the Associate Dean will coordinate an annual housekeeping proposal on behalf of all faculty members, in order to minimize paperwork burden associated with proposing minor changes in the calendar.
- Links to Word Document Packages for Undergraduate(or Graduate) Calendar Change Proposals (HSS):
- HSS Calendar Change Proposal Checklist is included in each package. It is a review checklist of items of common errors and omissions. Adjusting proposals in this manner and including the completed checklist helps to improve the efficiency of the proposal process
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences resource implications statement. This statement ensures that the proposal includes the kinds of resource implication considerations that are commonly looked for by the Dean of HSS, HSS Faculty Council, the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (SCUGS), etc.. The statement has been inserted into each package at the appropriate place (i.e., under the ‘Resource Implications’ section of the Appendix page)