Undergraduate Program Directors

Note: Undergraduate students with general questions about possible degree programs, declaring a major/minor program, degree requirements, course selection, certificates, diplomas, and general academic advice in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences should visit the academic advising page.  

A page is available outlining the roles and responsibilities of Undergraduate program directors.

DepartmentNameE-Mail AddressPhoneRoom
Anthropology Dr. Sharon Roseman sroseman@mun.ca 864-2452  QC4007
Archaeology Dr. Catherine Losier closier@mun.ca 864-8806 QC4009
Classics Dr. Kathryn Simonsen kathryns@mun.ca 864-8531 A2061
Communication and Media Studies (English) Dr. Dwayne Avery   davery@mun.ca   864-8928   A3034 
Criminology (Sociology) Dr. Cindy Whitten criminology@mun.ca 864-4592 A4080
Economics Dr. Derek Messacar dmessacar@mun.ca 864-8103 A3086
English Dr. Sarah Thorne sthorne@mun.ca 864-8289 A3099
Folklore Dr. Daniel Peretti dperetti@mun.ca 864-8778 ED4053 
French (MLLC) Dr. Anne Thareau athareau@mun.ca 864-8597 SN4031
Gender Studies Dr. Vicki Hallett vshallett@mun.ca 864-2379 SN4075
Geography Dr. Yolande Pottie-Sherman ypottiesherm@mun.ca 864-8984 SN2015
German (MLLC) Dr. Maria Mayr mmayr@mun.ca 864-7636 SN4023
History Dr. Sébastien Rossignol srossignol@mun.ca 864-2602 A4009
Law & Public Policy (Political Science) Dr. Sean Gray undergrad.polisci@mun.ca 864-8185 SN2034
Linguistics Dr. Phil Branigan branigan@mun.ca 864-3017 SN3050
Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Philosophy) Dr. Shannon Hoff shoff@mun.ca 864-8341 A3013
Philosophy Dr. Shannon Hoff shoff@mun.ca 864-8341 A3013
Political Science Dr. Sean Gray undergrad.polisci@mun.ca 864-8185 SN2034
Religious Studies Dr. Michelle Rebidoux mrebidoux@mun.ca 864-8172 A5030
Sociology Dr. Patrick Gamsby (Fall)/ Dr. Rochelle Côté (Winter)



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Spanish (MLLC) Dr. Myriam Osorio mosorio@mun.ca 864-4502 SN4065