Wellness Walk In Memory of Mary J. Clarke

You are invited to participate in the third annual Wellness Walk to pay tribute to Mary Clarke, a long-time devoted employee of Memorial University.
Members of our Memorial community including faculty, staff, students, retirees, families and friends are encouraged to participate.
When: Friday, May 29, 2015
Time: Group walk will start at 11:45 a.m. at the Splash Facility (behind Coughlan College). However, for those not joining the group, start time is flexible until 2:00 p.m.
Where: Long Pond (3.2 kms – 30 to 40 mins). Alternate location in case of inclement weather is the track at The Works. Check www.mun.ca/hr on day of walk to confirm exact location.
Mary Clarke commenced work in the Department of Human Resources in September 1979 and was well known in her role as Manager, Recruitment, Job Evaluation and Salary Administration. She retired in March 2012. Over her career, she led and participated in various significant changes at Memorial University in the areas of compensation, job evaluation and recruitment. Mary was known as a pillar in many respects. She had incredible determination and resilience and an extraordinary work ethic. Employees who worked for Mary had the opportunity to draw on an incredible resource. She freely gave of her knowledge and expertise and, over the years, was a mentor to many. She was also a staunch believer that the integrity of the work she was doing was important to the institution...and it was (and continues to be).