Two Archaeology Graduates Highlighted at Fall 2024 Convocation
Dr. Ujunwa (Uju) Rita Onah and Heather Tough, two recent Memorial Archaeology graduates, were highlighted in the Fall 2024 Convocation by the Gazette.
Dr. Ujunwa (Uju) Rita Onah earned her PhD in Archaeology and Heather Tough earned her Bachelor of Arts (Honours & Co-op) in Archaeology and Anthropology during the Fall 2024 Convocation.
Check out more about Dr. Ujunwa (Uju) Rita Onah's work on the Gazette's website.
Check out more about Heather Tough's motivation on the Gazette's website.
New Archaeology Winter 2025 Offering: Archaeology of Pollution
The Department of Archaeology is happy to announce a new course offering for Winter 2025: ARCH 3685: Archaeology of Pollution, with Dr. Natasha Leclerc, NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow & Adjunct Professor, Department of Archaeology.
Check out the poster below for more information!
Ad Poster for Archaeology of Pollution (Winter 2025) [PDF]
Upcoming Conference: Cultural Explorations: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Humanity
Jamming Disciplines Colloquia is proud to present an upcoming graduate student conference opportunity, titled: Cultural Explorations: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Humanity.
The Cultural Explorations Conference Planning Committee is welcoming abstracts from Memorial University graduate students in the area of cultural studies to present a poster or presentation (or both) at the upcoming conference.
This event is hosted by the Departments of Anthropology, Archaeology, & Folklore, but is open to graduate students in any Memorial Faculty/Department/School whose research intersects with cultural studies.
We also welcome submissions for the poster session from undergraduate students, just kindly reach out to Jordan with your poster idea to ensure it fits our conference format.
Any inquiries or submissions can be made to Jordan Hollahan at
Important Dates & Locations:
- Conference Date: Tues., Nov. 26, 2024: 10 am to 5 pm
- Conference Location: Queen’s College (Presentations 10-3 pm in QC 4028 & Posters 3-5 pm in the Great Hall)
- Submission Deadline: Fri., Oct. 25, 2024, by 11:59 pm
Presentation & Poster Submission Requirements:
- Abstract: 250 to 500 words, describing your research or area of interest for the poster / presentation (we want to know what you want to present).
- Bio: 50 to 100 words, describing yourself as a graduate student.
- Poster dimensions: 48 inches (width) by 36 inches (height)
- Virtual presentations are available.
- Presentations will be 10 - 15 minutes long.
RCAF Liberator Bomber Wreck: Control Box in Archaeology Department for Cleaning & Preservation
On Sunday, Shipwreck Preservation Society of Newfoundland and Labrador divers Neil Burgess and Chris Power dived down 135 feet deep in Gander Lake to the RCAF Liberator bomber wreck.
The bomber crashed on take-off from Gander Airport in Sept 1943, killing all four of the RCAF crew aboard. Neil and Chris were able to recover the bomb release interval control box used by the bombardier.
The control box is now at the Department's Archaeological Conservation Lab getting cleaned and preserved by Donna Teasdale, Archaeological Conservator, Department of Archaeology.
After that is done, it will go to the North Atlantic Aviation Museum in Gander for display to the public. We hope it will help tell the story of the service and sacrifice of these four brave airmen.
Upcoming International Symposium: Archaeological Perspectives on Longhouses
The Department of Archaeology is hosting a 2-day international symposium, where scholars from around the world will explore archaeological perspectives on longhouses in a wide range of research contexts, including the Canadian Arctic, Upper Mississippi, Pacific Northwest, and Central Europe.
- Thursday, September 26, 2024: 10 am - 3:30 pm
- Friday, September 27, 2024: 10:30 am - 4 pm
- Room 2013, Queen's College, Memorial University
For more information, please contact Dr. Lisa Rankin ( or Dr. Peter Ramsden (
Recent Archaeology PhD Graduate, Dr. Rita Onah, New Book Chapter!
Recent PhD graduate from the Department of Archaeology, Dr. Rita Onah, has a new book chapter. Dr. Onah's chapter is Chapter 31, titled: "Being 'Indigenous' Is Weird" in Working as Indigenous Archaeologists (2024; George Nicholas & Joe Watkins, Editors).
Check it out on the Taylor & Francis Group (Publisher) website.
Congratulations, Dr. Onah!
New Course Offering for Fall 2024: ARCH 3684 - Cultural Heritage in Conflict and Crisis
There is a new course being offered for the Fall 2024 semester: ARCH 3684 - Cultural Heritage in Conflict and Crisis. This course is being taught by Dr. Shannon Lewis-Simpson (in-person) in slot 12 (12:30-1:45pm, Monday and Wednesday, QC2013).
ARCH 3684 - Cultural Heritage in Conflict and Crisis: introduces how cultural heritage is affected by conflict and crisis. We will discuss the concept of cultural heritage protection and its practice by heritage actors such as UNESCO, the Blue Shield, ICCROM, and military professionals. The course will also consider the weaponization of cultural heritage and heritage narratives, and how this contributes to further insecurity. Students will understand how cultural heritage management can both contribute to and mitigate insecurity in conflict and crisis.
Students are able to register for this new offering using MUN Self-Serve, where this course will be listed as "ARCH 3684: Studies in Archaeology and Prehistory."
Dr. Lisa Rankin, Professor of Archaeology, Wins Smith-Wintemberg Award!
Congratulations to Dr. Lisa Rankin, MUNL Archaeology Department, who was recently awarded the Smith-Wintemberg Award by the Canadian Archaeological Association/Association Canadienne d'Archéologie
The Smith-Wintemberg Award is the association's highest honour and is presented to professional members of the Canadian archaeological community who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the discipline of archaeology and our knowledge of the archaeological past of Canada.
The award recognized Dr. Rankin's contributions to our understanding of the history of Labrador and to the broader processes of colonialism, her strong partnerships with Indigenous communities, government agencies and fellow researchers internationally, and her mentorship and training of the next generation of Canadian archaeologists.
She is the second faculty member from the Department of Archaeology to receive this award following Dr. Jim Tuck in 2009.
Archaeology PhD Candidate Robyn Lacy's Upcoming Book
Check out Robyn Lacy's (PhD Candidate, Archaeology) upcoming book:
Daisy Wheel, Hexfoil, Hexafoil, Rosette: Protective Marks in Gravestone Art.
Description: The use of protective symbols, also known as apotropaic marks, are often part of folk magic traditions, appearing in homes, churches, on personal items, and even graves, across Europe, Australia, and North America. The most common and well-known of these marks is the hexfoil, otherwise known as the daisy wheel, witch hex, or rosette. Hexfoils have a history of use for personal protection and were carved both intentionally or graffitied into church pews and walls, bed frames, doors, and gravestones. This research sheds light on the use of this historic symbol to protect the bodies and souls of the deceased, across several thousand years and multiple countries.
Order directly from the publisher, Berghahn Books.
Student Heather Tough Wins 2024 Pro Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for Undergraduate Research Paper
Congratulations to Archaeology student Heather Tough on receiving the Pro Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for the winning essay titled ‘Battles in the Cemetery: Power Structures Acting Upon African-American Mortuary Landscapes in the United States’!
Well done, Heather!
Job Talk by Bryn Tapper (Tues., Apr. 2, 2024)
The Dept. of Archaeology is hosting a job talk by Bryn Tapper on Tues., Apr. 2, 2024, starting at 4 pm in QC 2013, as part of the Department's Maritime Archaeology Job Search. Members of the department (undergraduate students, graduate students, etc.), stakeholders, and members of the public are welcome to attend. For more information on Samantha's presentation, please see the poster below.
Job Talk by Samantha Walker (Wed., Mar. 27, 2024)
The Dept. of Archaeology is hosting a job talk by Samantha Walker on Wed., Mar. 27, 2024, starting at 4 pm in QC 2013, as part of the Department's Maritime Archaeology Job Search. Members of the department (undergraduate students, graduate students, etc.), stakeholders, and members of the public are welcome to attend. For more information on Samantha's presentation, please see the poster below.
Job Talk by Dr. Carolyn Kennedy (Tues., Mar. 19, 2024)
The Dept. of Archaeology is hosting a job talk by Dr. Carolyn Kennedy on Tues., Mar. 19, 2024, starting at 4 pm in QC 2013, as part of the Department's Maritime Archaeology Job Search. Members of the department (undergraduate students, graduate students, etc.), stakeholders, and members of the public are welcome to attend. For more information on Dr. Kennedy's presentation, please see the poster below.
New Employment Opportunity: Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) Position
New Employment Opportunity: Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) Position
The Department of Archaeology at Memorial University invites applications for a tenure-track, Assistant Professor position in maritime archaeology (in the broadest sense and open to all technical/theoretical areas of expertise), subject to final budgetary approval. The position will commence on July 1, 2024 (negotiable) on the St. John’s campus. Candidates must hold a PhD or have defended their doctoral thesis in archaeology or a cognate discipline by the time of appointment. We are seeking a candidate with a research portfolio oriented to the study of maritime cultures, encompassing the history of human (Indigenous and/or settler) populations and their relationships with marine and coastal ecosystems, landscapes, and changing climates. In a Canadian province where lifeways and identities are intertwined with stories, practices and beliefs connected to the sea, and in a university where ocean-related research and programs are a core strength, we are especially interested in applications from individuals already engaged in, or willing to develop, research projects anchored in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Check out the Employment Opportunities page for more information!
Exciting Study Abroad Opportunity: Empire & Colonial Process at Harlow Campus (Spring 2025)!
Study in Britain! Spring (May to June) 2025
Empire & Colonial Process
Embark on a journey through Britain's history from a distant outpost of Ancient Rome to the hub of a global economic and military Empire.
Uncover the past, explore the present, and be part of a transformative experience at Harlow Campus - where history comes to life!
- FOLK/ARCH 3700: Museums and Historic Sites
- ARCH/HIST 3582: Historical Archaeology
- ARCH 3651: Archaeology of Exploration, Interaction and Settlement
- ARCH 4172: Postcolonial Archaeology
- Oxford
- York
- Bath
- Bristol
- London
Interested? Please reach out to:
Dr. Lisa Rankin
Dept. of Archaeology, Memorial University
Dr. Barry Gaulton
Dept. of Archaeology, Memorial University
Archaeology MA Student Carli Perri Wins 2023 Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology Student Paper Prize
Carli Perri, one of our MA students, won the 2023 Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology (CNEHA) student paper prize at this year's conference in Montreal. The title of her paper was "19th-Century Experiences of Childhood: A Rural Newfoundland Perspective". Prize winners receive an invitation to submit their research to the journal Northeast Historical Archaeology.
Four of our MA students participated at the CNEHA conference this year: all performed exceptionally well and were great ambassadors for the Department.
Graduate Student Opportunity: Seeking M.A. and Ph.D. Students in Anthropology, Geography, and Archaeology
We are seeking graduate students either at the Ph.D. and M.A. levels, in Geography, Anthropology and Archaeology/Heritage studies interested in pursuing research on some of these broadly defined topics. Check out the news article for more details!
Donna Teasdale, Departmental Conservator, Interviewed for CBC News
Donna Teasdale, Conservator in the Archaeology Department, was recently interviewed by CBC News for her involvement in preserving a case of Enfield muskets from the time of the US Civil War. Listen to her interview on the preservation process that has allowed these muskets to be on display at The Rooms Provincial Museum in St. John's.
Amazing work, Donna (and what an excellent shot below by CBC)!
2023 Dean's Awards Winners Named for Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
A Fine Crowd 2022 celebrated faculty accolades in previous academic year, including our faculty members earning more than a dozen awards, publishing more than two dozen books, and being awarded more than $6 million in grants and agreements. In addition, we named this year's Dean's Award winners. Read more in the Gazette!
Archaeology Professor Mario Blaser Recognised in the 2022 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dean’s Awards
Professor Mario Blaser (Departments of Archaeology, Anthropology, and Geography) was recently awarded the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dean’s Award for Distinguished Scholarship at the ‘A Fine Crowd’ event.
Check out the Gazette's article about the event and the Dean's Awards receipents.
For more about Dr. Blaser's work, please check out his Department of Archaeology Faculty Profile.
Congratulations Dr. Blaser on this fantastic accomplishment!
Archaeology PhD Candidate and Per Course Instructor Rita Ujunw Onah Awarded Faculty Volunteer Award
Archaeology PhD Candidate and Per Course Instructor Rita Ujunw Onah was awarded the Faculty Volunteer Award this year. This award is presented to a Memorial University faculty member for their significant volunteer contributions to the Memorial community, the St. John’s/provincial community, and/or a national or global community.
Congratulations on this great accomplishment, Rita!
Archaeology PhD Candidate Rita Ujunwa Onah Recognised by Lieutenant Governor Judy M. Foote
Rita Ujunwa Onah, PhD Candidate and Lecturer in the Department of Archaeology, was recognised by The Honourable Judy May Foote, P.C., O.N.L. earlier this month in honour of Black History Month. Rita, originally from Nigeria, moved to Newfoundland and Labrador, where she is working at Memorial and conducting research focused on The Archaeology of Labrador Inuit and the Igbo Peoples of Nigeria.
Check out Rita's Graduate Student Profile to learn about Rita's research interests.
Read Her Honour's Facebook post for more about Rita and her fantastic work!
Congratulations on this accomplishment, Rita!
Archaeology Banting Fellow awarded $140,000 for decolonization work
Dr. Lucas da Costa Maciel has received the Banting Post-doctoral Fellowship for his work on decolonizing musuems. Valued at $140,000, The Banting is one of the most prestigious post-doctoral awards in North America. Read more about Lucas and his work in the Gazette.
Congrats to All Students Named to the 2021-2022 Dean's List!
Congratulations to all students named to the 2021-2022 Dean's List, as well as the Program Book Prize winners, and receipients of the Dean's Award for Academic Excellence, and the HSS International Student Excellence Award.
MUNArch Mixer Nov. 4th, 2022
MUNArch is pleased to announce their first mixer of the year! In fact, this will be MUNArch's first mixer since September 2019. Pizza and drinks will be available. They will also be collecting cans and bottles to add to what the Society already has in order to fundraise. Feel free to bring friends even if they aren't archaeology students!
The mixer will be Friday, November 4 from 5-8 pm in the Great Hall at Queen's College. Check out the full News Article for more information.
PhD dissertation defence: Jamie Brake, Oct. 27, 2022
Jamie Brake will be defending his PhD dissertation Heritage Policy Landscapes of Nunatsiavut: Approaching the Development of Heritage Policy & Law in Northern Labrador Thursday October 27th at 1pm in IIC 2014. You may attend in person or digitally. A digital link will be released just prior to the defense date. If interested in attending in person or remotely please let Fran Banfield know asap at so Fran can email you the link once available.
Finding an elective has never been easier
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) has hundreds of courses that have zero or one prerequisite. To make it easy for our students to find electives of interest, we have launched a searchable listing of electives that you can browse by semester and subject.
Fall Welcome Session for New Students
On Sept. 6, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is hosting a welcome event to help new students get started on the right track. At this interactive event, you'll hear from the Dean and Associate Dean of Curriculum and Programs, learn more about areas of study in HSS, and meet other HSS students! Register now:
Employment Opportunities: PCI positions for Fall 2022
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate courses in the Fall Semester 2022.
- ARCH/HIST 1005 - Critical Reading and Writing in Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies
- ARCH 4185 - History of Archaeology
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more detail.
Deadline for applications: Friday, June 17, 2022.
Gradcolades 2022
In the last academic year, graduate students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Memorial University won more than 40 awards, 40 grants, and 140 fellowships & scholarships. Additionally, they produced more than 40 publications and creative endeavours. Watch the video celebration of all this success.
Grad student Pier-Ann Milliard a finalist for national SSHRC Competition
Archaeology grad student Pier-Ann Milliard has been named a national finalist for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s annual Storytellers Challenge. Her submission is about how climate change is affecting the frozen peat bogs of the North that archaeologists (and archaeoentomologists) like her rely on to study our past. Read more in the Gazette.
Launching Memorial's Online Record of Experience (MORE)
University isn’t only about course work and studying. While academics will always be one of the key components of university life, it is equally important to use your time here to build your practical experience and explore as many things as possible. Through exploration, you will be able to discover:
- What you are truly interested in;
- What you are not interested in:
- What you are curious about;
- What makes you happy;
- And what you excel at doing.
To help you answer these questions, Student Life has created a tool to help you to engage, explore, and gain experiences.
Memorial’s Online Record of Experience (MORE) is a new experiential tracking tool that provides students with the ability to record and capture their various experiences. MORE compiles those experiences and showcases overall time committed, and competencies gained from participation. More than simply a record of student involvement or student activities, MORE uses reflection to transform activities into deeper learning experiences.
Archaeology Field Schools 2022
Are you an undergraduate student looking to gain some practical experience in archaeological techniques including fieldwork, excavation and artifact analysis?
Why not consider registering for the one of the two archaeology field schools that the deprtament is offering during Summer 2022.
On Saint Pierre-et Miquelon Dr. Catherine Losier will contiue investigations into the historic French fishery at Anse à Bertrand on Saint-Pierre. On Upper Lake Melville, Dr. Scott Neilsen will introduce students to community archaeology and cultural resource management.
Per-course instructor position: Spring 2022
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate course in the Spring Semester 2022.
- ARCH 2481-081- Ancient Civilizations of the Americas
Find more details about the job on our Employment Opportunities page.
Employment opportunity: Winter 2022
The Department of Archaeology is hiring one Graduate Assistant position for the Winter semester, 2022.
- GA – Website content management and accessibility
Find out more on our Employment Opportunities page.
Doctoral student Robyn Lacy passes comprehensive exam
We are pleased to announce that doctoral student Robyn Lacy has successfully completed her comprehensive exams. Robyn is pictured here with co-supervisors Drs. Barry Gaulton and Shannon Lewis-Simpson, Dr. Caitlin DeAngelis Hopkins (Examination Committee Member), and Dr. Vaughan Grimes (Committee Chair).
Robyn's research focuses on the creation, organization, and use of colonial mortuary landscapes in 17th-century settlements on the east coast of North America and Newfoundland.
Congratulations, Robyn!
Employment Opportunities: PCI positions for Winter 2022
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate courses in the Winter Semester 2022.
- ARCH/HIST 1005 - Critical Reading and Writing in Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies
- ARCH 2480 - Principles of Archaeology
- ARCH 2495 - Archaeology Frauds and Mysteries
- ARCH 3687 - The Archaeology of Death
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more detail.
Deadline for applications: Friday, October 22, 2021.
New Publication: New insights into ancient Maya diets and migration using sulfur isotope signatures
A new study in ancient Maya bioarchaeology and geochemistry spearheaded by Dr. Claire Ebert at the University of Pittsburgh and co-authored by an interdisciplinary team including Dr. Asta Rand at Memorial University, introduces a new approach to investigate ancient Maya diet and mobility using stable sulfur isotope analysis from burials.
The paper, "Sulfur isotopes as a proxy for human diet and mobility from the Preclassic through Colonial periods in the Eastern Maya lowlands" is published in PLoS ONE.
Employment Opportunities: GA positions, Fall semester 2021
The Department of Archaeology is hiring two Graduate Assistant positions for the Fall Semester 2021.The two positions are:
- 1. Virtual Workshop Technical Support (DEADLINE: Wed, 8 Sept)
- 2. Great Hall Displays Support (DEADLINE: Fri, 17 Sept)
Employment Opportunities: PCI positions, Fall semester 2021
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate courses in the Fall Semester 2021.
- ARCH 1005 - Critical Reading and Writing in Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies
- ARCH 2492 - Forensic Archaeology
- ARCH 4015 - Cultural Resource Management
- ARCH 4152 - Zooarchaeology
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more detail.
Deadline for applications: Monday, June 14, 2021.
PhD proposal defence: Rita Onah, 7 May 2021
Rita Onah will be defending her PhD proposal, 'The Archaeology of Resilience', on Friday, May 7th at 1:00pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
This will be a virtual proposal defence using the Webex platform, and the link to the Online Room is here:
Meeting number (access code): 132 228 1708
Meeting password: PAtuhe4HV44
Graduate Speakers Series 2021: MA Research Talks, 9 April
As part of the Graduate Speakers Series 2021, a number of our Masters students will be presenting updates on their ongoing research on Friday, 9 April, 2021 at 1pm.
- Jake De La Plante will present his research Re-examining the Lives of an 18th-Century Garrison at Admiral's Point, Trinity, Newfoundland.
- Jeffrey Speller will discuss The Use of Peat Bogs by Indigenous Peoples in Northern North America.
Use the following link to access the Online Room that will be used to broadcast the presentations:
Please join us, and keep safe.
New book co-edited by Dr. Oscar Moro Abadía examines the 'Ontologies of rock art'
Congratulations to Dr. Oscar Moro Abadía on the publication of his co-edited book (with Dr. Martin Porr of the University of Western Australia) 'Ontologies of Rock Art: Images, Relational Approaches, and Indigenous Knowledges'.
With contributions from an international group of researchers this book explores a wide range of ontological approaches to rock art interpretation, constituting the basis for ground-breaking studies on Indigenous knowledges, relational metaphysics, and rock imageries.
The volume includes chapters from faculty and doctoral students in the Department. Dr. Moro Abadía and Amy Chase discuss Neanderthal “art”, Dr. Peter Whitridge and James Williamson discuss contemporary graffiti in Newfoundland, and Bryn Tapper discusses postcontact Mi’kmaw petroglyphs from Nova Scotia.
Professor Lisa Rankin discusses how archaeology links to contemporary society in Newfoundland and Labrador
Check out this terrific Youtube video in which Professor Lisa Rankin discusses how the Department of Archaeology has forged links with communities throughout Newfoundland and Labrador through a number of community-based archaeology projects. In particular, Dr. Rankin talks about her research and collaboration with Inuit communities in central and southern Labrador.
Student Jared Hogan wins 2020 Pro Vice-Chancellor's Prize for undergraduate research paper
Congratulations to undergraduate student Jared Hogan for having been awarded the 2020 Pro Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for his ARCH 4041: Palaeopathology paper “Life Course and Intergenerational Trauma in the Bioarchaeological Record”!
This award recognises outstanding research essays completed in their courses by undergraduate students. Great work Jared!
Employment Opportunity: PCI position Spring2021
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following online undergraduate course in the Spring Semester 2021.
- ARCH 2481-081- Ancient Civilization of the Americas.
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more detail.
Deadline for applications: Wednesday February 17, 2021.
Graduate Speaker Series 2021: MA Thesis Proposal Defences, 4-5 Feb, 2021
Please join us this week for the first set of research proposal presentations to be given by our MA students []. All the presentations will be ONLINE ONLY.
- On Thursday 4 Feb at 12:00pm MA students Georgia Boukouvalas Michael, Marisa Dusseault, Robynn Hoskins and Juliet Lanphear will present their research proposals.
- Type/copy this link into your web browser: 648101d21de21904ba7a3cc4908be1
Meeting number: 132 804 9696. Meeting password: 2JyihAf92mS.
- Type/copy this link into your web browser: 648101d21de21904ba7a3cc4908be1
- On Friday 5 Feb at 1:00pm MA students Chase McLean, Karen Northover, Sarah Robinson and Colleen Tamblyn will present their research proposals.
- Type/copy this link into your web browser:
Meeting number: 132 369 6295. Meeting password: mH2FCZy5DD7.
- Type/copy this link into your web browser:
Graduate Speaker Series 2021: PhD proposal defence - David Finch, 5/02/2021
David Finch will be defending his PhD proposal, 'Practicing heritage: Community-based archaeology and learning in Labrador', on Friday, February 5th at 10:00am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
This will be a virtual proposal defence using the Webex platform, and the link to the Online Room is here: 20d3
Meeting number (access code): 132 907 9585
Meeting password: bAZECnFq422
PhD proposal defence: Kirstine E. Møller, 29/01/2021
Kirstine E. Møller will be defending her PhD proposal, 'Colonial encounters: continuity and change in the meeting between Inuit and the Moravian Brethren in Colonial Greenland', on Friday, January 29th at 10:00am.Everyone is welcome to attend.
This will be a virtual proposal defence using the Webex platform, and the link to the Online Room is here: =m23ba7e35fa286974f9dde2d01924287d
Meeting number (access code): 132 583 4425
Meeting password: ZPhmMFUC325
*** Employment Opportunity: Graduate Assistant position - Winter 2021***
The Department of Archaeology is hiring 1 Graduate Assistant position for the Winter 2021 semester.
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for further details.
PhD candidate James Williamson awarded very first Dr. Ingeborg Marshall Award for Beothuk Studies
We are starting the week with more great news for our graduate students. PhD candidate James Williamson has been awarded very first Dr. Ingeborg Marshall Award for Beothuk Studies.
The objective of this award is to advance understanding of the Beothuk people, culture, heritage, and position in Newfoundland and Labrador society, and was recently established by Dr. Ingeborg Marshall (Order of Newfoundland and Labrador). James received this scholarship in support of his research Beothuk Settlement Patterns on the Exploits River. Congratulations James!
PhD candidate Asta Rand wins Oschinksy-McKern student presentation award at CAPA-ACAP 2020
Congratulations to PhD candidate Asta Rand for winning the Oschinksy-McKern Award for best student presentation at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology/L'Association Canadienne D'Anthropologie Physique (CAPA-ACAP) which took place online from November 4-6, 2020.
The paper, entitled "Ancient Maya Catchment Use: Stable Sulphur Isotopic Evidence from Caledonia, Cayo District, Belize" was a synchronous online presentation co-authored by Asta J.Rand, Carolyn Freiwald, and Vaughan Grimes.
The Oschinksy-McKern Award honours Dr. Lawrence Oschinsky and Dr. Thomas McKern, two researchers who were seminal to the study of physical anthropology in Canada and abroad. The award is valued at $500 and is presented to the top student podium presentation presented at CAPA-ACAP's Annual Meeting (more information about the history of the award can be found here:
MA student Jake De La Plante wins student paper competition at CNEHA 2020
Congratulations to MA student Jake De La Plante who won the student paper competition at this year’s Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology (CNEHA) virtual conference on November 6-7th.
Jake presented his paper: “LOOK BEHIND YOU! Exploring the Landscape of Admiral’s Point using 360 Degree Photography as a Method for Accessible Online Site Documentation and Presentation." Through the use of 360 photography, Jake aims to create a virtual and accessible web based document of the sites surviving archaeological features and the surrounding landscape.
Employment Opportunities: PCI positions Winter 2021
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following online undergraduate courses in the Winter Semester 2021.
- ARCH 1005 / HIST 1005 - Critical Reading and Writing in Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies
- ARCH 4015 - Cultural Resource Management
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more detail.
Deadline for applications: Wednesday, October 21, 2020.
PhD proposal defence: Julia Brenan, 05/08/2020
Julia Brenan will be defending her PhD proposal, 'Toxic Inheritance: WWII Contamination in Labrador and its Implications for Heritage', on Wednesday, August 5th at 10:30am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
This will be a virtual proposal defence using the Webex platform, and the link to the Online Room is here:
Meeting number (access code): 132 005 3376
Meeting password: gKDDmShS488
PhD proposal defense: Aubrey O'Toole, 28/07/2020
Aubrey O'Toole will be defending her PhD proposal, 'Investigating the intersection of material culture and identity among New Netherlanders and their descendants, 1650-1750', on Tuesday, July 28th at 10:00am.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
This will be a virtual proposal defence using the Online Rooms of Brightspace, and the link to the Online Room is here:
New publication: Diversity in Labrador Inuit sled dog diets
MUN Archaeology alumni Alison Harris, current doctoral student Deirdre Elliott and faculty members Drs. Lisa Rankin, Peter Whitridge and Vaughan Grimes have recently co-authored Diversity in Labrador Inuit sled dog diets: Insights from δ13C and δ15N analysis of dog bone and dentine collagen published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
The authors, with others, use stable isotope analysis to reconstruct Labrador Inuit sled dog provisioning along the Labrador coast between the 15th and early 19th centuries.
Anti-racism statement
The Department of Archaeology at Memorial University stands in solidarity with Black, Indigenous and People of Colour engaged in the struggle against anti-Black racism today and every day and with communities around the world protesting overt and systemic racism, injustice, and inequality.
We are committed to learning more, and fighting oppression in archaeology while providing a space free of discrimination for our students and all members of the community. We will work to address racism, racist violence and discrimination through ongoing conversations and awareness-building.
Read the Canadian Archaeological Association's statement about how archaeologists in Canada can fight racism.
Employment Opportunities: PCI positions Fall 2020
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following online undergraduate courses in the Fall Semester 2020.
- ARCH 1005 - Critical Reading and Writing in Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies
- ARCH 3588 - Arctic Archaeology
- ARCH 4182 - History of Archaeology
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more detail.
Deadline for applications: Friday, June 19, 2020.
A tribute to Gerry Penney
We were deeply saddened to learn about the loss of Gerry Penney on the 14th of May. Tip Evans, a former employee of the department, has written a tribute to Gerry. Many thanks to Tip for writing and sharing with us such personal and hearfelt memories about Gerry and his contributions to archaeology, and the archaeological community, of Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Department of Archaeology would like to express their condolences to the family of Gerry Penney, as well as all of those who had the privilege of counting him as friend.
Working remotely
Faculty, staff and researchers should be contacted via email.
Keep safe everyone.
Graduate Speakers Series 2020: MA Research Talks, 3 April
As part of the Graduate Speakers Series 2020 a number of our Masters students will be presenting updates on their ongoing research on Friday, 3 April, 2020 at 1pm.
Please use the following link to access the Online Room that will be used to broadcast the presentations:
The presentations will consist of 5-minute talks (with slides) for each student. These will be followed by a question and answer period.
Please join us, and keep safe!
Employment Opportunity: PCI position Spring 2020
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following online undergraduate course in the Spring Semester 2020.
- ARCH 2494-081- Game of Genders
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more detail. Deadline for applications: Tuesday, April 14, 2020.
Joint Tenure-Track position, Assistant Professor, Archaeology and Geography: Job Talk by Dr. Paul Ledger, 16 March 2020
As part of the Digitalization Job Search for a joint tenure-track Assistant Professor position, the Departments of Archaeology and Geography are pleased to host a presentation by candidate Dr. Paul Ledger from Memorial University titled "Time Future contained in time past: unlocking biocultural legacies held within natural and cultural archives."
Dr. Ledger will be presenting at 4pm on 16 March in Queen's College QC-2013.
***UPDATE - In accordance with university policy limiting gatherings of more than 25 people, Dr. Ledger’s talk is now restricted to Archaeology and Geography faculty only. ***
Joint Tenure-Track position, Assistant Professor, Archaeology and Geography: Job Talk by Dr. Kelly Monteleone, 9 March 2020
As part of the Digitalization Job Search for a joint tenure-track Assistant Professor position, the Departments of Archaeology and Geography are pleased to host a presentation by candidate Dr. Kelly Monteleone from the University of Calgary titled "Our Submerged Past: Locating Submerged Archaeological Sites in Southeast Alaska."
Dr. Monteleone will be presenting at 4pm on 9 March in Queen's College QC-2013.
PhD proposal defense: Amy Chase, 13/03/2020
Amy Chase will be defending her PhD proposal, 'A colorful history: Iron and manganese oxide pigment utilization and procurement at El Castillo Cave, Spain', on Friday, March 13th at 1.30pm in QC-2013.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
*** CANCELLED***Archaeology Seminar Series 2020: Prof. Neil Price discusses conflict archaeology in the Pacific
The Department of Archaeology's Seminar Series for 2020 continues with a talk by Prof. Neil Price of the University of Uppsala who will discuss "War of the Worlds: The Present Past on a Pacific Island Battlefield, 1944-2020".
Join us on Friday 20th March between 3-4pm in QC-2013.
Employment Opportunity: PCI positions Spring 2020
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate courses in the Spring Semester 2020.
- ARCH 1000 - Intro to Archaeology and Bioarchaeology
- ARCH 2481 - Ancient Civilization of the Americas
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more detail.
Deadline for applications: Friday, February 28, 2020
Labrador Institute Archaeology Field School 2020
The 2020 Labrador Institute Archaeology Field School will take place in North West River, Labrador from June 29-July 31, 2020.
Led by Dr. Scott Neilsen, participants will develop skills valuable in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences through the study of place and heritage.
Archaeology Seminar Series 2020: Dr. Severin Fowles discusses Pueblo iconology
The Department of Archaeology's Seminar Series for 2020 gets underway with a talk by Dr. Severin Fowles of Columbia University who will discuss "The Curious Case of Coronado’s Shields: Towards an Iconology of Pueblo Visual Culture on the Eve of Spanish Colonialism". Join us on Thursday 6th Feb between 4-5:30pm in QC-2013.
Graduate Speakers Series 2020: MA Thesis Proposal Defenses
Please join us this Friday, 31 January 2020 starting at 1pm in QC-2013 for the research proposal presentations of MA students Jake De La Plante, Ian Predham, and Jeffrey Speller (PDF Poster).
All are welcome to attend.
PhD proposal defense: James Williamson, 06/12/2019
James Williamson will be defending his PhD proposal, 'Discovering Beothuk House-pits in the Exploits River Valley', on Friday, December 6th at 1.00pm in QC-2013.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Course Offering Winter 2020: Arch3592 - Norse Archaeology
Curious about the Norse - their lifeways, beliefs, power structures, and encounters in the Medieval world of the North Atlantic?
Find out more about ARCH 3592 - Norse Archaeology to be taught by Dr. Shannon Lewis-Simpson in the Winter semester 2020.
Course Offering Winter 2020: Anth2220 - Labrador Society and Culture
Are you interested in the interaction between environment, society, and culture in Labrador, from the arrival of First Peoples to the present day?
Find out more about Anth 2220 - Labrador Society and Culture to be taught by Dr. Scott Neilsen in the Winter semester 2020.
PhD proposal defense: Deirdre Elliott, 23/10/2019
Deirdre Elliott will be defending her PhD proposal, , on Wednesday, October 23rd at 12.00pm in QC-2013.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
NEW employment opportunities: PCIs Winter 2020
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate courses in the Winter Semester 2020.
- ARCH 1005/HIST1005: CRW in Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies (Distance)
- ARCH 2492: Forensic Archaeology (St. John's Campus)
- ARCH 3291: First People of the Maritimes (St. John's Campus)
- ARCH 4152: Zooarchaeology (St. John's Campus)
- ARCH 4153: Lithic Analysis (St. John's Campus)
Closing date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019.
See our Employment Opportunities page for more details.
PhD proposal defense: Brent Suttie, 11/10/2019
Brent Suttie will be defending his PhD proposal, , on Friday, October 11th at 1pm in QC-2013.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Employment Opportunity - PCI Falll 2019
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate courses in the Fall Semester 2019.
- ARCH 3040 The Human Skeleton
Closing date: Monday, June 17, 2019.
See our Employment Opportunities page for more details.
Dr. Jim Tuck - A tribute
Following the recent passing of Dr. Jim Tuck, faculty pay tribute to a pioneering archaeologist and driving force behind Newfoundland and Labrador's most significant historic sites.
PhD proposal defense: John Campbell, 24/4/2019
John Campbell will be defending his PhD proposal, 'Entangled narratives: Mi'kmaw interactions, relationships, and realities during the genesis of the fur trade', on Wednesday, April 24 at 2pm in QC-2013.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Employment Opportunity - Archaeology Field School 2019
The Department of Archaeology is looking to hire a field assistant to aid in delivery of the 2019 archaeological field school, in North West River, Labrador.
Visit our Employment Opportunities page to find out more.
Course Offerings (Spring/Intersession/Summer 2019)
The Archaeology Department will be offering the following courses for Spring-Intersession-Summer 2019.
- Archaeology Field School Orientation
- Introduction to Archaeology
- Ancient Civilizations of the Americas
- Archaeology Field School (July 1 - Aug 2)
Archaeology Research Symposium 2019
Join us Friday April 5, from 2-4 pm in the Great Hall, Queen's College for the first annual Archaeology Research Symposium.
Poster presentations from 10 MA students will be featured at the symposium.
Everyone is welcome to attend - light refreshments will be served.
MUN Archaeological Field School 2019
MUN Archaeology will be hosting our field school in Labrador this summer.
The 2019 Labrador Institute Archaeological Field School will take place in Upper Lake Melville, Labrador from July 1st to August 2nd, 2019.
Students will participate in a variety of archaeological activities in the field and laboratory, including the excavation and analysis of a 3,000-year-old campsite in Sheshatshiu, Labrador.
NEW employment opportunities: PCIs Spring 2019
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate courses in the Spring Semester 2019.
- ARCH 1000: Intro to Archaeology and Bioarchaeology (DISTANCE online)
- ARCH 2481: Ancient Civilizations of the Americas (DISTANCE Online)
- ARCH 2483: Archaeology Field School Orientation (St. John's Campus)
Closing date: Friday, February 22, 2019.
See our Employment Opportunities page for more details.
Guest Speaker: Dr. Paul M. Ledger, 18 Jan 2019
On January 18 at 3:00pm in QC-2013, Dr. Paul M. Ledger, postdoctoral researcher in the Department, will be giving a talk entitled: "Time is of the Essence:High-resolution Palaeoecology to Reconstruct Archaeological Site Histories".
Everyone is welcome to attend!
PhD proposal defense: Michelle Davies, 7/12/2018
Michelle Davies will be defending her PhD proposal on Friday 7th December at 10:00am in QC-2013, entitled 'Hebronimiut: practicing memory, identity, and archaeology with a resettled community'.
"Time On Their Hands" exhibit opened at Queen's College
On Friday 23 November, Dr. Madeleine Mant and Retired Captain David Harvey of Her Majesty's Penitentiary launched the "Time On Their Hands" exhibit in the Great Hall of Queen's College, Memorial University, St. John's.
The well-attended event was covered by CBC News, and see the MUN Gazette article and our departmental Facebook (28/11/2018) for more details.
NEW employment opportunity: PCI Winter 2019
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate course in the Winter Semester 2019.
Closing date: Saturday 1st December 2018.
DAG and The Cyprus Institute. A Virtual Student Seminar: Bridging Continents
A virtual seminar () discussing digital technologies in archaeology and cultural heritage will be held on Nov 2, 9:30am -12:30pm in C4011.
The seminar is a collaboration between PhD students from the Digital Archaeology Group (DAG) based in the Department of Archaeology, MUN and The Cyprus Institute. A wide range of techniques and topics will be presented, from high resolution close range 3D scanning to aerial surveys with drones, and from the iconography of Medieval ecclesiastical art to prehistoric figurines.
Fellow students welcome!
MA student Alexa Spiwak wins best graduate paper award at CNEHA 2018
Congratulations to MA student Alexa Spiwak who has won first place in the Graduate Student Paper Competition awarded by the Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology!
PhD student Catherine Jalbert wins the CAA Daniel Weetaluktuk Award
Congratulations to PhD student Catherine Jalbert who has been awarded the Daniel Weetaluktuk Award from the Canadian Archaeology Association (2018) for the best graduate student research paper!
NEW Employment Opportunity - PCIs Winter 2019
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate courses in the Winter Semester 2019.
- ARCH 1005/HIST1005: Critical Reading and Writing in Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies
- ARCH 3510: Ancient Americas
- ARCH 4015: Cultural Resource Management
- ARCH 4153: Lithic Analysis
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more details. Closing date Friday 26th October 2018.
Archaeology Co-Operative Education (ACE) Information Session: Oct 4, 2018
Are you a full-time Archaeology major student at MUN? Do you want to build your skills?
Are you interested in gaining practical experience in a professional work environment within the province, within Canada, or even internationally?
If so, apply to the Archaeology Co-operative Education (ACE) program administered by Co-operative Education at Memorial University in conjunction with the Department of Archaeology.
Want to know more? An information session about the ACE program will be held on Thursday October 4, 2018 in SN1060.
[Poster: PDF]
Maritime Studies Unit/Nexus Speaker Series: Dr. Madeleine Mant, 19 Sept 2018
On 19 September at 1:00pm in SN4022 (Nexus Seminar Room), Dr. Madeleine Mant, Banting Postdoctoral Fellow in the Dept. of Archaeology at MUN will be giving a talk entitled, ‘Fractures, Fevers, & Frostburn: 19th-century inpatient seamen at the St. John's General Hospital'.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Meet Latonia Hartery
Latonia Hartery's interest in archaeology began young - at the age of 7 she asked for children’s books about ancient Egypt. She remains constantly curious about the past cultural lifeways of people, and how understanding them is relevant for society today. Dr. Hartery has a PhD in NL and Artic archaeology. She is director of the Bird Cove Archaeology Project, Director of Archaeology for Adventure Canada, and President of AARA Inc. Also an entrepreneur, Latonia is an award-winning filmmaker and works created by her company, LJH Films, have been seen in over thirty countries. Read more about her here.
NEW Employment Opportunity: Per-Course Appointment Fall 2018
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate course in the Fall Semester 2018.
- ARCH 1005-082- Critical Reading and Writing in Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more details.
Closing date: 16 August 2018.
NEW Employment Opportunity - PCIs Fall 2018
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate courses in the Fall Semester 2018.
- ARCH 1000: Intro to Archaeology and Bioarchaeology
- ARCH 2480: Principles of Archaeology
- ARCH 3020: What is Human?
Visit our Employment Opportunities page for more details. Closing date 30 June 2018.
Graduate Speakers Series 2018: MA Research Talks, 14 March
The Graduate Speakers Series 2018 continues on 14 March at 3:30pm in QC 2013, when 2nd year MA students Jacinda Sinclair and Duncan Williams will be presenting findings from their ongoing research.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Guest Speaker: Dr. Madeleine Mant, 28 Feb 2018
On 28 February at 3:30pm in QC 2013, Dr. Madeleine Mant, Banting Postdoctoral Fellow in the Dept. of Archaeology at MUN will be giving a talk entitled, ‘A Leg thrice fractur’d’: An interdisciplinary investigation of fracture risk and treatment.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Graduate Speakers Series 2018: Jessica Munkittrick, PhD Proposal Defence, 14 Feb
The Graduate Speakers Series 2018 () continues on 14 February at 3:30pm in QC 2013, when Jessica Munkittrick will be defending her PhD Research Proposal entitled: 'Regional Insights into Childhood Lead Exposure from Historical North American Skeletal Remains'. ()
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Graduate Speakers Series 2018: MA Proposal Defences, 7 Feb 2018
The Graduate Speakers Series 2018 (PDF) continues on 7 February at 3:30pm in QC 2013, when François P. Levasseur, Anna Sparrow, Alexa Spiwak and Allan Wolfrum will be defending their MA Research Proposals.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Graduate Speakers Series 2018: MA Proposal Defences, 31 Jan 2018
The Department is pleased to announce the schedule for the Graduate Speakers Series 2018. Over the next few weeks a number of our graduate students will be defending their research proposals.
On 31 January at 3:30pm in QC 2013, JD Archer, Rachelle Brydon, Emma Lewis-Sing, and Natasha Miller will be defending their MA Research Proposals.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
MUN students win SHA 2018 Ethics Bowl
A team of MUN archaeology undergraduates has won the Society for Historical Archaeology's 5th Annual Student Ethics Bowl. The team, comprising Maryssa Barras, Mallory Champagne, Christine Conlan, Jazpyn Osmond and Chanelle Zaphiropolous, won the competition which was hosted by the SHA 2018 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology held in New Orleans, Louisiana between Jan 3-7, 2018.
CONGRATULATIONS on a super achievement!
Job Opportunities
The Department of Archaeology is hiring 3 teaching assistants for the winter semester - check out the Employment Opportunities page to apply!
PhD proposal defence: Jamie Brake, 11/12/2017
Jamie Brake will be defending his PhD proposal on Monday 11th December at 2:00pm in QC-2013, entitled 'Heritage Policy Landscapes of Nunatsiavut: A Proposed Approach to the Development of Historic Resource Management Policy and Law in Northern Labrador'.
***UPDATED*** Job Opportunities: PCIs Winter 2018
Last updated: 29th Nov 2017.
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching the following undergraduate course in the Winter Semester 2018.
- ARCH 1005/ HIST 1005-083: Critical Reading and Writing in Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies.
Visit our Employment Opportunities page to find out more.
Genetic insights into the Maritime Archaic and Beothuk populations of Newfoundland
New research using ancient DNA has revealed the genetic discontinuity of the Maritime Archaic and Beothuk populations of Newfoundland. The collaborative work of an interdisciplinary team, which included Memorial researchers Dr. Vaughan Grimes and recent Archaeology graduate Alison Harris, suggests that the island was populated multiple times by distinct groups in the past.
The results of the research are available from the open access journal Current Biology.
A Summer of Archaeology!
Many of our faculty and graduate students undertook fieldwork over the summer. A number of the research projects offer regular updates on the work being done and can be followed on social media.
See our Facebook feed for more details.
In memory of Peter Pope (1946-2017)
It is with great sadness that the Department of Archaeology marks the passing of Dr. Peter Pope, eminent archaeologist and historian, colleague and friend.
Archaeology student recognized with self-directed learning award
Daniel Rees, a student in the Department of Archaeology, is the winner of the 2017 Memorial University Award for Outstanding Self-Directed Learning.
PhD proposal defence: Bryn Tapper, 17/2/2017
Bryn Tapper will be defending his PhD proposal on Friday 17th February at 3:30pm in QC-2013, entitled 'Rock art landscapes of the Canadian Maritimes'.
Speakers Series 2017
The Department is pleased to announce the schedule for the Speakers Series 2017. Over the next few weeks a number of our graduate students will be defending their research proposals or providing updates on their current research.
Field School 2017
The Department of Archaeology’s 2017 field school will take place in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon located off the southwest coast of Newfoundland’s Burin Peninsula. Find out more...
Conservation of 19th century rifles undertaken at MUN
Over the past few years, conservators in the Department of Archaeology have been working to preserve a crate of 19th century British Enfield rifles dredged from the Grand Banks in 2011.
Knowledge Mobilization and Engagement through Community Archaeology
On Friday 2 Dec, 3-5pm in QC-2013, a panel of researchers from the MUN archaeology community will speak about the impact and the lessons learned from the practice of “community archaeology” in fieldwork. Contact Dr. Catherine Losier to find out more.
Come and join the discussion!
'Wild Archaeology': Memorial archaeologists feature in TV documentary series
The research of Memorial archaeologists Dr. Lisa Rankin and Dr. Scott Neilsen features in episodes of the Aboriginal People's Television Network (APTN) series Wild Archaeology.
Find out more in the MUN Gazette.
NLAS and MUN students collaborate to analyse Burgeo lithic collection
In a joint effort the Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeology Society and MUN students have produced a report documenting a privately-held collection of archaeological lithic artifacts from Burgeo on the south coast of Newfoundland.
2016 Inuit Studies Conference
Co-hosted by Memorial University of Newfoundland and the Nunatsiavut Government, the 20th Inuit Studies Conference will take place in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador from October 7th-10th, 2016.
Job Posting: Per Course Instructors - Fall Semester 2016
The Department of Archaeology invites applications from individuals interested in teaching undergraduate courses in the Fall 2016 semester.
Alicia Morry receives Killam Fellowship
Archaeology undergraduate Alicia Morry is one of just two Memorial students to receive the Killam Fellowship in 2016. The award provides exceptional undergraduate students from Canadian universities with the opportunity to study at institutions in the United States.
Dr. Lisa Rankin honoured for graduate student mentoring
Dr. Lisa Rankin, associate professor in the Department of Archaeology, has won the Geoffrey Marshall Mentoring Award from the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools.
Alumnus of the Month and former archaeology student - Corey Hutchings
Former MUN Archaeology student Corey Hutchings is a professional archaeologist who has been working in Cultural Resource Management for the past five years.
Dr. Scott Neilsen co-ordinates the Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies Certificate program
Coinciding with the recent Aboriginal Peoples Week, Dr. Scott Neilsen, Assistant Professor in Archaeology, discusses Memorial's new Aboriginal and Indigenous Studies Certificate program in the latest issue of the MUN Gazette.
Cultural Renaissance: Reclaiming aboriginal identity
As part of Aboriginal Peoples Week, Dr. Mario Blaser, Canada Research Chair in Aboriginal Studies, discusses the findings of his recent research with the Inuit and Innu peoples of Labrador.
Blue Box Seminar Series 05/02/2016: Neha Gupta
On Friday, 5th February from 3-4pm in SN-2025, Neha Gupta, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Geography will present a seminar titled 'Aryan Mythology in Indian Archaeology'.
Archaeology at Rigolet: 9km boardwalk completed
A recently completed 9km boardwalk links the town of Rigolet to the site of three 18th-century Inuit winter communal houses at Double Mer Point, Labrador. The Inuit houses have been excavated by Dr. Lisa Rankin and her students since 2012 and now visitors have the opportunity to view them too.
Read more about the Rigolet Boardwalk story in the MUN Gazette.
M.A. proposal defense 29/01/2016
Robyn Lacy, Natasha Leclerc, Kayley Sherret and Meghan Walley will be defending their M.A. proposals on Friday 29th January at 3:15 in QC-2013. Their research topics are:
Robyn Lacy: Here lieth interr’d: An Examination of the 17th-Century burial landscape of coastal British North America.
Natasha Leclerc: Biogeochemical Approach to the Interpretation of Clam Harvesting and Seasonal Settlement Strategies in Traditional shíshálh Territory, British Columbia.
Kayley Sherret: The Inuit of Snooks Cove: An Analysis of Changing Lifeways in Groswater Bay.
Meghan Walley: Queering the Angakok: An Archaeological Investigation of Non-Binary Gender Among Pre-Contact Inuit.
Graduate Student Speakers Series 22/01/2016: Vincent Jankunis
On Friday, January 22nd from 3:15-4pm in QC-2013, Vincent Jankunis will discuss the preliminary results of his M.A. research: "Rigolet 2015: An Archaeological Odyssey".
North Atlantic Archaeology Vol.4 (2015) now available
Volume 4 (2015) of the North Atlantic Archaeology journal is now available.
The journal publishes archaeological research articles and preliminary reports focusing on, or related to, the archaeology of the North Atlantic region.
Winter semester 2016: Course offerings
Course offerings for the Winter semester 2016 are now available. Consult the full listings of undergraduate and graduate courses for further details.
The last day for adding courses is 20th January, 2016. Register soon to ensure placement!
PhD Proposal defence: Adrian Morrison, 27/11/2015
Adrian Morrison will be defending his PhD proposal on Friday 27th November at 3:15 in QC-2013, entitled 'Merchants, Migrants, and Military Men: An Archaeology of Life in Early Eighteenth-Century Canso, Nova Scotia'.
Graduate Student Speakers Series 20/11/2015
On Friday, November 20th from 3:15-4pm in QC-2013, Amy Chase will discuss the results of her MA research: "Adventures in Cantabrian Paleolithic Art: Neandertal dots and a thesis on the rocks."
Visiting Lecturer Series: Dr. Don Holly
Visiting Lecturer Dr. Don Holly (Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Eastern Illinois University) will be presenting the talk "Amerindian-Paleoeskimo Relations & the Competitive Exclusion Hypothesis" on Friday, November 6th at 3:15-5pm p.m. in QC-2013. Please see the poster for more information. All are welcome to attend!
Archaeology students 'go Viking'
As part of their studies examining Norse culture, MUN archaeology students recently got a chance to experiment with Viking-era weaponry and tactics with the help of a group of local re-enactors.
The workshop, led by professor Shannon Lewis-Simpson who currently teaches the Norse archaeology course, is featured in a CBC News article.
MUN Alumnus of the Month and former archaeology student - Jeffrey Sturge
Jeffrey Sturge is a writer and producer of documentary and reality television in Toronto. He graduated from Memorial University in 1997 with a BA degree (major in anthropologgy).
In this month's Alumnus of the Month interview Jeffrey reflects on his time as an archaeology student at MUN and the benefits this had on his subsequent career as a professional archaeologist and researcher.
Graduate Student Speakers Series 23/10/2015
On Friday, October 23rd from 3:15-4pm in QC-2013, Anatolijs Venovcevs will discuss "The Cabins in the Woods: Archaeology of Newfoundland's Transhumant Periphery."
International Archaeology Day 2015
MUN archaeology graduate and undergraduate students recently participated in
International Archaeology Day 2015 held at the Rooms Provincial Museum in St. John's.
Graduate Student Speakers Series 16/10/2015
On Friday, October 16th from 3:15-4pm in QC-2013, Simon Newcombe will discuss "Where Seagulls Dare: An Examination of an Officer's(?) Barracks on Bois Island."
Graduate Student of the month: Amy Chase
The Faculty of Arts has just launched a new weekly web feature - meet Amy Chase, our graduate student of the month.
A second year archaeology student Amy is originally from Victoria, British Columbia, where she completed her BA in Anthropology at the University of Victoria. Amy studies prehistoric art and Neanderthal and modern human cognition and interaction and recently received a Scotiabank bursary to study cave paintings in Cantabria, Northern Spain.
Job Opportunities Available with Parks Canada
Parks Canada is accepting resumes for the following positions: Contract Management Archaeologist (HR-02) and Industrial Archaeology Contract Management Supervisor.
Trent @ 50
Dr. Lisa Rankin is one of 10 distinguished alumni invited to participate in Trent @ 50, a celebration of 50 years of Anthropology at Trent University. Photo Credit: Dr. Heather Killop
Investigating the genetic prehistory of the New World Arctic
Members of the Department of Archaeology, Dr. Vaughan Grimes and the late Prof. Priscilla Renouf, were among an international team of researchers who co-authored a recent article in the prestigious journal Science investigating the genetics of prehistoric Arctic populations.
New evidence of early metalworking in Arctic Canada
New evidence from Baffin island suggests an early (pre-Columbian) European presence in the Canadian Arctic, and may represent the earliest evidence of high-temperature nonferrous metalworking in the New World north of Mesoamerica.
Archaeology graduates present at CAPA 2014
Four graduate students from the Applied Archaeological Sciences research group attended the recent Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology (CAPA) 42nd Annual Meeting hosted by the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.
SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Scholarships
Congratulations to M.A. students Jess Munkittrick and Anatolijs Venovcevs, and Ph.D candidate Asta Rand for receiving the prestigious Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS scholarships.
Dean's List 2013-2014: Archaeology
The Dean's List is a way of recognizing excellence in students who are registered for a BA or BA Honours degree.
3-Minute Thesis Competition
Congratulations to M.A. student Anatolijs Venovcevs who was second-place in the recent MUN 3MT Competition. Watch his presentation here.
Faculty cross-appointment
Congratulations to Dr. Vaughan Grimes, Assistant Professor in the Department of Archaeology who has just been cross-appointed to the Department of Earth Sciences.