Graduate Speakers Series 2018: Jessica Munkittrick, PhD Proposal Defence, 14 Feb
The Graduate Speakers Series 2018 () continues on 14 February at 3:30pm in QC 2013, when Jessica Munkittrick will be defending her PhD Research Proposal: 'Regional Insights into Childhood Lead Exposure from Historical North American Skeletal Remains'. ()
As Jessica explains, "Lead was ubiquitous throughout the Atlantic World during the 18th and 19th centuries, but can be toxic to humans, particularly children. Teeth form during childhood and tooth lead levels reflect exposure from a child’s physical and cultural environments. This study will be the first to examine both lead trace element and isotope values of tooth enamel from individuals buried in northeastern North America and the Caribbean during this period, presenting a regional analysis of childhood health and mobility. Understanding more about lead exposure during the 18th to mid-19th centuries will provide new information regarding the extent lead exposure affected children’s health, if this changed with age, and if there were differences in lead sources and pathways between the regions of study. The project will evaluate the potential for tooth enamel lead analyses to expand our toolbox for understanding how exposures and sources changed in this area and its usefulness in addressing mobility."