Graduate Students


M.A. students
Georgia Boukouvalas Michael Georgia Boukouvalas Michael Queer & feminist archaeology, contemporary archaeology, graffiti archaeology, performativity, politics of memory, counter-monumentality, marginality, identity, temporality. Dr. P. Whitridge
Calum Brydon Calum Brydon Historical Archaeology, Landscape Analysis, Placentia, French Colonial Atlantic. Dr. B. Gaulton
Blank place holder for profile Dominique Chafouleas TBA Dr. P. Ledger
Chelsea Cline Indigenous Archaeology, Petroglyphs, Landscape Archaeology, Chesapeake Bay, Reconstruction, Cultural Heritage. Dr. M. Blaser
Alex Cull Alex Cull L'Anse aux Meadows, Norse Archaeology. Dr. P. Ledger
Kassandra Drake Kassandra L. Drake Palynology, environmental archaeology, historical archaeology, peat bogs, Newfoundland. Dr. P. Ledger / Dr. C. Losier
Sarah Gourlay Sarah Gourlay Historical Archeology, Experimental Archaeology, Cultural Contact, Trade Networks, Colony of Avalon Dr. M. Blaser
Blank place holder for profile Sedona Kolmer TBA Dr. P. Ledger
Emma Lewis-Sing Emma Lewis-Sing Palaeoethnobotany, Environmental
Archaeology, Beothuk-European relations, Ferryland, Newfoundland.
Dr. M. Deal / Dr. B. Gaulton
Zhe Min (Chermaine) Liew Zhe Min (Chermaine) Liew Historical Archaeology, Cultural Landscape Studies, Collaborative Archaeology, Landscape Analysis, Bay Bulls, Newfoundland.  Dr. C. Losier
Kayla Low Kayla Low Historical archaeology, community archaeology, colonial archaeology, material culture, ceramic analysis, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon.  Dr. C. Losier
Evelyn Munroe Evelyn Munroe Historical Archaeology, Material Culture, Burial Grounds, Heritage, GPR, Classics Dr. B. Gaulton
Blank place holder for profile Karen Northover Historical archaeology, civilian fortifications, Fox Island. Dr. B. Gaulton
Carli Perri Carli Perri Historical Archaeology, 19th-century Ferryland, household archaeology, identity, ceramic analysis, material culture, comparative analysis. Dr. B. Gaulton
Alyshia Ressor Alyshia Reesor Archaeoentomology, Environmental Archaeology, Historic Archaeology, Siphonaptera, Pulex irritans. Dr. V. Forbes
Sarah Roberts Sarah Roberts Historical Archaeology, European-Indigenous Relations, Material Culture, Cultural Landscapes/Landscape Archaeology, Comparative Analysis, Newfoundland  Dr. B. Gaulton
Jacinda Sinclair Jacinda Sinclair Northern and Arctic Canada, Inuit whaling and trade, history of archaeology. Dr. L. Rankin
Colleen Tamblyn Colleen Tamblyn Historical archaeology, community archaeology, consumption theory, material culture, ceramic analysis, and French settlement in Atlantic Canada. Dr. B. Gaulton / Dr. C. Losier
Heather Tough Heather Tough Marginalization, Power, Identity, Public Education, Mortuary Landscapes. Dr. M. Burchell
Ph.D. students
Chelsee Arbour First peoples of the Québec/Labrador peninsula, quartz and lithic studies, narrative construction and discourse studies, knowledge practices, community-oriented archaeology. Dr. P. Whitridge
Julia Brenan Recent past, digital archaeology, military waste, Labrador, heritage. Dr. S. Neilsen / Dr. M. Burchell
Ashley Cameron Ashley Cameron Precontact archaeology, Labrador, Innu and Inuit, lithic analysis, residue analysis,
community archaeology.
Dr. S. Neilsen
Amy Chase Amy Chase Prehistoric art, rock art, personal
ornamentation, symbolism, Neandertals, Cognitive Archaeology.
Dr. O. Moro Abadía
Otis 'Ursus' Crandell Otis 'Ursus' Crandell Landscape Archaeology, Land Usage Models, Resource Usage/Familiarity, Lithics Acquisition/Trade, Petrography, Geochemistry. Dr. L. Rankin / Dr. S. Neilsen
Katy D'Agostino Katy D'Agostino Community Archaeology; Contemporary Archaeology; Heritage Preservation; Newfoundland culture; Crafting; Textiles; Craft Commodification. Dr. L. Rankin
Michelle Davies Michelle Davies Hebron, Nunatsiavut, Labrador Inuit, relocation, community/ public archaeology, historical archaeology. Dr. L. Rankin
Blank place holder for profile Valentin de Filippo Historical Archaeology; Landscape Archaeology; Digital Archaeology;  Socioeconomic Networks;  Community/Public archaeology; Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. Dr. C. Losier
Caylee Dzurka Caylee Dzurka Arctic Archaeology, Dorset Archaeology, Gender in Prehistory, Queer Archaeology, Landscapes, Zooarchaeology, Human-Animal Relationships, Dorset Art.  Dr. P. Whitridge
Deidre Elliot Deirdre Elliott Labrador Inuit, whaling, zooarchaeology,
mobility and trade, human-animal relations, socioeconomy.
Dr. L. Rankin / Dr. P. Whitridge
Chinonso Ezenwe Historical Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Public Archaeology, Cultural Heritage Studies, African Studies, Critical Studies, Digital Archaeology. Dr. L. Rankin / Dr. S. Neilsen
David M. Finch David M. Finch Precontact and Contact era archaeology, Labrador, Innu, community-based archaeology, ethnohistory, subarctic, resilience. Dr. S. Neilsen / Dr. L. Rankin
Zoe Helleiner Zoe Helleiner Landscape Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Palaeo-Inuit, Labrador Dr. P Whitridge / Dr. P. Ledger
Jared Hogan Jared T. Hogan Arctic Archaeology, Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeology, Indigenous Studies, Indigenous Archaeology, Community/Public Archaeology.  Dr. B. Gaulton / Dr. S. Neilsen
Jordan Hollahan Jordan Hollahan Historical Archaeology, Seventeenth Century, Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeology, Community/Public Archaeology, Egyptology, New Kingdom Egypt, Accessibility in Heritage. Dr. B. Gaulton
Sarah Kuehn Sarah Kuehn Human-Environmental Interactions; Indigenous; Shell Middens; Pacific Northwest; Palaeoclimate; Biogeochemistry. Dr. M. Burchell
Pier-Ann Milliard Pier-Ann Milliard  Archaeoentomology, Environmental Archaeology, Arctic/Sub-Arctic foragers, Human-Environment Interactions, Peat Bogs,
North Atlantic.  
Dr. V. Forbes 
Kirstine Eiby Møller Kirstine Eiby Møller Greenlandic Inuit, Heritage, knowledge practices, cultural identity, historical archaeology, memory, cultural encounters. Dr. L. Rankin
Adrian Morrison Adrian Morrison Historical archaeology, Northeastern North America, Nova Scotia, trades and industries, vernacular architecture, households, early modern capitalism. Dr. B. Gaulton / Dr. M. Deal
Aubrey O'Toole Aubrey O'Toole Historical archaeology, New Netherland, material culture, identity, ethnogenesis, foodways, room use, households, 17th-century North America Dr. B. Gaulton / Dr. C. Losier
Nadia Ruiz Peralta Nadia Ruiz Peralta Monumentality, Heritage, Heritagization, Anti-monuments, Archaeology of the Contemporary World Dr. O. Moro Abadía / Dr. M. Blaser
Carlos Salazar Guerra Archaeoentomology, Environmental Archaeology, L’Anse aux Meadows, Paleoecology, peat bogs, Coleoptera. Dr. V. Forbes / Dr. P. Ledger
Elsa Simms Elsa Simms Viking Age, Indigenous, Public Archaeology, Community projects, Historical Archaeology Dr. V. Forbes
Brent Suttie Brent Suttie Archaeological predictive modelling,
precontact mobility models, landscape archaeology, archaeological method, early Holocene archaeology of Northeastern North America. 
Dr. S. Neilsen
Susana Vallejos Susana Vallejos Material culture, ships, nationalism, symmetry, things, heritage, interpretation. Dr. O. Moro Abadía / Dr. C. Losier
Blank place holder for profile Euan Wallace TBA Dr. V. Grimes
James Williamson James Williamson Beothuk, Settlement Patterns, Geographical Information Systems, Photogrammetry, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Predictive Modelling. Dr. L. Rankin / Dr. P. Whitridge