PhD proposal defense: Brent Suttie, 11/10/2019

Brent Suttie will be defending his PhD proposal, , on Friday, October 11th at 1pm in QC-2013.
Brent explains the main aspects of his research: "The last four decades have seen enormous change in the discipline of archaeology; from research, and site inventory-focused work, towards overt dominance of Cultural Resource Management-related projects. The primary goal of the proposed research project is to examine critically the current state of archaeological methods used to locate unknown archaeological sites in research and as part of archaeological impact assessments conducted in response to proposed development projects. In this context I propose to compare traditional to emergent archaeological methods, with regards to efficiency, results, standards of practice and ethical suitability of approach. I am also interested in the regulatory climate of CRM archaeology throughout North America and I propose to conduct a thorough comparative jurisdictional review and analysis to establish whether sufficient latitude exists to promote innovation in these areas, and the role of industry, government and academia in future methodological innovations within the industry."