Common registration issues
If you attempt to register for a course and are unable to complete your registration, you will receive an error message. Based on the message you receive, you are likely experiencing one of the following registration error situations.
Prerequisite or corequisite not met
If you receive this message, you should check the course description in the university Calendar. Prerequisites and corequisites are indicated by "PR" and "CO," respectively, in course descriptions. You may need to register for:
- Science 1807 and 1808 before registering for a science course with a laboratory component;
- The Math Placement Test before registering for a mathematics course;
- Your mathematics course before your physics course.
If you need to register for a course without the accompanying prerequisite or corequisite, you should contact the academic unit of the course in question to discuss the option of a pre/co requisite waiver.
Time conflict with another course
You will receive this message if you are attempting to register for courses that are offered in the same time slot. You may also receive this message if you register for a lab course scheduled to end immediately prior to another course for which you are attempting to register.
Course is reserved for students in a particular program
Some courses, or sections of courses, are reserved or restrictred for students declared in specific programs. You should review any comments that appear under the course listing in Memorial Self-Service. Some reserves are lifted during the registration period. If you have questions about reserves on a specific course, you should contact the academic unit offering the course.
Course is at maximum capacity
This will occur if the actual (ACT) registration for the section is equal or greater than the capacity (CAP) registration. If you are able to waitlist for the course, you will be given this option.
Laboratory section required
If you are registering for a course that has a laboratory component, check to see if the lecture and laboratory need to be selected separately.
Read these explanations carefully. You may be able to take further action as indicated in the pull-down list next to the explanation. For example, if it is possible to waitlist for a course, further action is required.
Other registration issues
Still experiencing problems registering or encountering an issue not listed above?
Students attending the St. John’s campus can contact the Registrar's Office at 709 864 4445 or email
Students attending Grenfell Campus can contact the Registrar's Office at 709 637 6298 or (toll-free) 1-866-381-7022 or email