Recruitment Working Group

The mandate and responsibilities include:
  • Support the collaborative development of provincial, national and international student recruitment targets for each campus and level of study and for Memorial as a whole, which align with the overarching enrolment goals established by the Strategic Enrolment and Retention Plan.
  • Recommend to PEC, tactics and strategies to meet these identified recruitment targets.
  • Develop action plans and set timelines to achieve these recruitment targets.
  • Establish metrics and processes to track progress towards recruitment targets.
  • Address policy and practices that can support the continuous enhancement of recruitment activities at Memorial and recommend through governance structures as appropriate.
  • Assess recruitment resources and make recommendations to PEC on how these might be strategically employed.
  • Employing a lens of equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism and Indigenization, analyze established practices and polices related to recruitment and admissions to determine where inadequacies or gaps might exist and offer concrete, actionable solutions to address them.
Vice-Provost (Labrador Campus) and Dean, SAAS (or delegate) Co-chair 
University Registrar Co-chair 
Director (Student Residences & Ancillary Services) Member
Director (Indigenous Engagement and Reconciliation), interim Member
Manager, Marketing & Communications, Office of the Registrar Member
Director, Graduate Enrolment Services Member
Associate Registrar (Grenfell Campus) Member
Associate Registrar (Recruitment, Admissions & Scholarships) Member
Manager, Internationalization Office Member
Manager, Planning and Operations (Office of the Vice-President (Research)) Member
Marine Institute delegate Member
Associate Dean, Competitive Entry program Member
Associate Dean, Non-competitive entry program  Member 
Head, Certificate and Diploma program  Member 
Undergraduate Student  Member 
Graduate Student  Member 
  • The mandate of the Working Group shall be reviewed by PEC on an annual basis.
  • Changes to the mandate or membership requires approval of PEC.
  • Meetings will be held at a minimum once per month for 90 minutes or at the call of the Co-Chairs (when required).
  • The Working Group can establish other specific sub-groups as required.
  • Agenda and supporting documentation provided electronically at least one week in advance of meetings.
  • Quorum will consist of 50% + 1 of members with all members having voting rights.
  • Decision making will be based on consensus or agreement of most members.
  • The Office of the Registrar will provide a resource who is responsible for taking meeting minutes.
  • The Office of the Registrar will provide a resources who is responsible for overseeing information management and record-keeping for the Working Group.