Data Working Group

The mandate and responsibilities include:
  • Provide support and guidance for the collection, analysis and utilization of data related to the development of Memorial’s Student Enrolment and Retention Plan.
  • Coordinate with the Recruitment Working Group and Retention Working Group on the development and monitoring of the progression towards established targets.
  • Address policy, strategies and practices that can support the continuous enhancement of data relevant to student enrolment and retention planning at Memorial.
  • Assess student enrolment and retention data collection and analysis resources and make recommendations to PEC on how these might be strategically employed.
  • Employing a lens of equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism and indigenization, analyze established practices and polices related to data collection and analysis to determine where inadequacies or gaps might exist and offer concrete, actionable solutions to address them.



Deputy Registrar, Student Enrolment and Retention Planning Resource


Director, Data Excellence Program


Manager (Strategy, Planning and Liaison), OCIO


Systems Officer (Grenfell Campus)


Associate Registrar (Student Systems and Scheduling)


Manager, Office of the VP Marine Institute


Director, Graduate Enrolment Services (or delegate)


Director (Information, Management and Protection), acting


Director, Centre for Institutional Analysis and Planning


Associate Dean


Manager, Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions and Scholarships


Associate Director, Communications


Director, Research Initiatives and Services


  • The mandate of the Working Group shall be reviewed by PEC on an annual basis.
  • Changes to the mandate or membership requires approval of PEC
  • Meetings will be held at a minimum once per month for 90 minutes or at the call of the Chair (when required).
  • The Working Group can invite and consult with other subject matter experts throughout the university as needed.
  • The Working Group can establish other specific sub-groups as required.
  • Agenda and supporting documentation provided electronically at least one week in advance of meeting.
  • Quorum will consist of 50% + 1 of members with all members having voting rights.
  • Decision making will be based on consensus or agreement of most members.
  • The Office of the Registrar will provide a resource who is responsible for taking meeting minutes.
  • The Office of the Registrar will provide a resource who is responsible for overseeing information management and record-keeping for the Working Group.