Recent Honours Theses

Below are titles that illustrate the breadth of topics that our Honours students explore. Beside each title is the name of the faculty supervisor.


Animal Behaviour

  • Harley Always – “Fido, look!" Do Ostension, Frustration and Fear on Dogs' (Canis familiaris) use of Human Pointing Gestures? (C. Walsh)
  • Noah Careen - Avian Influenza (H5N1) and A Marine Heatwave Spell Reproductive Disaster for Northern Gannets at their Southernmost Colony (W. Montevecchi)
  • Lucas Fowler - Relationships Among Eggshell Colouration and Omega-3 Fatty Acids in the Eggs of Ring-Billed Gulls (Larus delawarensis) (D. Wilson)
  • Rebecca Foote - Can a Geometric Morphometric Analysis Accurately Classify Male and Female Atlantic Puffins? (P.P. Bitton)

Behavioural Neuroscience

  • Laura Au - Atypical NMDA Receptors and Their Effect on Dendritic Spine Morphology in a Mouse Model of Huntington's Disease (M. Parsons)
  • Joshua Critch - Examining Brain Functional Connectivity During Multisensory 40 Hz Stimulation and Subsequent Low Gamma Frequency Entrainment (S. Walling)
  • Kaiden Dalley - Effect of Circadian Rhythm on Cognitive Task Performance in Rats (C. Thorpe)
  • Som Gupta - An Exploration of Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's Disease Using a Pre-Tangle Tau Rat Model: The Role of Fear and Enrichment (Q. Yuan)
  • Brandon Hannam - The Contribution of SK3 Channels in GABAergic Prefrontal Cortex Neurons to Chronic Short-Term Stress-Induced Cognitive Deficits in a Mouse Model of Depression (F. Bambico)
  • Sarah Henderson - The Long Shadow of Fear: Lasting Effects of Predator Stress on Second Generation Offspring in Mice (J. Blundell)
  • Amelia Jones - Hippocampal Astrocytic Glycogen Metabolism in a Rat Model of Early Pretangle-Stage Alzheimer's Disease (S. Walling)
  • Tori Kendall - An Evaluation of the Effects of Stress and Enrichment on the Blood-brain Barrier Integrity in a Pre-tangle Rat Model (Q. Yuan)
  • Leah Peckham - Characterizing Frailty: Is Performance on Lower-Limb Agility Tasks Related to Corticospinal Tract Integrity in a Healthy Aging Population? (M. Ploughman)
  • Alison Randell - Evaluating the Role of Prenatal Androgens on the Sex Bias in the Maternal Immune Activation Preclinical Model of Autism (A. Swift-Gallant)
  • Haley Rideout - The Exploration of using Rapamycin to Block Memory Formation in Female Mice (J. Blundell)
  • Danica Robichaud - Mapping Tonal Hierarchy in the Brain Using an Active Task (B. Zendel)
  • Bana Sakkar - Mechanism Underlying Chemotherapy-Induced Synaptic Impairment in the Hippocampus: A Cognitive and 3D Synaptic Analysis (M. Parsons)
  • Kelsie Senior - Behavioural impacts of Wild-Type Huntingtin Deletion in the Adult Mouse Hippocampus (J. Blundell)
  • Laura Taylor - The Differential Impact of Short-Term Stress on Cognitive and Affective Symptoms in a Mouse Model of Depression (F. Bambico)
  • Makenna Taylor - Huntington's Disease: The Impact of Wild-Type Huntingtin Reduction on Nuclear Morphology in Primary Hippocampal Culture (M. Parsons)


  • Brooke Hiscock - To Think or Not to Think: A Registered Replication Study of the Think/No-Think Paradigm (J. Fawcett)
  • Brendan Redmond - The Benefit and Cost of Source Information in the Directed Forgetting Paradigm (K. Hourihan)
  • Ahida Shahrier - The Role of Emotion in the Production Effect (J. Fawcett)
  • Faith Sheppard - How Does Font Influence the Production Effect? (K. Hourihan)
  • Haley Young - Mock Jurors and Directed Forgetting: An Experimental Setting (K. Hourihan)

Developmental Psychology

  • Emily Granter - Remembering More About Early Memories (C. Peterson)
  • Jessica McClellan - Influencing the Reported Age in Children's Earliest Memories (C. Peterson)
  • Aaron Murphy - Influencing Adult's Earliest Memories (C. Peterson)
  • Alex Snow - The Influence of Math Gameplay on Math Anxiety in Undergraduates (C. Fitzpatrick)
  • Matthew Rideout - Situation Modelling of Math Word Problems: A Manipulation of the Protagonist Dimension (C. Fitzpatrick)

Health & Wellness

  • Taylor Anthony - How We View Ourselves Matters: Examining the Roles of Self-Objectification and Self-Compassion on the Relationship between Social Media and Disordered Eating (J. Carter-Major)
  • Sarah Baggs - Examining the Impact of Social Report on the Resiliency of Individuals with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (J. Hesson)
  • Maria Chafe - Positive Mental Health, Social Support, and Canadians with Bipolar Disorder: Exploring the Influence of Community Attachment (K. Fowler)
  • Molly Downey - Reducing Harms Through Youth Substance Use Education: A Survey of Educator Perspectives (N. Harris)
  • Rebecca Fanning - Suicidal Ideation and Help-Seeking Behavior in University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic (K. Fowler)
  • Gillian Fuller - Cannabis Use in Post-Secondary Students Reporting a Diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Effects on Suicidality (J. Hesson)
  • Emily Lundrigan - We’re Worried About You: Substance Use Concern from Friends and Family of University Students with and without ADHD (P. Button)
  • Mackenzie Lush - Canadian Cancer Survivors' Use of Cannabis as a Sleep Aid: The Impact of Cannabinoid Content and Method of Ingestion (S. Garland)
  • Isobel McMahon - Young Adult Perceptions of Higher-Risk Cannabis Use Behaviours (N. Harris)
  • Claire Osmond - Assessing the Acceptability and Feasibility of Oxytocin Nasal Spray for the Management of Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Analysis of Patient Perceptions (J. Rash)
  • Rachel Pike - Assessing Provider's Applied Knowledge of Delivering Stepped Care 2.0 (J. Rash)

Social Psychology

  • Harsha Ajith - Examining the Impact of Posttraumatic Stress and Substance Use on Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence Victim-Witness Credibility (B. Snook)
  • Bridget Barry - Occupational Stress, and the Role of Peer and Formal Supports Among Career and Volunteer Firefighters: A Qualitative Study (L. Fallon)
  • Makaela Blake - How Are Inuit Living in an Urban Context Demonstrating Resilience? (S. Dandeneau)
  • Haley Bonnell - The Potential Impact of Meritocratic Beliefs on Police Legitimacy (M. Day)
  • Shawna Brenton - Exploring the Effects of Perceived Income Inequality on School Belongingness in Undergraduate Students (M. Day)
  • Kelsey Downer - Changing Minds: Evaluating Evidence Presented at Trials and Rendering a Verdict (B. Snook)
  • Kaylee Dyall - A Dyadic Study Examining the Role of Self-Compassion as it Relates to Motivation to Resolve Interpersonal Mistakes among Midlife Married Canadian Couples (C. Quinn-Nilas)
  • Sydney Knapman - Validation Does not end at Creation: Validation of the Profile of Female Sexual Functioning (C. Quinn-Nilas)
  • Courtney Loveless - Self-Love and Sex-Love: An Examination into the Role of Self-Compassion in the Satisfaction of Married Canadians' Sexual Relationships (C. Quinn-Nilas)
  • Jessica Nause - The Relationship between Mindfulness and Empathic Responding: A Dyadic Approach (C. Quinn-Nilas)
  • Barika Sutton - Do Personal Social Mobility Beliefs Affect Future Possible Selves (M. Day)
  • Tanvi Vora - An Assessment of the Effect of Temperance on Relationship Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Among Midlife Married Couples in Canada (C. Quinn-Nilas)


Animal Behaviour

  • Shelly M. Hann – Ring-billed Gulls foraging on anthropogenic food have a faster corticosterone stress response (D. Wilson)
  • Nancy Lundrigan – The rise of pet parenting: Differing relationships between dog “owners” and their dogs (C. Walsh)

Behavioural Neuroscience

  • Shona E. Campbell – Effects of the elusive food-entrainable oscillator on rat hippocampal memory, using a reverse 12:12 light-dark scheduled (C. Thorpe)
  • Gabrielle Dupont – The food-entrainable oscillator: Anticipatory response and role in learning and memory (C. Thorpe)
  • Mackenzie Grace – The effect of chronic stress on behavior and circadian rhythms in mice (J. Blundell)
  • Briana Hepditch – The influence of view on spatial learning in rats using a dry-land T-maze(D. Skinner)
  • Hannah Murphy – Pain and the brain: Pain shifts the balance of brain excitability in multiple sclerosis (M. Ploughman/S. Walling)
  • Nathaniel Muya – Paradoxical effects of SSRIs in a rodent model of adolescent depression: Serotonin-1a receptor and transporter-related mechanisms (F. Bambico)
  • Jannath Naveed – Effects of circadian rhythm disruptions and FEO manipulations on learning and memory in rats (C. Thorpe)
  • Timothy Noble – The effect of dietary intervention on Alzheimer’s Disease: A pilot study (Q. Yuan/S. Walling)
  • Kaylee Randell – Impact of preconception chronic stress exposure on the F1generation in mice (J. Blundell)
  • Kerri M. Sparkes -  Prenatal androgen exposure on social behavior in a rodent model of maternal immune activation (A. Swift-Gallant)
  • Amy Williams – Depressive-like behavior and serotonergic activity in the triple transgenic model of Alzheimer’s Disease (F. Bambico)
  • Megan Wiseman – Investigating the sex-linked disparity in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnosis (A. Swift-Gallant)


  • Ashlee Coles – Overcoming the forbidden: Student identification and stigma towards obsessive-compulsive disorder unacceptable thoughts (E. Fawcett/J. Fawcett)
  • Sarah Fagan – Irrelevant speech and semantic relatedness (I. Neath)
  • Krista Greeley – How Facial Tattoos Affect Facial Recognition (K. Hourihan)
  • Catherine Halley – The block order effect and modality (I. Neath)
  • Noah Pevie – Item-method directed forgetting: A meta-analysis of clinical populations (J. Fawcett)
  • Matthew Pike – Confounded stimuli and the mirror effect in associative recognition (I. Neath)
  • Chad Synyard – When is a banana most like a gun? A systematic review of weapon focus literature on arousal (J. Fawcett)
  • Justine Yick – A reverse production effect in adults? Trends in the production of novel work-picture pairs (K. Hourihan/J. Fawcett)

Developmental Psychology

  • Sarah Burton – An investigation on the reliability of the neucodia visual evoked potential system (J. Drover)
  • Alicia Goulding – Influencing children’s earliest memories (C. Peterson)
  • Samantha Hedges – Remembered vs. told-about childhood memories (C. Peterson)
  • Kaelen Maillet – Influencing adults’ earliest recalled memories (C. Peterson)
  • Amy Young – Influencing children’s earliest memories: Do task manipulations make a difference? (C. Peterson)

Health & Wellness

  • Riley Cotter – Understanding sleep health in a national cohort of young adults with cancer: Results from the YACPRIME study (S. Garland)
  • Anna Marie Froude – The prevalence of cannabis use disorder in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A clinical epidemiological meta-analysis (N. Harris/J. Fawcett)
  • Suhail Hassan – Examining the Role of Cultural Background and Acculturation in Understanding Perceptions of Weight Stigma, Body Image and Disordered Eating (J. Carter-Major)
  • Rachel Howells – Exploring the relationship between Binge-Eating symptoms and facets of emotion regulation in emerging adults (J. Carter-Major)
  • Alesha King – Understanding healthcare provider experiences with “Introduction to Stepped Care 2.0” and One-at-a-Time Therapy” online training courses (J. Rash)

Psychosocial Collaborative Research @ SWCC

  • Madison Antle – Social support and perceived mental health of Canadian adults with communication impairment (Fowler/Button)
  • Kaya Dooley – The influence of social support and negative social interactions on the positive mental health of Canadian adults with bipolar disorder (K. Fowler/Radu)
  • Cailyn Fridgen – Cervical cancer screening among Canadian women: What sociodemographic, physiological, and mental health factors predict Pap smear guideline adherence? (K. Fowler/G. Radu)
  • Anna Morris – Eating disorder risk, social support, and mental health (K. Fowler)
  • Katelyn Rideout – Gender differences and depression:  The influence of social support on resilience (P. Button/K. Fowler)
  • Emily Rowe – Cannabis use disorder in Canadian adults: Profiling demographic and socioeconomic factors, mental health diagnoses and conditioning, and life experiences (P. Button/K. Fowler)
  • Bethany Torraville – An exploration of gender differences in youth with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Levels of distress, social support & negative interactions (P. Button/K. Fowler)

Social Psychology

  • Faith Hollohan – Victimization experiences: Exploring the relationship between crime severity and the “victim” label to the duration of victimization symptoms (A. Peters/L. Fallon)
  • Alana Short – Sealing the deal: the effect of an interrogator’s check of voluntariness on statement admissibility decisions (B. Snook)


  • Badcock, Jessica. Does Movement-Induced Self-Referential Processing Lead to Improvements in Memory? 2019. (I. Neath)
  • Bellows, Lindsay-Ann. Varying Experiences and Subjective Burden of Family Caregivers for People With a Mental Illness or Addiction in Canada. 2019. (K. Fowler)
  • Blackmore, Alison. The Relationship Between Social Support and Psychological Distress in Canadian Females with Childhood Sexual Abuse History. 2019. (K. Fowler)
  • Boychuk, Sydney. The Effects of Lesions to the Anterior Dorsal Nucleus of the Thalamus on Spatial Learning in Rats Using a Response Reversal Task. 2019. (D. Skinner)
  • Briggs, Haley. Cancer Induced Anorexia-Cachexia and Its Associations with Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Neurons in the Lateral Hypothalamus. 2019. (M. Hirasawa & S. Walling)
  • Chen, Alice. The Role of Depressive Symptoms on Changes in Cardiorespiratory7 Fitness and Cognition in People with Multiple Sclerosis. 2019. (M. Ploughman & J. Rash)
  • Chislett, Cassandra. Examining the Relationship Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Cognitive Processing Speed in People with Multiple Sclerosis. 2019. (M. Ploughman and C. Thorpe)
  • Clarke, Courtney L. Double Dissociation in the Role of Inhibitory Systems in the Effects of Predictable and Unpredictable Stress. 2019. (F. Bambico)
  • Cooze, Jane. Pharmacology and Fear: The Role of Rapamycin in Reconsolidation of Mammalian Fear Memories. 2019. (J. Blundell)
  • Critch, Tristian. Role for Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus Projections to Monoamine Nuclei in Depression and Addiction: Behavioural and Neurochemical Studies with Solid-Phase Microextraction. 2019. (F. Bambico)
  • Croucher, Julie. Intergenerational Stress and Neurogenesis: Preconception Parental Predator Stress Decreases Neurogenesis in Adult Offspring. 2019. (J. Blundell)
  • Dawson, Laura. Investigating NLRP3 and Reactive Oxygen Species Activity in Murine Astrocytes. 2019. ( C. Moore)
  • Dornan, Emma. The Relationship Between Circadian Regularity of Mealtime and Sleep Patterns on Cognitive Functioning in a Young Adult Population. 2019. ( C. Thorpe)
  • Edwards, Caitlin. Canadian Adults with Child Welfare Histories: An exploration of Social Support and Mental Health. 2019. (K. Fowler)
  • Edwards, Samantha. Second-Order Fear Conditioning of Novel Context and Tone Using Ofaction as the Primary Conditioning Stimulus. 2019. (Y. Yuan and S. Walling)
  • Foley, Timothy. Individual Differences in Auditory Working Memory: An Exploration of Differences Between Musicians and Non-Musicians. 2019. (J. Fawcett)
  • Furlong, Bradley. The Complex Activational Pattern of the Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus and Its Role in Ethanol Withdrawal-Related Symptoms in the Olfactory Bulbectomy Model of Depression. 2019. (F. Bambico)
  • Gamba, Iain. Controlling Unwanted Information: The Effects of Retrieval Induced Forgetting on the Probability and Fidelity of Long-Term Visual Representations. 2019. (J. Fawcett)
  • Genge, Olivia. Predicting Support for the Post-Secondary Student Support Program. 2019. (M. Day)
  • Goudie, Julie. The First Retinal Topography Map for the Black Scorpionfish, Scorpaena Porcus. 2019. (P. Bitton)
  • Hogan, Emily. Stigma and The Protective Role of Social Support in Depression Among Canadians. 2019. (K. Fowler)
  • Howell, Ella. Pseudophosphorylated Tau Seeding in the Olfactory Cortex: A Potential Rat Model of Braak's Late-Stage Alzheimer's Disease? 2019. (Q. Yuan)
  • Johnson, Michelle. Assessing The Reliability and Validity of the Neucodia Visual Evoked Potential System in a Sample of Undergraduate Students. 2019. (J. Drover)
  • Major, Christina. The Presence and role of Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 1 (TAR1) in Neuroimmune Cells. 2019. ( C. Moore)
  • McAleese, Owen. Can Perceptions of Social Mobility Predict Union Support? 2019. (M. Day)
  • McInnis, Maggie. Predicting Support for Economic Inequality Using Personal Relative Deprivation and Subjective Socioeconomic Status. 2019. (M. Day)
  • Moore, Kelsey. The Effects of Rapamycin on New Learning. 2019. (J. Blundell)
  • Murphy, Christina. Getting High to Get By: Exploring the Relationship Between Cannabis Use and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo in University Students. 2019. (N. Harris and J. Hesson)
  • Nolan, Emma. Preconception Predator Stress Impairs Spatial Learning and Memory in Adult Offspring Following a Milk Stressor. 2019. (J. Blundell)
  • O'Dea, Jessica. Does Anthropogenic Noise Impair Reproductive Success in Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco Hyemalis)? 2019. (D. Wilson)
  • Power, Kyron. Double Adeno-Associated Virus Transfection: Introducing Channelrhodopsin-2 and Pseudo-Hyperphosphorlyated TAU Protein Together in the Locus Coeruleus. 2019. (Q. Yuan)
  • Rose, Julia. Cognitive Mechanisms Involved in Managing Past and Future Painful Events. 2019. (J. Fawcett & J. Rash)
  • Rowe, Emily. When Will I Need this in the Real World?: Realistic Problem Solving in Sixth Graders. 2019. ( C. Fitzpatrick)
  • Squires, Lauren. Emotion Dysregulation as a Mediator Between Psychological Distress and Problem Smartphone Use. 2019. (N. Harris and J. Hesson)
  • St. Croix, Robyn. The Impact of Feeling Connected on the Experience of Posttraumatic Growth and Psychological Distress of Young Adults with Cancer In Canada. 2019. (S. Garland)
  • Torraville, Sarah. Exploring the Influence of Phasic and Tonic Patterns of Locus Coeruleus Activity on Exploratory Behaviour and Anxiety of Rats Through Optogenetics. 2019. (Q. Yuan)
  • Vey, Danielle. Mood and Memory for Emotional Content. 2019. (K. Hourihan)
  • Wakeham-Lewis, Rachelle. Does a AFunny Voice@ Make for a Distinctive Memory Trace? 2019. (J. Fawcett)
  • Walsh, Anna. Examining the Influence of Social Support on Psychological Distress in a Canadian Population with Symptoms of Mania. 2019. (K. Fowler)
  • Walters, Lucas. I Got it From My Mama: The Relationship Between Maternal Psychological Distress and Child Adaptive Skills as Moderated by Fetal Sex and Medicated by Maternal Cortisol. 2019. (J. Rash)
  • Ward, Joshua. The Effects of the SK Channel Agonist 1=-BEIO on Extinction in Fear Conditioned Mice. 2019. (J. Blundell & F. Bambico)
  • Wells, Sydney. The Relationship Between Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHA) and Smartphone Use. 2019. (N. Harris & J. Hesson)


  • Bell, Louise. The Relationship Between Recent Adverse Events and Newfoundland and Labrador Mother's Mental Health. 2018. (J. Gosselin)
  • Bugden, Sarah. The Effects of Pharmacological SK Channel Inhibition on Depressive-Like Symptoms in Mice. 2018. (F. Bambico)
  • Cassell, Taylor. Investigating the Role of the Food-Entrainable Oscillator and the Effect of Constant Light on Hippocampal-Dependent and Independent Tasks. 2018. (C. Thorpe)
  • Cole, Rebecca. Validation of Bipedal Hop Test to Detect Subtle but Meaningful Impairment Among People With Mild Multiple Sclerosis. 2018. (M. Ploughman and C. Thorpe)
  • Conway, Josh. Neurobiological Basis of Increased Comorbidity Between Depression and Addiction. 2018. (F. Bambico)
  • Daly, Kathleen. Global Economic Inequality: Individuals' Perceptions and the Potential Predictors. 2018. (M. Day)
  • Drodge, Chelsea. Youth Interrogation Rights: Adult Knowledge and Attitudes. 2018. (B. Snook)
  • Drover, Justin. The Effect of Reward Uncertainty on Research Participant Recruitment. 2018. (B. Snook)
  • Dyson, Kristen. Using Immunohistochemical Methods to Localize Hyperphosphorylated Human Tau Protein in a Rat Model of Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease. 2018. (S. Walling)
  • Flood, Brittany. The Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Suppression of Painful Memories. 2018. (J. Rash and J. Fawcett)
  • Gosse, Madeline. Quantifying the Role of Cellular Signals in Synaptic Plasticity: An Analysis of ERK. 2018. (M. Parsons and S. Walling)
  • Greenham, Julia. The Predictors of Turnover Intentions in Guidance Counsellors in Newfoundland and Labrador. 2018. (G. Harris and N. Harris)
  • Hewitt, Mark. Can Our Perception of Social Mobility Affect How We Feel About Immigrants? 2018. (M. Day)
  • Higdon, Natalie. Exploring Positive Mental Health Within the Rates of Depression Severity and Duration in Canadian Men and Women. 2018. (K. Fowler)
  • Hollett, Kayla. The Quest for a Fair Trial: Revisiting the Effects of Muslim Veiling and Face Covering on the Perception of Witness Credibility. 2018. (B. Snook)
  • Hosel, Katarina. Corticospinal Excitability to the Biceps Branchii During Arm Cycling at Various Power Outputs. 2018. (K. Power)
  • Jones, Karen. Community Attitudes Toward Police Interrogation Techniques. 2018. (B. Snook)
  • King, Brianna. Preconception Paternal Stress Results in Sex-Specific Increases in Anxiety-Like Behaviour and an Increased Vulnerability to a Mild Stressor in Second Generation Mice. (J. Blundell)
  • Learning, Maria. An Evaluation of the Effect of Output Interference in the Accuracy of Memory Recall in Police Interviews. 2018. (B. Snook)
  • MacKey, Victoria. The Endocannabinoid System and its Role in the Therapeutic-Like Effects of Stress Controllability. 2018. (F. Bambico)
  • Manuel, Sydney. Time-Dependent Changes in Activated mTOR During Consolidation of a Contextual Fear Memory. 2018. (J. Blundell)
  • McWhirter, Michael. Time-Place Learning with Hippocampal or Dorsal Straitum Lesions and Access to the Food-Entrainable-Oscillator. 2018. (C. Thorpe)
  • Mercer, Hayley. Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Predict Physical and Cognitive Impairments in People with Multiple Sclerosis. 2018. (M. Ploughman and C. Thorpe)
  • Mercer-Adams, Jagger. Assisting the Reliability and Validity of the Neucodia Visual Evoked Potential System to Test monocular Resolution Acuity in Adults. 2018. (J. Drover)
  • Murphy, Johanna. How Math Anxiety Differs Across Individual Differences in Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge. 2018. (D. Hallett)
  • Newman, Abigail. Circadian Rhythm Disruption and the Role of the Food-Entrainable Oscillator. 2018. (C. Thorpe)
  • Nixon, Abigail. The Effects of Lateral Mammilary Nucleus Lesions on Spatial Learning in Rats. 2018. (D. Skinner)
  • O’Brien, Amy. Adult Justifications Used for Truth and Lie Detection in Children. 2018. (C. Peterson)
  • O’Leary, Rebecca. Perceived Discrimination from Health Care Professionals: Exploratory and Analysis of Gender and Chronic Illness in Canada. 2018. (K. Fowler)
  • O’Reilly, Arynne. The Modern Dog: Canine Metabolic, Behavioural and Cognitive Indicators of Wellness (I). 2018. (C. Walsh)
  • Penney, Jillian. The Role of Perceived Thought Control and Anxiety in the Control of Memory Intrusions. 2018. (J. Fawcett)
  • Peters, Lauren. Associative Memory and Effort: The Impact of White Noise on Associative Memory Abilities in University students. 2018. (A. Surprenant)
  • Raman-Nair, Joanna. The Effects of a High Fat Diet on Apoptosis in Mice Following Acute Ischemic Stroke. 2018. (J. Vanderluit)
  • Roche, Kailey. Assessing the Credibility of Children=s Injury Reports. 2018. (C. Peterson)
  • Shublaq, Dayana. The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse History on Obesity Among Canadian Adults. 2018. (K. Fowler)
  • Walsh, Nyissa. The Relationship Between Chronotype and Mental Health in University Students. 2018. (S. Garland)
  • Wasef, Marie. The Effects of Bilateral Lesions to the Lateral Mammillary Nucleus on Spatial Learning in Rats Using a Dry Land T Maze. 2018. (D. Skinner)
  • Willcott-Benoit, Whitney. Prevalence and Factors Associated with Non-Medical Prescription Stimulant Use in University Students. 2018. (S. Garland)
  • Willoughy, Hannah. A Helping Hand: Memory for Items Viewed Near the Hands. 2018. (A. Surprenant)


  • Adams, Jillian. Symbolic and Non-Symbolic Fraction Magnitude Processing in University Undergraduates. 2017. (D. Hallett)
  • Balsom, Ashley. I"ll Stand By You: The Necessity of Online Peer Support Services in a University Population. 2017. (P. Cornish/T. Charbonneau)
  • Bowes, Sherri. Establishing Intracerebroventricular Infusion of an AAV Containing Human Mutant TAU in Newborn Rat Pups. 2017. (Q. Yuan)
  • Bungay, Rebecca. The Effects of Bilateral Lesions to the Lateral Mammillary Nucleus on Spatial Learning in Rats. 2017. (D. Skinner)
  • Bursey, Krystal. Sex Differences in Decision-Making in First Episode Psychosis Patients. 2017. (K. Hadden)
  • Cleary, Jillian. An Animal Model of Student Circadian Rhythms: The Effect of Circadian Oscillator Manipulation on the Acquisition of Hippocampally-Dependent-and-Independent Tasks. 2017. (C. Thorpe)
  • Collins, Rebecca. Dog-Owner Attachment and Promixity Behaviours in an Off-Leash Dog Park. 2017. (C. Walsh)
  • Conway, Joan. Mindfulness Health and Wellness: An Evaluation of an Online Mindfulness Application. 2017. (E. Whelan)
  • Downer, Matthew. Using Biomarkers of Plasticity to Assess the Feasibility of Using Prolonged Exercise to Improve Recovery in Chronic Stroke: A case Series Pilot Study. 2017. (M. Ploughman)
  • Flynn, Tyler. I Am Just Not a Math Person: The Role of Math Fact Training on Math Anxiety. 2017. (D. Hallett)
  • Fraser, Beth. Sampling Constraints Affect Mate Choice in Birds. 2017. (D. Wilson)
  • Greene, Sydney. Consistency is Key: Assessing the Credibility of Children's Injury Reports. 2017. (C. Peterson)
  • Haas, Jade. What's Love Got to Do with It? Canadian Mothers' Perspective on the Co-Parental Relationship. 2017. (J. Gosselin)
  • Haley, Kelsey. A Comparison of Light and Orientation Cues in a Go/No-Go Discrimination Task. 2017. (G. Martin)
  • Harris, Laura. Positive Mental Health in Adolescents and Young Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. 2017. (J. Hesson/K. Fowler)
  • Hart, Shannon. The Behavioural and Physiological Effects of Olfactory Trace Amine-Associated Receptor Activation. 2017. (M. Berry)
  • Hewson, Valerie. Prevalence of Alcohol Abuse or Dependency in Canadian Men and Women Reporting Childhood Sexual Abuse. 2017. (K. Fowler)
  • Higgins, Jacqueline. A Comparison of the Maturation of Grating Acuity, Vernier Acuity, and Contrast Sensitivity. 2017. (J. Drover)
  • Hodder, Gabrielle. Assessing The Reliability and Validity of the Neucodia Visual Evoked Potential System. 2017. (J. Drover)
  • Jarvis, Kaitlyn. Preconception Predator Stress Increases Anxiety-Like Behaviour in Response to Mild Stress in Adult Offspring. 2017. (J. Blundell)
  • Kavanagh, Victoria. Another Look at Directed Forgetting: The List Method and Recognition Tests. 2017. (A. Surprenant)
  • Lamkin, Rebecca. Serial Position Effects in Implicit Memory. 2017. (I. Neath)
  • Lane, Hannah. Prevalence and Predictors of Sleeping Medication Use in University Students. 2017. (S. Garland)
  • LeBlanc, Destiny. As Assessment of Response, Direction and Place Learning by Male and Female Rats in a Water T-Maze. 2017. (D. Skinner)
  • Lehr. Joshua. Impact of MicroRNA-223 on Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Disease State Cells. 2017. (C. Moore)
  • Luther, Megan. How Initial Greetings with Conspecifics Influence the Behavioural and Physiological Responses of Domestic Dogs in Off-Leash Dog Parks. 2017. (C. Walsh)
  • McCarthy, Megan. Simple Odor Discrimination in a Locus Coeruleus Taupathy Model in Th-CRE Rats. 2017. (Q. Yuan)
  • Morey, Kayla. "My Dog has Separation Anxiety": Does Owner Behaviour Influence Dog Behaviour and Hormones During the Strange Situation Test? 2017. (C. Walsh)
  • Morgan, David. Analyzing Distress in Individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a Function of Social Capital. 2017. (K. Fowler)
  • Pevie, Cally. The Relationship Between Childhood Sexual Abuse and Diagnoses of ADD/ADHA, PTSD and learning Disabilities. 2017. (K. Fowler)
  • Power, Hilary. Does Self-Esteem Contribute to Status Anxiety? 2017. (M. May)
  • Quirion, Jade. Characterization of the Onset and Severity of Synaptic Plasticity Deficits in the Q175FDN Knock-In Mouse Model of Huntington's Disease. 2017. (M. Parsons)
  • Randell, Nikki. Positive Mental Health and Male Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse: The Role of Social Support. 2017. (K. Fowler)
  • Remedios, Joshua. The Relationship Between Coping and Psychosocial Well-Being in Young Adults with Cancer. 2017. (S. Garland)
  • Robbins, Abby. Circadian Rhythm Disruption in Adolescence: The Relationship Between CRD, Cognitive Functioning, and Meal Time Regularity. 2017. (C. Thorpe)
  • Rodriguez, Nicole. Power Off is Better Off: The Impact of LED-Backlit Device Use at Night on Insomnia Severity in University Students. 2017. (S. Garland)
  • Saad, Meena. Evaluation of Hypothalamic Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Neurons in Magel2-null Mice at the Onset of Weight Gain. 2017. (M. Hirasawa)
  • Taylor, Scott. He Begs, She Begs: Male and Female Atlantic Puffin Chicks Do not Differ in Feed Rate or Begging Behaviour. 2017. (A. Storey/D. Wilson)
  • Van Wijk, Megan. Examining the Relationship Between Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and Insomnia Symptoms. 2017. (J. Carter-Major)
  • Viguers, Kayla. The Effects of Circadian Rhythm Disruption on Memory Retention and The Compensating Role of the Food-Entrainable Oscillator. 2017. (C. Thorpe)
  • Walsh, Emma. Social Comparisons and Status Anxiety. 2017. (M. Day)
  • Warren. Christie. The Influence of Social Support on Psychological Distress in Canadian Adults with Bipolar Disorder. 2017. (K. Fowler)
  • Williams, Sarah. The Importance of Consistency in Children's Injury Reports. 2017. (C. Peterson)
  • Wilson, Stephanie. Examining Canadian Adolescents with ADD and ADHD in Terms of Prevalence, Gender and Mental Health: An Exploratory Analysis. 2017. (K. Fowler)
  • Winters, Emily. Psychological Distress, Coping, and Adaptation to Disease in Patients Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. 2017. (K. Hadden)


  • Banfield, Ashton. Perceptions of Discrimination and Prejudice Based on Mental Health: The Influence of Social Support in a Large Sample of Canadian Adults with Major Depressive Disorder. 2016. (K. Fowler)
  • Barakji, Marwan. Investigating the Validity and Reliability of Adult Visual Acuity Obtained With Sweep Visually Evoked Potential: A Comparison With Teller Acuity Cards. 2016. (J. Drover and R. Adams)
  • Barnes, Jocelyn. An Exploration into Methodologies for a Rat Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on a Model Which Proposes that Pathology is Initiated by Changes in Tau. 2016. (Harley, Martin, Yuan and McLean)
  • Brown, Nicholas. Antipredator Escape Responses of Orange-Footed Sea Cucumbers (Cucumaria Frondosa) Do not Vary Along a Hydrodynamic Gradient. 2016. (D. Wilson and P. Gagnon)
  • Burke, Michael. The Influence of Starting Orientation on Spatial Learning in Mice Using a Dry-Land T-Maze. (D. Skinner)
  • Burt, Matthew. Does Motivation to Change Predict Treatment Outcome in Anorexia Nervosa? 2016. (J. Carter-Major)
  • Devereaux, Sarah. Predictors of Life Satisfaction Among Canadian Adults Diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBM): The Impact of Social Support and Socio-Demographic Factors. 2016. (K. Fowler)
  • Fahmy, Weyam. To Veil or Not To Veil? The Effect of Face Covering and Muslim Veils on the Perceived Credibility of a Witness. 2016. (B. Snook)
  • Fang, Lisa. The Effects of Diet Cycling on Male and Female Mice. 2016. (M. Hirasawa)
  • Field, Charlotte. An Exploratory Study Assessing the Needs and Subjective Well-Being of a National Sample of Canadian Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 2016. (K. Fowler)
  • Flynn, Katherine. Association Between Work Stress, Sleep, Age, and Sex in a Canadian Sample. 2016. (K. Fowler and S. Garland)
  • Geizer, Brittany. MCL-1 Protein Protects Neural Precursor Cells During Nervous System Development. 2016. (J. Vanderluit)
  • Gray, Courtney. A Comparison of Adult Vernier Acuity Using Sweep Visual Evoked Potentials and behavioural Techniques. 2016. (J. Drover/R. Adams)
  • Hoffe, Laura. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Which Factors Predict Level of Interference? 2016. (K. Fowler)
  • Hudson, Chelsea. Predicting Working Memory Capacity Using Simple. 2016. (I. Neath)
  • King, Lauren. Assessing the Validity and Reliability of The Neucodia Visual Evoked Potential System: A Comparison of Sweeped Visual Evoked Potential Acuity and Optotype Acuity. 2016. (J. Drover)
  • Lenehan, Bridget. The Effect of Production on Memory for Familiar and Unfamiliar Faces. 2016. (K. Hourihan)
  • MacIntyre, Iain. The Smell of Fear: Communication of Conditioned Fear Between Adult Rats. 2016. (Q. Yuan)
  • Manstan, Whitney. Exploring the Link between Insomnia and Cancer. 2016. (K. Fowler)
  • Mao, Rujia. Intrinsic Context Influence on Remembering and Forgetting Information. 2016. (K. Hourihan)
  • Matthews, Rebecca. Prevalence of Breast Self-Examination in Canadian Women: Exploration of Sociodemographic Barriers. 2016. (K. Fowler)
  • Maxwell, Kayleigh. Early Memories: The Thought Processes of Early Memory Dating. 2016. ( C. Peterson)
  • McCardle, Meagan. Assessing Implementation of Section 146 of the YCJA: Comparing Police Language in Interactions with Adults and Youth. 2016. (B. Snook)
  • Meulenkamp, Emma. Initiation of Breastfeeding Across Canada from 2002 to 2012. 2016. (K. Fowler)
  • Milley, Kristen. Recognition Memory for Words in Picture Contexts. 2016. (A. Surprenant)
  • Pardy, Mykala. The Impact of Personality on the Health-Related Quality of Life reported by Patients Suffering from Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease. 2016. (K. Hadden)
  • Power, Andrea. The Rat Exposure Test: Extinguishing Predator Stress-Induced Fear Memory. 2016. (J. Blundell)
  • Pryor, Mary. A Study of Face Recognition: The Comparison of the Recognition of Current-Ear Faces to Past-Ea Faces. 2016. (K. Hourihan)
  • Reid, Carissa. The Effect of Temporal Landmarks on Early Memory Recall. 2016. (Peterson)
  • Renouf, Alysha. The Impact of Irrelevant Tapping and Word Length on Serial Recall. 2016. (A. Surprenant and I. Neath)
  • Rowe, Hillary. Using Wrist Actigraphy to Examine Sleep and Cognitive Functioning in University Students. 2016. (S. Garland)
  • Ryan, Michael. The Effect of Perceived Social Mobility on Present Bias. 2016. (M. Day)
  • Scurrey, Samantha. Obesity Epidemic: Exploring The Link Between Negative Interpersonal Relationships and Body Mass Index. 2016. (K. Fowler)
  • Smith, Katherine. Neuroanatomical Localization of Phospho-MTOR in the Predator Stressed Rat Brain. 2016. (J. Blundell)
  • Smith, Megan. Administering the Right-to-Silence and Right-to-Legal Counsel Cautions: A descriptive Study of Canadian Police Officers. 2016. (B. Snook)
  • Tarrant, Rachel. Emotion Regulation and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease. 2016. (K. Hadden)
  • Tiller, Ryan. The Regulatory Effect of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) on Food Intake. 2016. (M. Hirasawa)
  • Tumilty, Alexandra. Using the Satisfaction with Life Scale and The Health Utility Index as Measures of Quality of Life for Canadian Women Living with Osteoporosis. 2016. (K. Fowler)
  • Upshall, Dylan. Changes in Microrna Expression in Astrocytes Subjected to Hypoxia. 2016. (Craig Moore)
  • Vincent, Julia. Early Memories and Young Adults: Memory Dating Before and After the Critical Age. 2016. (Peterson)
  • Wall, Kayla. Does Access to a Food Entrainable Oscillator Lead to Better Performance in a Daily Time-Place Learning Task? 2016. (Thorpe)
  • Waring, Sydney. Tackling Eating Disorders Through Caregivers: Do Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Predict Caregiver Outcome in Emotion-Focused Family Therapy? 2016. (J. Carter-Major)
  • Wynes, Rutanya. Cross-Cultural Differences in Digit Manipulation Interference on a Numeracy Judgment Task. 2016. (D. Hallett)
  • Yetman, Brad. The Effect of Criminal Evidence on Judgments of Guilt: A Policy Capturing Approach. 2016. (B. Snook)
  • Yildiz, Nadine. The Effects of Mathematics Automaticity Training on Math Anxiety. 2016. (D. Hallett)


  • Abelseth, Brian. Does Variation in Oxytocin Alleles Predict Individual Differences in the Affiliative behaviour of Men? (A. Storey)
  • Bennett, Katie. Pain and Social Support: The Role of Perceived Mental Health Status in Youth Adult Patients With Rheumatiod Arthritis. (K. Fowler)
  • Benson, Teresa. Concreteness Effects and Its Implications for Working Memory Theory. (I. Neath)
  • Blake, Lauren. The Rat Exposure test: A Potential Animal Model for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 2015. (J. Blundell)
  • Clarke, Shannon. Time Dependent Effect of Rapamycin on Consolidation of a Contextual Fear Memory. (J. Blundell)
  • Collins, Katie. Understanding Gender Differences in Coping and Health Behaviours in Older People with Multiple Sclerosis. (M. Ploughman)
  • Gallant, Kelly. Mid-Brain Distribution of Phospho-MTOR After Predator Stress. (J. Blundell)
  • Gibson, Demi. Does the Presence of Symptoms of Psychopathology, Depression, and Trauma Affect Language Use in Early Autobiographical Memories? (C. Peterson)
  • Guinchard, Michelle . Predictors of Disordered Eating Among Middle-Aged Women. (K. Fowler)
  • Gulliver, Tracy. Alcoholism in the Canadian Population: An Examination of Psychosocial Health Status, Gender and Social Environment. (K. Fowler)
  • Hogan, Sarah. The Role of BCL-XL in Embryonic Ventral Forebrain (J. Vanderluit)
  • Lewis, Leanna. The Effect of Single Versus Multiple Meals on Performance in a Go No-Go Time-Of-Day Discrimination Task. (C. Thorpe)
  • Lundrigan, Angela . Directed Forgetting: Can Context Reinstatement Strengthen Memory for Remember and Forget Cues? (K. Hourihan)
  • Lye, Melissa. An Investigation of the Validity and Reliability of the Neucodia Visual Evoked Potential System: A Comparison to Optotype Visual Acuity. (J. Drover)
  • Mahon, Kaitlyn. Exploring How Neighborhood Size Affects The recall of Words From Working Memory. (A. Surprenant)
  • McDonald, Janet. "Food Addiction" as a Possible Predictor of Weight Regain in Obesity. (J. Carter-Major)
  • Milnes, Lindsay. The Link Between Quality of Friendship Relationships, Psychological Health and Language Use in Autobiographical Memories of Friends. (C. Peterson)
  • Murphy, Ryan. Facilitating Citizen Science Through Gamification. (J. Parsons [Business], A. Storey (Psychology], Y. Wiersma [Biology].
  • Philpott, Emily. Cognitive Health in Seniors: Community and Social Support as Prevention for Cognitive Decline. (K. Fowler)
  • Pond, Emily. The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Psychological Distress in Canadian Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (K. Fowler)
  • Purchase, Nicole. An Odor-Association Learning Model for Transgenic Neonatal Mice. (Q. Yuan)
  • Qin, Tirong. Importance of Social Support Provided by Partner and Community to International Students in Canadian Universities. (K. Fowler)
  • Ralph, Nicole . Investigating the Neuroanatomical Localization of Phospho-MTOR in The Hippocampus Following Predator stress Interactions . (J. Blundell)
  • Ricketts, Christopher. Investigating the Relationship Between Oxytocin Receptor Gene variation and personality in Dogs . (C. Walsh)
  • Rockwood, Nadine. Metamemory for Studying: Students' Awareness of Effective Learning Strategies. (K. Hourihan)
  • Ryan, N. Meagan. Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Neucodia Visual Evoked Potential System: Measuring Monocular Resolution (Grating) Acuity in Adults. (J . Drover}
  • Singleton, Christopher. Do Difficulties With Emotion Regulation Predict Weight Regain in Obesity. (J. Carter-Major)
  • Wallace, Claire. Optogenetic Control of the Locus Coeruleus to Generate Long-term Potentiation of the Perforant Path-Evoked Potential in the Dentate Gyrus. (G. Martin)
  • Walsh, Colin. Does Promoting Evolutionary Fitness Affect Men 's Willingness to Donate Sperm? (A. Storey)
  • Warren, Raven. Emotion and Memory: The Impact of Valence and Arousal on Item Recall. (K. Hourihan)


  • Albrechtsons, Hannah. Does Being a Mother Influence Childhood Memory? (C. Peterson)
  • Cheema, Avineet. The Determination of Juror's Perception of Lawyers. (B. Snook)
  • Churchill, Landon. Intentional Forgetting of Factual Information: A Comparison of Reliable and Unreliable Sources. (K. Hourihan)
  • Derraugh, Lesley. Orthographic Neighbourhood Size as an Alternative to the Word Length Effect. (I. Neath)
  • Doyle, Mario. Metacognitive Monitoring During Category Learning: How Success Affects Future Behaviour. (K. Hourihan)
  • Forward, Tiffany. Improving Children's Accuracy and Completeness of Eyewitness Accounts Using a Streamlined Narrative Elaboration Technique. (C. Peterson)
  • Gambin, Chelsea. Simulated Hearing Loss and Memory for Spoken Words. (A. Surprenant)
  • Hickey, Kayla. The Effects of Social Context and Mastery on the Intention and Adherence to Mammography Screening. (K. Fowler)
  • Hughes, Isaac. Locus Coeruleus Activation by Glutamate Strengthens Memory and Defends Memory Against Induced Stress. (G. Martin & C. Harley)
  • McCarthy, Sarah. Risk, Decision-Making, Personality, and Financial Behavior: A Developmental Study. (R. Adams)
  • O'Brien, Samantha. Adaptive Emotion Coping Strategies as an Intervening Factor in the Negative Association Between Self-Worth and Depression in Youth. (S. Francis)
  • O'Leary, Janie. Making an Entrance: Factors Influencing Canine Chemosensory Investigation Patterns in a Dog Park. (C. Walsh)
  • Peddle, Nicole. Is The Word Length Effect the Same as the Neighborhood Effect? (A. Surprenant)
  • Pelley, Nicole. Methods of Division: What Works Best for Fourth Grade Students? (D. Hallett)
  • Quinlan, Joshua. Position Error Gradients in the Brown-Peterson Paradigm. (I. Neath)
  • Smith, Alexis. The Effect of Production on Memory for Face-Name Associations. (K. Hourihan)
  • Snow, Anna. The Effect of Mathematic Automaticity Training on Mathematics Anxiety in Education Students. (D. Hallett & J. Hesson)
  • Tobin, Sara. Phonological Precursors to Reading: What is the Phonological Path to Literacy? (C. Penney)
  • Walsh, Melissa. The Role of Norepinephrine in the Olfactory Bulb: An Olfactory Memory Study of Odour Discrimination in the Adult Rat. (Q. Yuan)
  • Ward, Burton. The Fetal Programming Effects of Salt on ADHD-Like Symptoms in Rats. (J. Blundell)
  • Waye, Shannon. The Effects of Removing Either Ideothetic or Allothetic Cues on Spatial Navigation in Rats. (D. Skinner & G. Martin)


  • Does Operation Span Score Based on Type of Recall, Distractor Placement, and List Length Predict Performance as well as an Original Operation Span Score? (I. Neath)
  • Evaluation of Computer-Delivered Spelling Training: Do Effects Generalize to Reading Fluency? (C. Penney and D. Hallett)
  • Children's Memories for Medical Emergencies: 10-Year Follow-up. (C. Peterson)
  • An Examination of the Effects of Rapamycin on the Meal Patterns of Male Sprague-Dawley Rats (Rattus norvegicus) (J. Blundell)
  • Validity and Reliability of the Plusoptix Vision Screener and the Suresight Autorefractor. (J. Drover)
  • Dental Anxiety: A Cross-Generational Study. (M. Courage)
  • The Effect of Lesions to the Dorsal Tegmental Nucleus on Direction Leaming in Rats. (D. Skinner)
  • Coat Color and Behavior in Beagles: Do Owners of Bi-Colored Dogs Report More Behavior Problems? (C. Walsh)
  • Pigs (Sus scrofa) Show Consistent Stress-Related Behaviours While Salivary Alpha-Amylase and Cortisol Levels Change in Response to Stressor Type. (C. Walsh)
  • A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Preschool Vision Screening Tests. (J. Drover)
  • Does the Noradrenergic Antidepressant Desipramine Have Addictive Qualities in Rats Following Chronic Administration? (S. Walling)
  • Assessing Worry Through an Examination of Self-Management. and Mindfulness. (P. Mezo) Police Caution Comprehension: Identifying the Listenability that Contribute to Increased Comprehension of Legal Rights Using a Mock Crime Paradigm. (B. Snook)
  • Searching for the Engram: Enhanced Pyramidal Cell Responses in the Piriform Cortex Parallel An Extended Early Oldor Preference Memory in Neonate Rats. (Q. Yuan)
  • Analysis of the KGB Warning: Is it a Rapport Killer? (B. Snook)
  • Are Slow Letter-Naming Times Due to Phonological or Orthographic Deficits? (C. Penney)
  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the PlusoptiX S09 and the Welch-Allyn Suresight Autorefractor in a Pre-School Vision Screening Program. (J. Drover)
  • New Techniques for Interviewing Young Children: The Streamlined Narrative Elaboration Technique. (C. Peterson)
  • Testing Benchmark Working Memory Effects with a New Implementation of the Primary Model Under Forward and Backward Recall Conditions. (I. Neath)
  • The Effects of Ketamine on Predator Stress-Induced Hyperarousal and Anxiety-Like Behaviours. (J. Blundell)
  • The Role of Bcl-x in Embryonic Cortical Development. (J. Vanderluit)
  • The Effect of Lesions on the Lateral Marnrnillary Nucleus on Direction Learning in Rats. (D. Skinner)
  • Community Involvement as a Predictor of Mental Health: A Comparative Study of Gender Differences. (K. Fowler)
  • Implicit and Explicit Attitude Measures: How Reliable and Valid are They? (M. Grant)
  • The Effects of Norepinephrine Re-Uptake Inhibition and Status Epilepticus on Levels of Microglia Within the Hippocampus Using Immunohistochemical Detection of IBA-1. (S. Walling)
  • The Effect of Predator Stress on Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis. (J. Blundell)
  • Life Satisfaction as a Predictor of Chronic Distress in Those Living with Cancer, Diabetes and Heart Disease. (K. Fowler)
  • The Effectiveness of Online Math Facts Training in Ninth Grade Students' Fractions Aptitude. (D. Hallett)
  • Comparison of Absolute Thresholds in the Human Senses of Vision, Audition, Touch, and Pain. (M. Mercer)
  • The Production Effect: The Effects of Divided Attention on Encoding. (K. Hourihan)
  • Examination of Ultrasonic Vocalizations and Behavioural Activation in the Prediction and Expression of 48 Hour Odor Preference Memory in Neonate Rats. (J. Maclean)
  • Role of BCLXL In Embryonic Spinal-Cord Developmental of Mice. (J. Vanderluit)
  • The Effect of Rapamycin Injection Time Post-Predator Stress on Recurrent Rounds of Fear Memory Consolidation. (J. Blundell)


  • The Effect of Rapamycin on Hyperarousal and Anxiety-Like Behavior in Predator Stressed Rats. (J. Blundell)
  • Repeated Inhibition of Mtorci Via Rapamycin Produces a Reduction in Food Intake and Body Weight Gain in Rats. (J. Blundell)
  • Validation of "The Coping Styles Questionnaire for Social Situations" (CSQSS) in a Clinical Sample of Social Anxiety. (P. Mezo)
  • Metamemory for Emotional Stimuli and Neutral Stimuli. (K. Hourihan)
  • The Roles of Parental Anxiety Sensitivity, Communication, and Affective Responsiveness in Child Anxiety Sensitivity. (S. Francis)
  • Cultural Differences and Susceptibility to Advertisement Strategy. (J. Wood)
  • Effectiveness of a Modified Liverpool Interview Protocol. (B. Snook)
  • Testing the Accuracy and Reliability of the Plusoptix Vision Screener and the Suresight Autorefractor. (J. Drover)
  • The Effect of Repeated Exposure to Palatable Food: The Development of Food Preference in the Lateral Hypothalamus. (M. Hirashawa)
  • Mealtime Behavioural Correlates of Activity-Based Anorexia in Male Rats (Rattus Norvegicus). (G. Grant)
  • Understanding the Roles of Social Support and Community Belonging in Mammography Acquisition. (K. Fowler)
  • Acute Inhibition of Mtor Kinase Via Systemic Rapamycin Blocks Weight Gain and Food Intake in Rats Under Normal Dietary. (J. Blundell)
  • Validity and Inter-Tester Reliability of a Computer-Based Instrument of Contrast Sensitivity. (J. Drover)
  • Analysis of Neuronal Degeneration in the Rodent Hippocampus Following Chronic Inhibition of Norepinephrine Reuptake and Status Epilepticus. (S. Walling)
  • An Intervention for Procedural and Conceptual Understanding of Fractions. (D. Hallett)
  • Childhood Amnesia: A Longitudinal Study. (C. Peterson)
  • Directional Heading, Not Location Cues, Underlies Successful Place Location. (G. Martin)
  • "What Does magical Number 7 Have to do With My Math Skills?": Investigating the Link Between Mathematical Ability and Working Memory. (D. Hallett)
  • Individual Differences in Media Multitasking Among University Students. (M. Courage)
  • The Role of Epac, An Exchange Protein Activated by cAMP, in Mammalian Olfactory Memory: An Analysis of Short-Term Memory and Odor Discrimination in the Neonate Rat. (J. MacLean)
  • The Moderating Effect of Social Support Types on the Psychological Well-Being of Individuals at High Risk for Eating Disorders. (K. Fowler)
  • Immunohistochemical Analysis of the Effect of Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibition and Status Epilepticus on Microglosis in the Rodent Hippocampus. (S. Walling)
  • Judgments About Political Candidates as a Function of Their Attractiveness, Age, and Gender. (M. Grant)
  • Chronic Distress and Eating Disorders: The Moderating Effect of Social Support. (K. Fowler)
  • Attitude Inoculation via the Peripheral Route. (J. Wood)
  • The Relation Between Self-Monitoring and Mindfulness Constructs. (P. Mezo)
  • The Effects of Lesions to the Postsubiculum on Direction Learning in Rats. (D. Skinner)
  • The Effect of Minimization Techniques on the Perception of Leniency. (B. Snook)


  • Extiction of Predator Stress-Induced Fear Memories. (J. Blundell)
  • Ensuring a Successful Re-Entry Into the Community and a Reduction in Recidivism Rates: Exploring the Reintegration Challenges Faced by Formerly Incarcerated Male Offenders. (K. Fowler)
  • The Effect of Nociceptin in the Hypothalamus: Implications for Palatable Food Intake. (Dr. Hirasawa)
  • Distribution of the Gaping Response in a Contextual Discrimination Task. (D. Skinner)
  • Predictors of Mental Health in Canadian Immigrants: Exploring the Impact of Social Environment on Chronic Distress. (K. Fowler)
  • Inhibition of Extinction of a Predator Stress-Memory is Rescued by Corticosterone Following Extinction Trials.  ( J. Blundell)
  • An Analysis of the Ability of a Rat to Return to Varying Start Locations When the Food Location is Fixed. (G. Martin)
  • Irrelevant Speech Effects and Statistical Learning of Tone Sequences. (A. Surprenant)
  • Does a Long-Term Memory Task Predict Short-Term Memory Performance? (I. Neath)
  • Is Chronicity of Distress in Canadian Lone Mothers a Function of Social Support or Socioeconomic Status. (K. Fowler)
  • The Effect of Starting Point Differentiation in the Solution of Place Problems on an Open Field Maze. (G. Martin)
  • Prophylactic and Therapeutic Responses to EMD in Predator Stress Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. (R. Adamec)
  • Gender Differences in Children's Emotional Expression in Fantasy Narratives. (C. Peterson)
  • Do Rats Use Time-of-Day as an "Occasion Setter" or as a Discriminative Stimulus in a Daily Time-Place Learning Task? (C. Thorpe)
  • The Relationship Between Social Activities of Dogs (Cants familiaris) in a Dog Park and Cortisol. (C. Walsh)
  • A Evaluation of the Validity and Reliability of a New Computer-Based Instrument for Vision Testing. (J. Drover)
  • Visualizing the Changes of Glutamatergic AMPA and NMDA Receptor Expressions in the Olfactory Bulbs of Neonatal Rats Following Early Odor Preference Training. (Q. Yuan)
  • The Effects of Lesions to the Anterior Dorsal Thalamus on Direction Learning in Rats. (D. Skinner)
  • Young Adults' Recall of Sentence Final Words in Noise. (A. Surprenant)
  • Immunohistochemical Analysis of the Effects of Norepinephrine on microglia in Norman Rats and After Pilocarpine-Induced Status Epilepticus in a Rodent Model of Temporal Lobe Epilespy. (S. Walling)
  • Changes in an Interval Time Place Learning task with the Introduction of Breaks in Reinforcement. (C. Thorpe)
  • The Parental Influences on Child Anxiety: An Examination of the Moderating Effects of Control Through Guilt on the Relationship Between Child Anxiety and Parental Discipline. (S. Francis)
  • A Rodent Model of Vascular Cognitive Impairment: Assessing the Effects of Stroke in Prefrontal Cortex and Thalamus Using an Attentional Set Shifting Task. (D. Corbett)
  • An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship Between Sexual Intercourse, Social Support and Mental Health. (K. Fowler)
  • The Effect of Rapamycin on the Consolidation of Non-Associate Fear Memories. (J. Blundell)
  • Corticosterone Facilities Extinction of Hyperarousal in Predator Stressed Mice. (J. Blundell)
  • Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System: A Test of Inter-Rater Reliability. (B. Snook)
  • Measuring Comprehension of the Right-to-Legal Counsel Caution in a Mock Investigative Interview. (B. Snook)
  • Satisfaction of Family Relationships as a Predictor of Mental Health and Well-Being. (K. Fowler)
  • Hearing Impairments and Mental Health in Canadian Men and Women: Exploring the Impact of Social Support. (K. Fowler)
  • Characterization of Synaptic Alterations, and the Influence of Noradrenergic Tone in the Rodent Hippocampus After Status Epilepticus. (S. Walling)
  • Spatial Memory in Non-Immersive Virtual Environments. (C. Thorpe)
  • What is the New Information Telling Us? A Deeper Look at Late-Appearing Information on Children's Accounts of a Personally-Experienced Injury. (C. Peterson)
  • The Decline of Four Visual Functions with Age. (J. Drover)
  • Parental Anxiety Cognitions and Child Anxiety Sensitivity: Does a Correlation Exist? (S. Francis)
  • Delayed Ne-Induced Potentiation of the Dentate Gyrus in Freely Moving Rats. (S. Walling/J. Evans)
  • Comprehension of Police KGB Warning: The Potential Effect on Rapport-Building. (B. Snook)
  • Immunohistochemical Analysis of the Effects of Norepinephrine on Astrogliosis after Status Epilepticus in a Rodent Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. (S. Walling)
  • The Moderating Effect of Social Support on the Level of Distress and Life Satisfaction in Patients Diagnosed with Diabetes. (K. Fowler)
  • The Relationship Between Breastfeed and Sexuality: Sexual Functioning Pre-Pregnancy and Postpartum. (E. Hannah)
  • Age-Related Changes in Three Visual Functions. (J. Drover)
  • Evaluation of a New Sinusoidal Optotype for Assessing Human Spatial Vision. (R. Adams)
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Social Environment and Distress in Canadians Living with Cancer. (K. Fowler)
  • Personality, Cortisol Levels and Conspecific Behaviour in Domestic Dogs. (C. Walsh)
  • The Mediating Effects of Social Support for Seniors Suffering from Depression. (K. Fowler)
  • Adult Hippocampal Neurogensis Following Predator Stress in Rats. (J. Blundell)


  • An Examination of Response, Direction and Place Learning by Mice in a Water T-Maze. (D. Skinner)
  • The Moderating Effects of Stress on the Rumination-Depression Relationship in an Undergraduate Sample of Women. (P. Mezo)
  • Community Attachment, Social Support and Depression. (K. Fowler)
  • Experiences of Caregiving for Young Carers. (C. Arlett)
  • Developing a Rodent Model of Learned Non-Use. (D. Corbett)
  • Time of Day Understanding in Four-year-old Children using a Time-Place-Learning Paradigm. (D. Hallett/C. Thorpe)
  • Olfactor Bulb Protein Expression in Rat Pups Following Single or Multiple-Trial Odor preference Training. (J. McLean)
  • The Effects of Varying the Number of Re-Exposures to a Context on Fear Memory Extinction in Predator Stressed Mice. (J. Blundell)
  • Tuning Up Focal Ischemia: The Effects of Task Specific Repeated Rehabilitation in Rats. (D. Corbett)
  • Investigating the Role of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway in Early Odor Preference Learning. (Q.Yuan)
  • Dominance in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris): No Evidence for Social Hierarchy Formation in Transient Social Groups. (C. Walsh)
  • Comparing the Outcome of Two Modes of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) Delivery and Investigating How Personality may be Associated with PMR Outcome. (P. Mezo)
  • Will You Hear Opportunity Knocking? Examining Auditory Perceptual Training in Older Adults. (A. Surprenant)
  • Strategies for Coda-Delection and their Relation to Phonemic Awareness. (C. Penney)
  • The Effects of Rapamycin on Long-Lasting Anxiety-Like Behaviour and Hyperarousal in Predator Stressed Rats. (J. Blundell)
  • Students’ Attitudes Toward Decision Making Strategies. (B. Snook)
  • At Face Value: The Effect of Attractiveness on Facebook Friend Request Approval. (M. Grant)
  • Effects of Age and Trauma on Markers of Autophagy in Neurons. (J. Webber)
  • Aging and Memory: The Effect of Cue Type on Implicit Memory Recall. (A. Surprenant)
  • The Effect of Work Stress on Severity of Depression in Men and Women. (K. Fowler)
  • Conditioned Taste Aversion and Avoidance by Wheel Running in Rats. (V. Grant)
  • Adult Detection of Deception in Children: Effect of Coaching and Age on Both True and Fabricated Reports of Injuries. (C. Peterson)
  • Assessing Vision in Children and Young Adults Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. (R. Adams)
  • The Effect of Housing Conditions on the Expression of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in Rats After Alternating Days of Exercise. (D. Corbett)
  • Early Exposure Effect on Time-Place-Learning Task. (C. Thorpe)
  • The Effects of Variable Home Locations, Food Sites and Memory on Path Integration in Rats. (G. Martin)
  • Glucocorticoid Inhibition Blocks Extinction of Hyperarousal in Predator-Stressed Mice. (J. Blundell)
  • Hyperarousal and Anxiety-like Behavior in Rats When Exposed to a Combined Predator Scent. (J. Blundell)
  • Effects of High Fat Diet on the Lateral Hypothalamus. (M. Hirasawa)
  • Thought Processes of Women and Men in the Maintenance of Depression. (K. Fowler)
  • Exploring Perceptions of Body Satisfaction and the Moderating Effects of Social Support and Gender. (K. Fowler)
  • “You are what you drink!” A Preliminary Analysis of Beverage Consumption in University Students. (B. Roebothan)
  • Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge: Grade 8 Students’ Understanding of Fractions. (D. Hallett)
  • Stress Levels and Coping Mechansism in Heterosexual and Non-Heterosexual University Students. (O. Heath)


  • Effect of HSP27 on Primary Cortical Cells Treated with Beta Amyloid. 2009. (K. Mearow)
  • What “Shocks and Appalls” the Community? Public Attitudes Toward Police Interrogation Techniques. 2009. (B. Snook)
  • Social Support, Community Attachment and Reported Mental Health in Rural and Urban Newfoundland. 2009. (K. Fowler)
  • Path Integration Requires a Fixed Home or a Fixed Food Site. 2009. (G. Martin)
  • Developing a Model of Learned Nonuse in Rats. 2009. (D. Corbett)
  • A Complexity Analysis of Canadian Police Cautions: The Right to Silence and Right to Legal Counsel. 2009. (B. Snook)
  • Heart Disease and Self-Perceived Health; Exploring the Moderating Effects of Social Support. 2009. (K. Fowler)
  • Developing an Animal Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder by Means of Predator Scent Stress. 2009. (R. Adamec/J. Blundell)
  • Orthographic Neighborhood as an Explanation for the Word Length Effect. 2009. (I. Neath)
  • Time-Place Learning in Young Children. 2009. (C. Thorpe)
  • Retention of Place Memory by Rats in a Water Maze. 2009. (Dr. Skinner and G. Martin)
  • Cognition Over the Lifespan: Auditory Perceptual Training for Older Adults. 2009. (A. Surprenant)
  • An Examination of Response, Direction and Place Learning by Mice in a Water T-Maze. 2009. (D. Skinner)
  • What Children Recall Over Time: An Investigation of the Content and Characteristics of Children’s Recalled and Forgotten Earliest Memories. 2009. (C. Peterson)
  • Assessment of Anxiety Symptoms in Clinical and Non-Clinical Children: Investigating the Correspondence with Parental Anxiety. 2009. (S. Francis)
  • Associations and Temporal-Context in a Paired-Associate Paradigm of Memory. 2009. (A. Surprenant)
  • Gender Differences in Loneliness and Shyness in Relation to Alcohol Abuse in College Students. 2009. (C. Arlett)
  • Prolactin and Breastfeeding Rates: Can Breastfeeding Success Increase by Enhancing Prolactin Reactivity? 2009. (A. Storey)
  • Glutamatargic Activation of Locus Coeruleus Does Not Enhance Memory of a Morris Water Maze Place-Learning Task. 2009. (C. Walsh)
  • Representative Models of Stroke: Considering the Silent and Comorbid Epidemic. 2009. (D. Corbett)
  • Intrahippocampal Infusion of the β-Adrenoreceptor Agonist Isoproterenol Potentiates the Perforant Path-Evoked Population Spike in the Dentate Gyrus of Urethane-Anesthetized Rats. 2009. (C. Harley)
  • A Small Dose of Amphetamine and a Short Episode of Wheel Running: Their Effects Alone and in Combination on Feeding in the Rat. 2009. (G. Grant)
  • A Look at Multiple Environmental Factors and Their Potential Relationship to the Level of Childhood Anxiety, Anxiety Sensitivity and Depression. 2009. (S. Francis)
  • Using Predator Scent Stress to Develop a Preclinical Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 2009. (R. Adamec/J. Blundell)
  • Effect of Adolescent Social Isolation on Activity-Based Anorexia in Rats. 2009. (G. Grant)
  • Object, Location or Time?: The Properties that Play a Privileged Role in the Binding of Memories. 2009. (A. Surprenant)
  • Developing an Animal Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Comparing the Anxiogenic Effects of Two Predator Scent Stress Paradigms in Mice. 2009. (R. Adamec/J. Blundell)
  • The Incubation Effect with Multi-Solution Anagrams: Does Prior Work Matter? 2009. (C. Thorpe)
  • Fear-Memory Extinction Rescues Anxiogenic Behaviour in Predator Stressed Mice. 2009. (J. Blundell/R. Adamec)
  • The Effect of an Exposure Period on T-Maze Learning in Rats. 2009. (G. Martin)
  • Like Mother, Like Daughter? Parent and Child Narrative Styles Five Years Later. 2009. (C. Peterson)
  • Revisiting a Rural Fishing Community Sixteen Years After the Industry Closed: A Case Study of Resident Resilience. 2009. (K. Fowler)
  • Investigating Whether Irrational Beliefs Differentially Predict Anxiety and Depression in an Undergraduate Population. 2009. (P. Mezo)



  • The role of CREB and pCREB in the Periaqueductal Gray in Neuroplasticity and Anxiety. (R. Adamec)
  • The Role of CRF R1 in the Initiation and Consolidation of Anxiety in Mice following Predator Exposure. (R. Adamec)
  • Assessing ‘minor’ Stroke in Rodents: Emotional and Cognitive Alterations Following Left Cingulate Cortex Ischemia. (D. Corbett)
  • Testing the Combination of Stem Cell Transplantation and Rehabilitation after Focal Ischemia in Rats. (D. Corbett)
  • Individual Differences in Infants’ Ability to Resist Distraction During Toy Play. (M. Courage)
  • Anxiety Sensitivity in Children: Examining Parental Predictors. (S. Francis)
  • Predicting Child Anxiety: The Influence of Parental Beliefs About Anxiety and Parental Stress. (S. Francis)
  • The Relationship Between Parental Beliefs about Anxiety and Children’s Levels of Anxiety and Depression. (S. Francis)
  • Conditioned Taste Aversions for Assessing Naloxone-Precipitated Withdrawal in Non-Deprived Exercising Rats. (G. Grant)
  • Stress Induced in Rats by Swimming in Cool or Warm Water is Indicated by Increased Fecal Output but not Conditioned Taste Avoidance. (G. Grant)
  • Using Conditioned Taste Avoidance to Assess Naloxone-Precipitated Withdrawal from Endogenous Opiates Released by Wheel Running in Rats. (G. Grant)
  • A Comparison of Measures of Implicit and explicit Stereotypes about Mental Illness: The Good, the bad, and the ugle. (M. Grant)
  • Children’s Conceptual and Procedural Understanding of Fractions: Individual Differences in Learning Profiles. (D. Hallett)
  • “If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it”: Orientation changes as a contextual cue in response reversal learning. (G. Martin)
  • Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor for Potentiation and Prolongation of Odor Preference Memory in the Serotonin Disrupted Neonate Rat Pup. (J. McLean)
  • The Requirement of Transcription at Different Time Points in Formation of Olfactory Memory in the Neonate Rat. (J. McLean)
  • The Self-Management Correlates of Social Anxiety. (P. Mezo)
  • Proactive Interference in Short-Term Memory: Replication of a Study by Hanley & Scheirer (1975). (I. Neath)
  • Testing Three Benchmark Immediate Serial Recall Effects with Backwards Recall: Implications for Models of Short-Term/Working Memory. (I. Neath)
  • Adult Detection of Deception in Children. (C. Peterson)
  • “And Then What Happened?”: A Follow-up Investigation of the Impact of Narrative Intervention on Pre-Literacy in Preschoolers. (C. Peterson)
  • Narrative Elaboration Training: Does it Enhance the Recall of Injuries in Children Aged 3 to 7 Years? (C. Peterson)
  • Statistical Models of Infantile Amnesia: Predicting Measures of Early Memory. (C. Peterson)
  • Think Way Back: A two-Year Follow-up Investigating Infantile Amnesia in Children and Adolescents. (C. Peterson)
  • Getting Oriented on the Elevated Radial Arm Maze. (D. Skinner)
  • Asking the Right Question? An Examination of Canadian Police Interviewing of Witnesses. (B. Snook)
  • Are Canadian Police Officers Using the Red Model of Interrogation? A Content Analysis of Police Interrogation Videos. (B. Snook)
  • Police Decision Making: Fast and Frugal or Complex and Calculating? (B. Snook)
  • The Impact of Empathy, Belief in a Just World, and Attitudes Toward the Justice System on Bail Decision-Making. (B. Snook)
  • Prosodic Cues Affecting Memory in Music as a Function of Expertise. (A. Surprenant)
  • The Effect of Neighbourhood Size and Bigram Frequency on the Word Length Effect in Nonwords. (A. Surprenant)
  • The Effects of Lay Order and Feeding Frequency on Neural Development in the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris). (C. Walsh)
  • Effects of Intermittent Binge Alcohol Exposure on Motor Function in Adolescent Rats. (J. Weber)
  • The Effect of Binge Alcohol Exposure on Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Death in Adolescent Rats. (J. Weber)



  • The Effect of a Recent History of Mild Stress on Vulnerability to the Anxiogenic Effects of Submersion Stress. (R. Adamec)
  • Measuring Refractive Error in Young Children and Adults: The Reliability of the Welch Allyn SureSight Non-Cycloplegic Autorefractor. (R. Adams)
  • The Role of Squeaking Vocalizations in the Feeding Social Interactions of Grey Wolves (Canis lupus). (R. Anderson)
  • The Effect of a High Fat and Sugar Diet on Motor Function Recovery Following Focal Ischemia in Rats. (D. Corbett)
  • The Influence of Infant-Directed Videos in Six-Month-Old Infants Attention, Toy Play, and Social Interactions. (M. Courage)
  • Anorexia Induced in Rats by Wet Restraint but not by Forced Swimming. (G. Grant)
  • The Effects of Activity Anorexia on the Feeding Behaviors of Rats. (G. Grant)
  • The Induction of a Romantic Mood and Its Effect on Perceived Physical Attractiveness. (M. Grant)
  • The Role of Arm Novelty in Olton Maze Performance. (G. Martin)
  • An Analysis of Sensory Neuron Populations with Differing Growth Responses - Using Microarrays to Quantitate Cellular Differences. (K. Mearow)
  • Requirement of Protein Synthesis for Olfactory Memory in the Neonate Rat Pup. (J. McLean)
  • An Evaluation of Co-Morbidity of Attention Deficit Disorder with Memory Deficits in Elementary School Aged Children. (C. Penney)
  • Relationships Between Reading, Mathematical, and Letter-and Number-Naming Skills in Grade Four and Five Students. (C. Penney)
  • The Co-Morbidity of Reading Deficits and Inattention in Elementary School Children. (C. Penney)
  • Vowel Identity as a Precursor to Literacy. (C. Penney)
  • Equivalent Response Learning in the Presence and Absence of Visual Cues. (D. Skinner)
  • Ingested Lithium Chloride can Produce Context Avoidance in Rats. (D. Skinner)
  • Judging the Veracity of Suicide Notes: An Examination of the Matching Heuristic Versus Logistic Regression. (B. Snook)
  • Logistic Regression Versus the Matching Heuristic Judging the Veracity of Sexual Assault Statements. (B. Snook)
  • Modeling Judgements of the Veracity of Suicide Notes: Take the best Heuristic Versus Logistic Regression. (B. Snook)
  • Perceptual and Memory Spaces in Older and Younger Adults. (A. Surprenant)
  • The Effects of Maternal Deprivation on Social Behaviour in Sus Scrofa: An Adaptation of the Haller Box for Pigs. (C. Walsh)


  • Long-Lasting Changes in Rodent Affect After Submersion Stress: The Role of Glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid and noradrenergic receptor activation. (R. Adamec)
  • Neural Circuitry Mediating Lasting Changes in Rodent Anxiety-like Behaviour Following Predator Stress: Involvement of the Basolateral and Central Amygdaloid Nuclei. (R. Adamec)
  • The Use of a New Contrast Sensitivity Test to Screen Eye and Vision Diseases in Preschool Children. (R. Adams)
  • Ambiguous Mental Images: An Exploration of Mental Imagery. (R. Anderson)
  • The Effect of Image Part Concreteness on Performance in the Mental Synthesis Task. (R. Anderson)
  • A Study Assessing the Differences Between Male and Female Self-Reported Gamblers in the General Population of Canada in Terms of Self-Reported Physical and Mental health, Social Support and Coping (K. Fowler)
  • Attending Religious Services, Prayer as a Means of Coping and Perceived Health: Religion as Social Support. (K. Fowler)
  • Mmmmm, Chocolate: Predictors of Binge Eating Accross Gender in a Community Sample. (K. Fowler)
  • Predicting Binge Eating Frequency in a Canadian Population Based Sample: An Investigation into Self-Rated Mental Health, Self-Rated Health, Age, Sex, Income Adequacy, Body Mass Index and Depression. (K. Fowler)
  • Sense of Belonging and Social Support: Gender Differences in Predicting Physical and Mental Health. (K. Fowler)
  • Pairings of forced Swimming with a Distinctive Place and Taste Produce Conditioned Place Preference But Not a Conditioned Taste Avoidance. (G. Grant)
  • The Relationship Between Target Attractiveness and the Attribution of Homosexuality Across Gender, Age, and Ethnicity. (M. Grant)
  • Using Forced Wheel Running to Produce a Conditioned Place Preference in Male Rats. (G. Grant)
  • Dose-Dependent Effects of Orexin-A on C-Fos Immunoreactivity in the Locus Coeruleus and Raphe. (C. Harley)
  • The Effect of Serotonin Depletion and PDE4 Inhibition on Conditioned Olfactory Learning (C. Harley)
  • The Effects of Propranolol on Memory for a Spatial Task in Rats. (C. Harley)
  • Comparison of Odor Detection: Thresholds Following Repeated Threshold and Suprathreshold Testing. (C. Malsbury)
  • Effect of Participant Expectations of Odour Effectiveness on Handgrip Strength (B. McKim)
  • Children’s Ability to Recall a Specific Incident Out of a Series of Repeated Events. (C. Peterson)
  • Children's Ability to Recall the Middle Incident in a Repeated Event. (C. Peterson)
  • Interrelationships Between Narrative Ability and Pre-literacy Skills in Economically Disadvantaged Preschoolers. (C. Peterson)
  • The Influence of Temperament on Pre-literacy Skills Among Preschoolers. (C. Peterson)
  • The Relationship Between Attachment Security and Narrative Ability. (C. Peterson)
  • Using Social Stories to Modify Behaviours of a Child with Autism in the Home Setting. (M. Rabinowitz)
  • Contextual Control Over Taste Aversion: Specific vs. Generalized Aversion to Fluid Consumption. (D. Skinner)
  • The Contribution of Surface Properties to Place Learning in the Rat. (D. Skinner)
  • Criminal Profiling Use and Belief: A Survey of Canadian Police Officers. (B. Snook)
  • Criminal Profiling: Examining the Illusion of Validity. (B. Snook)
  • The Effects of Physical Characteristics on Judgments of Criminal Guilt. (B. Snook)
  • The Impact of Perceived Expertise on Criminal Profiling Belief. (B. Snook)
  • The Use of Heuristics by Armed Street Robbers. (B. Snook)
  • The Use of the Recognition Heurstic in Time Constrained Environments. (B. Snook)
  • The Effect of Maternal Deprivation on Anxiety-like Behaviour in Miniature Pigs. (C. Walsh)



  • pCREB Expression in the Right-Lateral Column of the periaqueductal Gray (PAG) as an Indicator of PTSD. (R. Adamec)
  • The Role of Beta-Noradrenergic and Glucocorticoid Receptors in Lasting Effects of Predator Stress on Rodent Affect. (R. Adamec)
  • The Submersion Stress and Predator Stress Models of Rodent Anxiety-like Behavior (ALB) - A comparison of post-stress behavioral profiles. (R. Adamec)
  • Screening Preschool Children for Visual Disorders: How Accurate is the Welch Allyn SureSight Autorefractor? (R. Adams)
  • Qualifying the Effects of Ethnic Stereotypes: The Role of Age and Attractivness on Perception of Intelligence. (C. Button)
  • Cytotoxic Lesions of the Hippocampus Cause Deficits in Acquisition of a Spatial-Memory Task Using Auditory Rather Than Visual Cues. (J. Evans/D. Corbett)
  • Delayed Minocycline Treatment Promotes Long-Term Functional Outcome in a Rodent Model of Focal Ischemia. (D. Corbett)
  • The Effects of Exercise in a Rodent Model of Vascular Dementia. (D. Corbett)
  • Learnaing Disabilities and the Canadian Adult Population: An Exploratory Investigation into Health and Psychosocial Determinants and Outcomes. (K. Fowler)
  • Psycho-Social Determinants and Health Related Consequences of Eating Disorders in the Canadian Adult Population. (K. Fowler)
  • Social Interaction in Juvenile Male Rats Produces a Weak Facilitation of Feeding But Not Conditioned Taste Aversion. (G. Grant)
  • Sex Differences in Stereotype-Based Expectations of Leadership. (M. Grant)
  • Subverting Stereotypes with Style: The Role of Stylistic Appearance in Gender Stereotyping. (M. Grant)
  • Union Members’ Perceived Attitude Similarity with a Union Supporter and a Non-Union Supporter. (M. Grant)
  • The Influence of Target Gender, Age, and Attractiveness on the Perception of Mental Illness. (T. Hannah)
  • Evidence for Orexin Intervation of Neurons Projecting to the Ventral Subiculum From the Paraventricular Nucleus of the Thalamus. (G. Kirouac)
  • Auditory Cues Modulate But Do Support Place Learning. (G. Martin)
  • Wherever You Walk, There You Are: Active Locomotion Improves Path Integration Resetting On a Radial Arm Maze. (G. Martin)
  • Evolutionary Psychology and Gender Preferences in Perceived Situations and their Relationship to Human Mate Selection. (B. McKim)
  • The Effect of Reading Transformed Print on Reading Comprehension. (C. Penney)
  • Content of Early Memories for Children and Adults. (C. Peterson)
  • Distinguishing Between Truth and Lie-Telling. (C. Peterson)
  • Factors Influencing Preschoolers’ Memory: One Year Follow-up. (C. Peterson)
  • Improving Pre-Literacy and Narrative SKills in Economically Disadvantaged Preschoolers: A One-Year Follow-Up. (C. Peterson)
  • Memory Fluency in Children and Adults. (C. Peterson)
  • Response, Direction, and Place Learning in Rats on a Double Plus Maze. (D. Skinner)
  • Recognizing NHL Greatness with an Ignorant Heuristic. (B. Snook)
  • The Adaptive Function of Confirmation Bias in Decision-Making. (B. Snook)
  • The Effect of Additional Information on Accuracy and Confidence When Making Geographic Profiling Predictions. (B. Snook)



  • Limbic Neural Plasticity Induced inthe Periaqueductal Gray (PAG) by Predator Stress: An Examination of the Involvement of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BCNF). (R. Adamec)
  • Modelling Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Mice: Anxiogenic Effects of predator Stress. (R. Adamec)
  • A New Test for Measuring Contrast Sensitivity in Infants and Young Children. (R. Adams)
  • Accurancy of the Welch Allyn SureSight Autorefractor in Detecting Early Visual Disorders in Preschool Children. (R. Adams)
  • Eating Disorders in Relation to Perceived Stress, Coping, and Self Discrepancy Theory. (C. Arlett)
  • Gender Roles Stress and Self-Discrepancy Theory. (C. Arlett)
  • An Epidemic of Stigma: The Pervasiveness of Negative Attitudes Toward Those Infected with HIV/AIDS. (K. Fowler)
  • Profiling the “At Risk” Gambler in Canada: An Exploration of Physical, Mental & Psychosocial Health Status & Social Environment. (K. Fowler)
  • Motorized Wheel Running Produces Place Preference in Male Rats. (G. Grant)
  • Categorical and Individuating Information: Forming Impressions of Caucasians and Asians. (M. Grant)
  • How Does the Level of Disability of a Child with Cerebral Palsy Impact on Marital and Family Functioning? (K. Hadden)
  • How is Functioning in Siblings of Children who Have Cerebral Palsy Affected by Family Functioning and Severity of Physical Disability. (K. Hadden)
  • The Influence of Past Personal Experiences of Physical Pain on Assessing Pain in Others. (K. Hadden)
  • Norepinephrine-Induced Long-Term Potentation in the Rat Dentate Gyrus Following Orexingergic Activation of the Locus Coeruleus. (C. Harley)
  • Recording Cells in the Dinecephalon of Behaving Rats. (C. Harley)
  • The Role of β-Noradrenergic Receptors in Orexin-A-Induced Odor Preference for the Adult Rat. (C. Harley)
  • The Role of Phosphorylated NMDA Receptors in Odour Preference Learning in Neonate Rats. (J. McLean/C. Harley)
  • What Factors Influence Reading Ability in Deaf Individuals? (C. Penney)
  • Making the Case of Intervention: Variables Affecting Pre-literacy Skill and Narrative Ability Among Preschoolers from Economically Disadvantaged Households. (C. Peterson)
  • Preschooler’s Memory: What Makes the Difference? (C. Peterson)
  • Relationships Between Parents’ Conversation Style and Content and Children’s Memory, Narrative Skill, and Attachment: A Direct Comparison Between Factors. (C. Peterson)
  • Telling a Story: Mommy and Memory Relate to Narrative Ability. (C. Peterson)
  • The Story Before Intervention: The Factors Influencing Pre-Literacy Skills Among Economically Disadvantaged Preschoolers. (C. Peterson)
  • Rats Fail to Path Integration in the Presence of Familiar Cues. (D. Skinner)
  • The Role of the Retrosplenial Cortex in Allothetic and Ideothetic Navigational Strategies. (D. Skinner)
  • Physiological Responsiveness of First-Time Fathers to Child Stimuli: How Important is Paternal Experience? (A. Storey/D. Mackay)