Admission and Application Process

We encourage and welcome Canadian citizens and permanent residents from a diverse range of backgrounds to apply to our program, including people of any sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, Indigenous Peoples, racialized people, and people with disabilities. At present, this program is only open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.

Admission Requirements
  1. A 4-year honours degree in Psychology including an honours thesis (or equivalent). Applicants who have also completed a Master’s degree in psychology are preferred.
  2. A strong curriculum vitae (CV) that includes:
    1. Research experience
    2. Relevant volunteer and/or work experience
    3. Evidence of strong academic achievement during undergraduate studies
  3. Completion of the following 10 undergraduate (or graduate) psychology courses:
    1. Abnormal psychology
    2. Developmental psychology
    3. Neuroscience (e.g., Biological Psychology, Neuropsychology)
    4. Cognition (e.g., Sensation, Perception, Motivation)
    5. Learning (Behaviour Modification)
    6. Social psychology
    7. Social bases of behavior (e.g., cultural, ethnic, and group processes; sex roles; organizational and systems theory)
    8. History of Psychology
    9. Statistics
    10. Research design 
      Note: In order to apply, applicants do not need to have completed all prerequisite courses. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to complete up to two prerequisite courses in the summer prior to starting the program. However, prior to starting the program all prerequisite courses must be completed. It is the applicant’s responsibility to indicate how they have the prerequisite requirements.
  4. A statement of interest (personal statement) describing the applicant's interests in clinical psychology and career goals. 
  5. Three academic letters of recommendation.
    1. At least one letter must specifically address the suitability of the applicant for clinical training and practice.
  6. A writing sample (e.g., honours thesis, first-author publication, research paper completed as part of university course requirements).
  7. A personal interview with Psy.D. faculty

Note: Students with Master's or Doctoral degrees who wish to be considered for admission to the program must have completed an undergraduate honours degree in Psychology (or equivalent), and have fulfilled the undergraduate course requirements described above.

Application Process

Applications must be made on-line to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) at

Applications must include:

  • SGS application form (see above SGS link)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Official transcripts of university studies
  • Three academic letters of recommendation.  The application system will request contact information for your three referees, and will then contact them for references.
    • One letter of recommendation must specifically address the suitability of the applicant for clinical training
  • A statement of interest (personal statement) describing the applicant's interests in clinical psychology and career goals.  Note: This will be included as Question 1 on the SGS general application form.
  • A writing sample (e.g., first-author peer reviewed paper, undergraduate honours dissertation, research paper completed as part of university course requirements)
  • International applicants are required to provide proof of English-language proficiency unless their previous schooling comes from an English-language institution (i.e., the primary language of instruction is English). See the Proof of English Proficiency section of the application website ( for more information.
Admissions Process

Admission to the program is competitive. The program typically receives over 100 applications each year and we normally accept a maximum of 6 students for admission to the program each year.

Applicants are ranked by the PsyD Admissions Committee according to academic transcripts, interpersonal competence, work experience, research experience, extra-curricular activities including volunteer work, and letters of recommendation. The Admissions Committee then compiles a short-list of applicants based on these rankings.

Short-listed applicants are interviewed by at least two clinical faculty members of the Admissions Committee, either in person or via videoconference. As part of the interview, applicants are asked to indicate their preferences concerning potential research supervisors. Potential research supervisors then determine whether applicants who are acceptable to the PsyD Admissions Committee and interested in working with them are suitable by reviewing their application and further interviewing the applicant.

Recommendations concerning admissions are made to the Graduate Studies Committee of the Psychology Department.

Note: Applicants should be aware that a criminal records and vulnerable sector screening is required in order to complete the practicum and internship requirements for the PsyD degree. 

Deadline for applications

The deadline for receipt of applications and all supporting documents is December 1st. Applicants will be normally notified of admission decisions by April 15th.

Number of students accepted

A maximum of six students are accepted to the program each year. This number is based on availability of practicum placements and university resources such as faculty available for supervision, space, and funding.