Graduate Student Handbook
To download a PDF version of the Psychology Graduate Student Handbook click here
Table of Contents
Academic Misconduct
Contact Information and Responsibilities
Getting Started
Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology Program
Master of Applied Psychological Science (MAPS)
Master of Science in Experimental Psychology (M.Sc.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)
Annual Departmental Research Conference
Annual Progress Reports
Graduate Representation
Resolving Complaints: University Policies and Procedures
Health and Well-Being
This handbook has been developed to assist you at various stages of your graduate studies in psychology. It may also be useful for faculty and staff in the department who are supervising graduate students. We have tried to collate information from the University Calendar, Memorial University web pages, and departmental minutes relevant to doing a graduate degree in Psychology.
We have tried to ensure that the information is correct; however, as always, the original source of information is definitive (see We welcome corrections and suggestions.
Academic Misconduct
University Calendar
1. The Memorial University of Newfoundland Code
The attention of all members of the University Community is drawn to the section of the University Calendar titled The Memorial University of Newfoundland Code, which articulates the University's commitment to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity
6.12. Academic Misconduct
6.12.1 Principles
In the course of a graduate degree program a student is expected to adhere to those principles which constitute proper academic conduct. Within the University Community there is a collective responsibility to maintain a high level of scholarly integrity. Dishonesty has no place in the academic community. Academic misconduct cannot be condoned or even appear to be condoned. A student has the responsibility to ascertain those actions which could be construed as dishonest or improper. Certain flagrant violations are listed below under Academic Offences. A student is reminded that for guidance on proper scholarly behaviour he/she should seek assistance from his/her instructors and supervisors. The Graduate Students' Union will provide a student with information on his/her legal rights and the information that advice about acceptable writing standards is available through the Writing Centre.
Contact Information and Responsibilities
Department Head:
Dr. Christina Thorpe (864-8495; SN2065;
Allocation of space; Departmental approvals
Secretary to the Head:
Ashley Sullivan (864-8495; SN2065;
Appointments with Head, Scholarship announcements
Graduate Officer:
Dr. Stéphane Dandeneau (864-4186, SN2072;
Chair, Graduate Studies Committee (Policy, Admissions)
Liaison with School of Graduate Studies
Helps to coordinate scholarship applications
Discusses graduate issues with the Head of the Department
Graduate Student Program Details:
Marilyn Simms (864-8496; SN2065;
Office keys; forms for School of Graduate Studies
Thesis submission; scheduling comprehensive and oral exams
Graduate applications; Maintains graduate student files
Graduate Student Business:
Scott Young (864-4712; SN2068;
Financial Issues; Teaching assignments
Departmental Mediator:
Dr. Darlene Skinner (864-2027; SN1053;
Research Computing Specialist:
Avery Earle (864-4302; SN3070;
Graduate Student Representatives:
1) Member of Graduate Studies Committee: TBD
2) Attends departmental meetings: TBD
3) GSU Representative: TBD
School of Graduate Studies:
INCO Innovation Centre IIC-2012, 864-2445
Dean: Dr. Amy Warren
Fellowships and scholarships; Regulations; Examinations
Faculty of Science:
C2001, 864-8153
Dean: Dr. Travis Fridgen
Getting Started
GETTING A MUN E-MAIL ACCOUNT. To register for your MUN e-mail account, go to the MUN homepage (, click on the “” tab and follow the instructions to set up your account. Any further email and computer help can also be found at the IT Services website for Memorial (
GETTING A UNIVERSITY CARD. You can request your card online at and pick them up at the Bookstore (UC-2006), Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:45 pm. See for more information.
Memorial University of Newfoundland:
Department of Psychology:
School of Graduate Studies:
Click on “Current Students” to access a variety of resources such as
Funding Sources
Guidelines and Policies
Registration Procedures and Course Offerings
The Internationalization Office ( provides assistance with international student issues and health insurance. It is located in Corte Real on campus (Room CA-2004 in the Corte Real building of the Burton’s Pond Apartment buildings).
E-Mail Address:
Phone: (709) 864-8895
Hours of Operation - Monday to Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
Registrar’s Office: Arts and Administration Building A2003, 864-8260
Financial and Administrative Services: AA-2022, 864-8222
Cashier’s Counter: AA-1023, 864-8228
Graduate Student Union: Field Hall, 864-4395
Student Counseling Centre: Smallwood Centre, UC5000, 864-8874
Sexual Harassment Office: Earth Sciences Building ER6039, 864-8199
Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology Program
The CABE program is an interdisciplinary program associated with the Psychology, Biology and Ocean Science Departments, and administered by the Dean of Science office. As such, details about this program are not provided in this handbook. For more information about the CABE program, see or contact Robyn Temple,, or the CABE chair, Dr. David Wilson, The CABE Chair is responsible for approving all forms, requests, etc. from CABE students.
Master of Applied Psychological Science (MAPS)
This program is best described by the calendar regulations that govern it. These regulations are split over a few pages in its online form. Once you get to one, you can navigate to the others. However, to make sure you see them all, we have put a link to each separate page below:
6.1 Qualifications for Admission
6.2 Program of Study
6.3 Evaluation and Advancement
6.4 Courses
If you have any further questions about the MAPS program, you should contact the MAPS coordinator, Dr. Cathryn Button,
Master of Science in Experimental Psychology (M.Sc.)
Our M.Sc. program is described both by the calendar regulations and by departmental regulations. The calendar regulations are best viewed online, and can be found at:
Regulations about the M.Sc. program:
Regulations about how theses are evaluated (general to all Masters theses at MUN):
In addition to the calendar regulations, we have some departmental regulations describing the rules around the thesis and the thesis committee. These are described in more detail below.
Departmental Regulations
Thesis Supervisory Committee
The M.Sc. thesis supervisory committee operates as an advisory body charged with ensuring that students receive the best possible supervision. In its advisory capacity, the thesis supervisory committee serves to assist the supervisor and student in the development, analysis and presentation of the thesis research. Ideally, at least one committee member should have relevant competence vis á vis the thesis topic. The supervisor bears the responsibility for deciding what form the thesis takes, and whether or not it is ready for examination; the committee need not be called upon to make unanimous decisions in this regard. The thesis supervisory committee may also take on a conciliatory role, mediating disagreements between the student and supervisor; if resolution cannot be reached, the matter should be referred to the department head. The student or the supervisor can request this conciliatory role. The thesis supervisory committee also reviews the student’s annual progress report (see below) and these reviews will be registered in the student’s file.
To serve the above functions effectively, the thesis supervisory committees should be established formally during the first (Fall) term of the student’s program, with appropriate documentation being registered in the student’s file. The committee shall consist of the supervisor and normally two other members, one of whom need not necessarily be a departmental or university faculty member. Cross-appointed or joint-appointed members are considered internal to the department; the Graduate Studies Committee should approve any extra-departmental committee member. When the thesis supervisory committee is formed, one of the committee members should be designated as either a co-supervisor or supervisor-to-be should the thesis supervisor no longer be available to supervise that student. [Note: normally supervisors and co-supervisors are internal to the department.]
Thesis Proposal
Near the end of the second semester of their first year, the student will present a written thesis proposal to the thesis supervisory committee. The 6 – 8 page proposal should outline the nature of the research project to be undertaken for the completion of a M.Sc. thesis. This proposal should include, at a minimum, a brief review of the relevant literature and a proposed research project (with a proposed methodology) that would add to the scientific literature. A student’s thesis proposal should include a budget, and may also outline a minimum number of follow-up studies that are anticipated to be included in the M.Sc. thesis. This proposal must be reviewed and approved by the student’s thesis supervisory committee by the end of March in the first year of their program. This approval need not be unanimous, but must be supported by the majority of the committee, including the supervisor. The commentary of the committee members should be registered in the student’s file, along with a signed copy of the approved proposal.
Once the committee has approved the proposal, no further design or procedural modifications may be required of the student. The student, however, retains the option to make modifications to the thesis research plan, with the approval of the supervisory committee.
The thesis is the key component of the M.Sc. program. In general, the thesis is a report on an original research project that contributes to the scientific literature – the length and format of the thesis will be established by the student’s supervisory committee in accordance with thesis regulations set by the School of Graduate Studies.
All M.Sc. candidates must make an oral presentation of their thesis prior to its final submission, either at the departmental research conference scheduled for the end of the winter semester or at a departmental colloquium. This oral presentation is not an oral examination, but a forum for feedback that will help the student prepare the thesis.
Normally, students will have completed their thesis no later than the end of May in the second year of their program. Once the supervisory committee has approved the thesis, the School of Graduate Studies will send it out for examination by two examiners. These examiners can either be two examiners internal to the University or one internal and one external examiner.
Progress Reports
M.Sc. students are required to submit a written progress report by August 15 for each year that they are in the program. For the first year, the report will include a one- to two-page summary of the student’s progress (the format of this summary to be determined by the Graduate Studies Committee) and a copy of the student’s CV, both of which should be appended to the “Graduate Student Annual Progress and Supervisory Report Form” required by the School of Graduate Studies. For the second year, it is not necessary to submit a report if the required coursework has been completed and the thesis has been submitted by August 15. Students who have not submitted their thesis or completed their coursework by that time must include a justification for the delay in their report and a proposed timeline for finishing. All progress reports must be signed by the student’s supervisor and be submitted to the Graduate Officer by August 15 of the year in question.
On a case-by-case basis, a student enrolled in the M.Sc. may be allowed to switch to the Ph.D. program before the completion of their M.Sc. This is called fast-tracking. In order to be considered for fast-tracking, the supervisor of the student should apply in writing to the Head and make a case for why the student should be fast-tracked, and include the student’s transcript. In making this case, the supervisor should indicate how the student was evaluated and that fast-tracking was unanimously supported by the student’s committee. First-class standing in completed coursework is normally required.
If approved, the student would be switched into the Ph.D. program. However, the student would normally be required to complete any outstanding coursework required by the M.Sc. degree as part of their program of study for the Ph.D. program. In general, a student will normally also complete 1 year of the M.Sc. before being able to transfer to the Ph.D. program. On a case-by-case basis, the Head can waive or modify these requirements, as requested by the supervisor and the student’s committee.
The fast-tracking process is meant to be relatively rare. In general, it is a path for students who have shown extraordinary promise or who have previous graduate student experience (e.g., have completed a Masters in another area before joining our program).
Any inquiries about this program should be directed to the Graduate Officer, Dr. Darcy Hallett,
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
The Ph.D. program is the highest level of graduate research training that we offer. The primary component of this program is the design and execution of original research reported in the Ph.D. thesis, but the program also includes a Comprehensive exam. Some students, depending on their background, may also be asked to complete some coursework, but this is determined on a case-by-case basis.
The calendar regulations that define the Ph.D. program can be found here:
Here are some further calendar regulations that apply to all Ph.D. (and Psy.D.) programs. There are separate sections here about general regulations, the comprehensive exam, and the evaluation of theses.
General Regulations:
Comprehensive Exams:
Departmental Regulations
The department regulations concerning the Ph.D. are mostly about the comprehensive exam. Although the university has general rules about how the comprehensive exam is evaluated, the nature of that exam is determined by each department. Here are the departmental regulations around the comprehensive exam and other aspects of the program.
Comprehensive Exam (Ph.D.)
The University Calendar is the final authority on regulations governing all aspects of graduate study. Regulations appearing in the Calendar have been passed by the Academic Council of the School of Graduate Studies and the University Senate. The following guidelines provide procedural details designed to facilitate consistent application of the calendar regulations in the conduct of the examination and to ensure that examination performance reflects the student’s abilities. The Graduate Officer will be responsible for seeing that each new student in the Ph. D. program and all members of the student’s supervisory committee receive a copy of these guidelines within the first month of the student’s program and that all members of the examination committee receive a copy at the preliminary meeting.
A. Objective
The comprehensive exam is meant to be a professionally relevant product that is potentially publishable in whole or in part with other components of the thesis, and assesses professionally relevant skills (organization, synthesis, critical analysis, writing, speaking). The examination will consist of two parts. Part I consists of a broad review of the literature that normally pertains to the topic of the thesis area. The literature review should incorporate theoretical, methodological, and empirical findings. Part II consists an oral defense of the literature review that assesses the ability of the candidate to answer questions regarding the following general themes: the empirical content, theories and methods related to the topic of the thesis, research gaps related to the chosen field of study, and the relationship of the content of the readings to the broader perspective of psychology and life sciences. Although primarily concerned with the proposed thesis topic, the literature review must be broader than the thesis topic itself and should relate this topic to the broader research in the student’s area of study. Likewise, the oral examination will consist of questions both on the thesis topic and how the topic relates to the area more generally.
B. Deadline
Full-time candidates shall normally complete the comprehensive examination within the first year of the doctoral program (University Calendar, Psychology Comprehensive Examination Regulations, To meet this goal, the Student’s supervisor should attempt to select the examination committee by the end of the first semester.
C. Establishing the Examination Committee
- The supervisor recommends members of an examination committee to the Department Head. The committee should include faculty familiar with some aspect of the thesis topic; committee membership is not limited to members of the Psychology Department. Supervisors are encouraged to minimize the overlap in faculty members serving on both the student’s comprehensive exam and thesis supervisory committees. At least one person on the thesis supervisory committee should not have served on the comprehensive examination committee.
- The Dean of Graduate Studies formally establishes the committee upon the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Psychology. The Department Head or the Graduate Officer (or delegate) serves as the Chair. Other members are the candidate’s supervisor, the Dean of Graduate Studies (or delegate), and at least three other members, the total of voting members to be an odd number. All members of the committee including the Chair, but excluding the Dean of Graduate Studies, shall be voting members.
D. Timeline
- The comprehensive exam is a broad review that can overlap with the topic of the thesis. Once the student and supervisor have broadly mapped out the thesis proposal, they should initiate the establishment of the examination committee. To reiterate, the literature review must be broader than the thesis topic itself and should relate this topic to the broader research in the student’s area of study.
- Within two weeks following its formation, the Chair of the examination committee calls a preliminary meeting to discuss the writing process with the student and the Examination Committee. At this meeting, all participants are free to suggest ways to constrain or expand the literature review so as to create a well-focussed piece of work and the time and page limits.
- The candidate then has two weeks to prepare a submission to the committee consisting of a first-pass bibliography for the literature review and a brief statement indicating how these readings relate to the proposed thesis topic. Members of the examining committee have one week to review this submission. At the second meeting of the examination committee and the candidate, the decision will be made to: (a) accept the topic/bibliography without modification, (b) suggest minor modifications to the focus of the literature review or the bibliography, or (c) suggest how the literature review should be revised. A third meeting may be scheduled at the discretion of the committee to revise literature review. Throughout, it is appropriate for the student to ask questions regarding the nature and characteristics of a quality literature review.
- Once both the proposed literature review and initial bibliography have been accepted by the committee, target dates for submission of the literature review (approximately 12 weeks later) and oral examination (normally two weeks from submission of the literature review) should be set. At the oral examination, the student is expected to be fluent about the empirical content, the theories, and the methods used in the readings contained in the original bibliography agreed upon by the examination committee. One round of questions will focus on the literature review itself, while the second round will focus on the candidate’s psychological knowledge.
E. Preparing the Literature Review
The Ph.D. comprehensive examination is primarily an evaluative instrument. It is recognized that evaluating students at this level is both extremely important and extremely difficult. This examination is one important way in which the faculty can evaluate the student’s ability as a scholar. The exam tests the student’s ability to think critically about the literature, and to express these thoughts effectively in both written and verbal formats. If a student has great difficulty doing this, it does not auger well for a successful professional career. In order for the literature review and oral presentation to serve its evaluative purpose, it must be the work of the student. For this reason, neither the supervisor, nor any member of the examining committee, nor any other faculty member should be involved in the actual writing of the literature review or preparation of the oral presentation, or see any written part thereof before submission.
Intellectual activity does not occur in a vacuum. Hence, the process should allow for professionally appropriate interactions between the student and the members of the examination committee that promote excellence in the comprehensive exam process, and yet provide for a valid examination process. From this perspective, it is acceptable for the student to discuss the topic of the literature review (and associated oral presentation) and expectations regarding the nature of the review/presentation with any faculty member, including the supervisor and other students, and even to solicit feedback on a draft of the literature review/presentation from other students before its final submission. At minimum, the student should confer monthly with the members of the examining committee.
F. Characteristics of the Literature Review
The text of the literature review should not exceed 40 double-spaced pages (12-point font, standard margins), plus references and a lay summary. Once the topic has been settled, the examining committee and the candidate will decide whether the format of the literature review will be APA or one associated with the formatting requirements of a top-tier journal in the chosen field of study. See Section A for further description of the content of the literature review. Copies of literature reviews that received a “Pass with Distinction” should be deposited with the department to serve as examples for students who are about to begin their comprehensive examination.
G. The Examination
- The members of the examination committee have two weeks to read the literature review and prepare for the oral examination.
- The Chair of the committee will conduct the examination using a format similar to that of a Ph.D. oral defence. The student presents a 20-min summary of the literature review at the beginning of the examination. Committee members then begin their questioning. The Chair will call on each member in turn, usually for two rounds of questions. Each round will consist of questions from each member, with each member’s question period limited by the Chair to approximately 10 minutes.
- Following completion of the examination, the student will be asked to leave the room. The committee then discusses the student’s performance on the written literature review and the oral examination. The committee must decide whether the student passed, failed, or needs to be re-examined on the literature review, the oral examination, or both in accordance with the University regulations listed below. In the case of re-examination, within one week following the examination, the Chair of the committee, in consultation with the student and the committee, will set the date for the re-examination. At that time, the Chair will also give a written copy of directive comments collated from the examination committee members to the student.
Other Ph.D. Departmental Regulations
Teaching by Doctoral Students
April 2, 1986. Students currently registered in the graduate program will not be permitted to teach courses until after the successful completion of the Ph.D. comprehensive examination, after which time and at the request of the head of the department, they may teach a maximum of two semester long courses. If the student wishes to teach more than two courses, the student must receive the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee. [Goal: to allow graduate students to get teaching experience, but not have their programs slowed down; given the delicacy of student – supervisor relations, it was felt that departmental regulations to limit graduate teaching were necessary.]
Ph.D. Funding
March 13, 1991. “All Ph.D. applicants, both transfer and new, shall provide evidence of having applied for external sources of support before a MUN Fellowship will be awarded or renewed.”
Any inquiries about this program should be directed to the Graduate Officer, Dr. Darcy Hallett,
Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)
The Psy.D. is a professional doctoral program to train students to become clinical psychologists. The Psy.D. program has also developed their own handbooks, and they can be found here:
Dissertation Guide:
As it is a doctoral program, many of the calendar regulations listed above in the Ph.D. section also apply (see Section 4 of the School of Graduate Studies chapter of the calendar). More specific requirements for the program are provided below as links, along with the calendar entries general to all doctoral programs:
PsyD Specific Calendar Regulations:
38.1 Administration:
38.2 Admission Criteria:
38.3 Program of Study:
38.4 Courses:
General Regulations:
Comprehensive Exams:
Any student inquiries should go to the Director of Clinical Training, Sheila Garland,
Research Involving Animals
All animal users are required to complete animal care training before commencing animal-based studies. This is a requirement of the Canadian Council on Animal Care and is overseen by the Animal Care Committee and the Animal Care Service.
The training program has three stages:
• Online modules for Theoretical Training
• Facility orientation combined with basic handling
• Advanced skills (if required)
Animal Care Services Seminar
The mandatory Animal Care Services Seminar is currently conducted on-line. Students registered for the Animal Care Seminar will be given the streams to study on the CCAC web site. They will be given access through their D2L accounts to do the exams based on these training modules.
Thesis Research
Human Participants
Psychological research involving human participants is typically vetted by the Interdisciplinary Committee on Ethics in Human Research (ICEHR) at Memorial University ( In order to be able to submit ethics proposals, you must first complete TCPS 2: CORE certificate program. You can complete this online ( Students should also check, prior to submission, to determine if their work falls within the scope of “indigenous” research (
Non-human Participants
An animal utilization protocol must be submitted to the Institutional Animal Care Committee (IACC) at Memorial University for psychological research involving non-human participants.
Annual Departmental Research Conference
The goals of this conference are:
- To provide a friendly forum for students to present their research, and to learn from that experience,
- To provide an opportunity for faculty and students in the department to learn about the various research being conducted elsewhere in the department,
- To celebrate the research and accomplishments of students and faculty through the presentations of awards,
- To have a social gathering
Time and Place. The conference is normally held near the end of the Winter semester in a location that will allow us to have posters, lunch and talks in one venue. Typically, the research talks are scheduled for the morning and the honours’ poster session is scheduled for the afternoon. Awards for the best honours poster (1st, 2nd, and 3rd, based on research quality, explanation, presentation), the best talk, and announcement of students that received scholarships and awards throughout the year close the conference.
Participants. Participation in this conference is mandatory.
- Honours students: Honours students are required to present a poster.
- Second-year M.Sc. students: Students are expected to give a 15 min talk (followed by 5 min for questions) on their M.Sc. thesis.
- Second-year MAPS students: Students in the second year of the MAPS program are welcome to give a 15-min talk (followed by 5 min for questions) on any research project. If they are interested in doing so, they should contact the organizing committee.
- PhD and PsyD students and faculty: Because PhD and PsyD students and faculty will present at the psychology colloquium series, they will not present at this conference. However, they are strongly encouraged to attend and support the undergraduate and graduate students.
Annual Progress Report
Annual Reports
Supervisors of graduate students are required to submit a report at the end of each semester on graduate students under his/her supervision.
Current Regulations in the University Calendar
4.9.3 Supervisory Reports
- At least annually, the Supervisor, Supervisory Committee or the Department shall make evaluations of a student's progress in a program. Recommendations concerning continuation, amendment, or termination (see Termination of a Graduate Program) of a candidate's program, are sent to the Dean, who shall take appropriate action. Students shall be advised of the contents of this evaluation and the subsequent recommendation(s).
- The Supervisor, Supervisory Committee or the Department, shall forward its reports and recommendations to the Dean via the Head of the academic unit or the Dean of the faculty concerned.
Financial Support for Graduate Studies
M.Sc. students in Psychology are eligible for financial support during the two years of their program, Ph.D. doctoral students in Psychology are eligible for three program years and PsyD students in Psychology are eligible for three program years. Student support comes from a variety of sources, including external scholarships (e.g., NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR, NLCAHR), internal scholarships (e.g., Hatcher, F.A. Aldrich), School of Graduate Studies fellowships, graduate assistantships (GAs), supervisor grants, and their own resources. Students are encouraged to apply for external scholarships.
All students are offered a financial package upon acceptance into their program of study in the Department. Assuming satisfactory progress in the program, students can assume that they will receive at least the same, if not higher, level of SGS Fellowship and GA funding throughout their program.
School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Fellowships. Upon admission to their graduate program, eligible masters-level and doctoral-level students are offered one SGS fellowship unit at the Masters or Doctoral level, respectively. The value of the fellowship unit varies from year to year. To be eligible to receive SGS fellowship funding, students must have maintained at least a 75% MUN-equivalent average over the last 20 courses of their undergraduate degree. To continue to receive fellowship funding, students must continue to maintain at least a 75% average in their graduate courses.
Graduate Assistantships. Each Graduate Assistantship (GA) unit is worth $1525.80 and each graduate student in the department is typically approved for 1 Graduate Assistantship (GA) unit per year (with a possibilty of other units depending on budgetary availability). Each GA unit requires the student to serve as a teaching assistant for a specified course for approximately 56 hours over the semester (approximately 4 hours per week). Due to the nature of education, some weeks will require far more than 4 hours, while other weeks may not require much time at all. Rather than paying different amounts each pay period, students are paid the same amount every two weeks regardless of the actual hours worked during that particular pay period. By the end of the semester, the number of hours worked should come close to 56 hours.
Funding for Conference Travel
Prior to your conference (do this as soon as possible):
- Collate conference documentation: the advertisement for the conference, an invitational letter if available, the title and abstract of your presentation.
- Complete and submit a TRAVEL REQUEST form (available in the Departmental Office, SN2065)
- Complete and submit a GRADUATE STUDENT REQUEST FOR TRAVEL ASSISTANCE application form (available in the Departmental Office, SN2065)
- Obtain signatures and details of committed funding (if applicable) from your supervisor, the department, the Faculty of Science, the School of Graduate Studies, and the GSU (the last unit to sign)
After the conference:
- Complete and submit a TRAVEL CLAIM A form (available in the Departmental Office, SN2065). This requires financial information and signatures from all of your MUN funding sources; GSU is the last to sign. Be sure to attach all receipts to be claimed and your completed and approved GRADUATE STUDENT REQUEST FOR TRAVEL ASSISTANCE application.
Potential Sources of Funding
Faculty of Science Graduate Student Travel Support Policy
The Faculty of Science recognizes the considerable value to graduate students of presenting their work publicly and of interacting with their peers from other institutions. To facilitate those processes, the Faculty may provide support for conference travel according to the following guidelines. It is expected that students will have sought support from their research supervisor and department and that support will also be sought from the School of Graduate Studies, the Graduate Student Union and any other relevant sources.
- The grants shall be for a maximum of $400 and will normally be comparable to the student’s departmental support.
- M.Sc. students shall be eligible for one such grant during their program. Typically this will be taken near the completion of the program so that the student will be able to present his/her research results.
- Ph.D. students shall be eligible for two such grants during their programs, with the proviso that no more than one grant shall be given in any one fiscal year.
- To be eligible to receive a grant, the student must be presenting at the conference (poster or oral presentations are equally acceptable).
- Application must be made to the office of the Dean of Science using the appropriate form. Where possible, proof of acceptance of a paper for presentation should be provided when funding is applied for. If the paper has not been accepted at the time of application, funding will be provided conditional on acceptance.
- Travel expenditures and claims must conform to the travel guidelines of the university. Information and advice may be obtained from the departmental office of the student.
- Deviations from this policy may be made at the discretion of the Dean.
School of Graduate Studies
Students who are presenting at a conference are eligible to apply for travel assistance once per Masters program and twice per Doctoral program. The maximum contribution is $100 for travel within the Atlantic region, $200 for travel to other parts of Canada and the U.S.A. and $300 for travel outside of North America. The full policy and form can be printed off from the Current Student link on the SGS website (GRADUATE STUDENT REQUEST FOR TRAVEL ASSISTANCE).
Graduate Student Union (GSU)
All graduate students are eligible to receive -- from the GSU -- up to $250 per Masters program or up to $500 per PhD program to aid in conference-related costs. Students may choose to split this amount over several conferences, rather than applying for the entire sum at once. Thus, conference funding may be available more than once during a graduate program. Students are also eligible for up to $150 of the above amounts for research trips, field trips, conferences at which they are not presenting, workshops, societal meetings or seminar series that are related to their academic program.
Students who are participating in an out-of-province conference are eligible to apply for funding. While assistance is available only after the conference is completed, students should apply for the funding a minimum of four weeks before travel begins. Conference aid from the Graduate Students' Union is not guaranteed and is contingent upon the availability of funds and the submission of a complete application package. For an application package or for more information, drop by the GSU general office in GH-2007 (Field Hall).
Being a Teaching Assistant in Psychology
A few weeks before each term begins, the Administrative Staff Specialist (Scott Young) for the department begins the process of assigning students to courses/instructors. When possible, Scott will match student skills/interests with courses. Please let Scott know the course(s) for which you would like to be considered for a teaching assistant.
As soon as the TA assignments have been made, you should contact the instructor of the course to which you have been assigned to determine the nature of your duties and responsibilities. Also, please let Scott Young know if any errors or omissions have been made.
One GA unit is approximately 56 hours over the semester, approximately 4 hours per week. Due to the nature of education, some weeks will require far more than 4 hours, while other weeks may not require much time at all.
Because you may be required to be available to invigilate and mark final exams, do not make travel arrangements until the final exam schedule has been posted.
In addition to TA duties for the course(s) to which a student has been assigned, many students will be called upon to help invigilate Final Exams for Psychology 1000 and 1001.
As a TA, you will belong to TAUMUN, the union representing TAs at MUN. Their website is (which would include the collective agreement) is:
Teaching Skills Enhancement Program
Memorial University is committed to providing opportunities for the professional development of its graduate students beyond the knowledge and skills gained within the disciplines. Because graduate students are engaged in teaching and many will pursue an academic career, the Teaching Skills Enhancement Program (TSEP) is designed to provide an introduction to teaching at the undergraduate level.
The program is offered to graduate students over two semesters. The fall semester is delivered in a blended learning format with online content and weekly in class seminars. During the winter or spring/summer semester graduate students undertake a teaching apprenticeship and complete a learning portfolio.
The program is free of charge and graduate students who successfully complete the program receive an official transcript notation and a certificate of completion.
The goals of the TSEP are to:
- foster student and faculty engagement through effective teaching
- build confidence and capacity in teaching abilities
- introduce theories related to adult learning and teaching in higher Education and how they can benefit your teaching
- stimulate dialogue within a community of other novice teachers, and foster individual reflection about student engagement and effective teaching
- provide support for participants as they undertake their teaching activities
- provide opportunities to develop teaching skills
- familiarize graduate students with the challenges and rewards of teaching
For further information, go to:
Graduate Student Representation
The selection process for graduate student representatives has not been determined. Graduate students may want to organize a meeting during the Annual Departmental Research Conference at the end of the winter semester to nominate and select student representatives for the coming year.
Departmental Meetings:
To be determined
Departmental Graduate Studies Committee:
To be determined
Graduate Student Union:
To be determined
Canadian Psychological Association Graduate Student Representative:
To be determined
Resolving Complaints: University Policies and Procedures
Code of Student Conduct
Memorial University of Newfoundland enjoys a great sense of community where excellence in teaching, research and community service can be practiced. The University prides itself in the encouragement of academic and personal growth within a community dedicated to freedom of expression and the rights of individuals. Members of the Memorial University community are committed to upholding the highest standards of honesty, trust, respect, fairness and responsibility in all that they do. Students enjoy the rights and privileges and share in the responsibilities associated with being a Student. The objectives of the university are the pursuit of learning through scholarship, teaching and research within a spirit of free enquiry and expression. The university recognizes academic freedom and the right to free speech, creative expression and peaceful protest, acknowledging that the common good of society depends upon the search for knowledge and its free expression.
Within the University community there is a collective responsibility to maintain a high level of scholarly integrity. Students are expected to adhere to those principles which constitute proper academic conduct.
Academic and non-Academic Complaints
Students who have a complaint should most often attempt to resolve the complaint informally. Students should first consider approaching the course instructor, their supervisor or the Graduate Officer, as appropriate. If these approaches do not lead to resolution, students should take their concerns to the Head of the Department. There is also a Departmental Mediator in the Department of Psychology who may be able to help resolve the problem. Should the informal approach not work, a variety of formal procedures are available.
Policy statements and complaint procedures (informal and formal) can be found at the following links:
Student Life:
School of Graduate Studies, Section 4.6 Appeals Procedures:
Health and Well-Being
There are a wide range of services to students to help them achieve a health and wellness while studying at Memorial University. This includes:
• Student Health Services:
• The Counselling Centre:
• The Wellness Program:
• The Glenn Roy Blundon Centre for students with disabilities:
The Graduate Student Union website ( also has information for their health and dental plan. Information about health insurance for international students, and MCP coverage for international students can be found at the following website:
Also, check out the excellent facilities at the Works, Aquarena and Field House for your physical well-being (
Sexual Harassment
This webpage provides links to the services available to members of the Memorial community to help them deal with issues of sexual harassment.