Pierre-Paul Bitton
Associate Professor |
Office: SN3091 |
Phone: (709) 864-7665 |
Email: pbitton@mun.ca |
Web: www.visualecologymun.net |
Affiliations: CABE |
Research Interests

The Visual Ecology @ Memorial University of Newfoundland studies visual communication in birds, fish, and other critters. The research projects will range from the proximate mechanisms of perception (spatial frequency, contrast sensitivity function, flicker fusion frequency, spatial summation), to behaviours (social visual communication in large groups), and ultimate mechanisms (e.g., effect of photic environment to evolution of visual system on micro-evolutionary scale). We leverage the range of expertise available in the Psychology department to complement our research, and offer students an interdisciplinary learning environment.
Learn more on our lab website: www.visualecologymun.net