David Wilson

B.Sc., M.Sc. University of Manitoba, Ph.D. Macquarie University

Associate Professor

Office: SN3085
Phone: (709) 864-8291
Email: dwilson@mun.ca
Website: www.cs.mun.ca/~dwilson
Affiliations: CABE

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in animal behaviour, animal communication, ornithology, predator-prey interactions, evolution, and sexual selection. I am most captivated, however, by research that integrates across these fields. My research is theory-driven, and I prefer working on questions that concern the underlying mechanisms and functional salience of behaviour. When embarking on a new research project, I select the most appropriate taxonomic group for my particular research question. This approach has been very rewarding and has allowed me to work with a variety of animal species over the years, though the majority of my research has focused on birds. For a more comprehensive description of my research, and a complete list of my publications, please visit my lab webpage.


I completed a BSc and MSc at the University of Manitoba with Dr. Jim Hare, and a PhD from Macquarie University with Dr. Christopher Evans. I then conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Windsor under the guidance of Dr. Daniel Mennill. I joined the Department of Psychology at Memorial University in 2014.