Congratulations to School of Music alum Duncan Stenhouse on just being named one of CBC Music’s Top 30 Canadian Classical Musicians under 30! Duncan holds a Bachelor of Music (Honours) from Memorial University with a major in Performance and a minor in Composition. He is currently a member of Canadian Opera Company's Ensemble Studio.
We have had several current students and alumni recognized on this list in the last few years! Current MMus student Olive MacPhail made CBC Music’s Top 30 list in 2023, alum Stephen Eckert in 2022, and alum Ben Diamond in 2021.
Congratulations, Duncan, on this well-deserved recognition! Visit the CBC Music page for a full list of recipients this year.
Congratulations to School of Music faculty members Andrew Staniland and Florian Hoefner on your East Coast Music Association (ECMA) Award wins this past weekend!
Andrew Staniland took home the 2024 ECMA Award for Classical Composer of the Year award for Blackwood Sketches, featured on Kate Read’s album After.
Florian Hoefner’s project with Daniel Oore, Flying Pooka!, won the 2024 ECMA Award for Instrumental Recording of the Year for their album The Ectasy of Becoming.
Cameron Bennett, a BMus Musicology student graduating this Spring 2024, recently spoke to CBC about his graduating essay: “I Bet You Think About Me”: Taylor Swift, Illusory Intimacy, and the Economization of Fandom.
Cameron’s essay asks a very timely question: how has Swift developed a persona and a fan-artist relationship which has led to the illusion of intimacy between her and her fans, and in what ways has Swift been successful in economizing this relationship? His paper analyzes two recent examples of Swift’s intimate fan relationship in action: The Eras Tour and the re-recording project.
Watch CBC's interview with Cameron here.