Decision Making at the Faculty of Medicine

The dean of medicine has authority and responsibility for medical school matters and reports through the vice-president (academic) of the university, to the president and the Board of Regents, which have the final responsibility within Memorial University of Newfoundland, for the Faculty of Medicine.
The dean consults with the vice-president (research) and the vice-president (administration and finance) on matters related to research and finance.
The vice-dean and the director of administrative services report directly to the dean with duties delegated by the dean. The vice-dean co-ordinates and facilitates educational activities, curriculum development and accreditation with the associate dean, Undergraduate Medical Education; the assistant dean, Postgraduate Medical Education; the assistant dean, Learner Well-Being and Success; and the assistant dean, Professional Development and Continuing Medical Education. The director of administrative services is responsible for human resources, finance and administration activities. The assistant and associate deans of programs and divisions, and chairs of disciplines, are responsible to the dean.

Senior Management Committee
The Senior Management Committee is comprised of senior administrators in the Faculty of Medicine including associate deans, assistant deans, chairs and several staff administrators.

This group meets monthly and exists to provide advice to the dean on matters of strategic planning, development, management and control of resources towards attainment of the mission of the Faculty of Medicine and to foster communication among faculty disciplines, programs and divisions.

Faculty Council
The Faculty Council represents all faculty, students, and some staff. The function of Faculty Council is:
  • to discuss and take action on academic matters affecting the faculty;
  • to consider and determine all courses of study and all matters relating to courses of study for the education programs of the Faculty of Medicine with referral for consideration to the appropriate university body;
  • to approve the candidates for degrees of doctor of medicine (MD);
  • to discuss and where necessary approve recommendations of the committees and standing committees;
  • to review faculty council by-laws every five years;
  • to discuss and take action upon matters relating to the accreditation of all programs and centres;
  • to receive items of information from within the faculty.

Undergraduate Medical Studies Committee (UGMS)

The UGMS Committee, a standing committee of Faculty Council, has responsibility for the overall evaluation of the curriculum and its objectives and any policy and procedure related to such. Students are represented on this committee by three individuals: one from Phases 1-3, One from Phase 4 and one from the Clerkship portion of the program. Three subcommittees report to the UGMS Committee, including: the Program Evaluation Sub-Committee (PESC); Informatics & Technology Advisory Committee (MedITAC); and Student Assessment Sub Committee (SAS).

The Program Evaluation Sub-Committee (PESC)
PESC is responsible for developing the overall framework of program evaluation for the curriculum leading to the MD degree and advising the UGMS Committee on program evaluation policy. Students are represented on this committee by two individuals: one medical student in Clerkship or Phase 4 and one medical student not yet in Clerkship or Phase 4. 
The Informatics and Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC)
ITAC exists to advise and assist the UGMS Committee on informatics issues related to the curriculum of the MD program. Students are represented on this committee by two individuals.

The Student Assessment Sub-Committee (SAS)
SAS reviews and develops an overall strategy for student assessment for the curriculum leading to the MD degree. The sub-committee evaluates all aspects of the assessment of student achievement in the curriculum and advises the UGMS Committee on student assessment policy and its implementation. Students are represented on this committee by two individuals: one medical student in Clerkship or Phase 4 and one medical student not yet in Clerkship or Phase 4.