MED 7740 Phase 4 Preparation Assessment Plan

MED 7740: Phase 4 Preparation
Phase 3, Class of 2027

Assessment Plan

The assessment plan sets out the principles and key elements used to assess the learner’s performance in an accurate, consistent, and objective manner for MED 7740 Phase 4 Preparation.

MED 7740 Phase 4 Preparation introduces learners to skills and competencies required to enter into the Phase 4 clinical experience.

See schedule for course components to be completed prior to the start of Phase 4.

Attendance is required for the Phase 4 Preparation course.

Any absence must be requested in writing and approved by the Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) office.


To pass the course, a learner must:

  • Achieve the requirements for each course component,
  • Attend or complete all sessions as per the course requirements.

Exam and assignment deferrals will only be approved by the Phase Lead under exceptional circumstances, see Exam Deferral Policy.

Promotion regulations:

  • Even if a learner has passed all examinations and assignments, a learner may be required to repeat the Phase or withdraw conditionally or unconditionally from the program (see section 5.3 in the University calendar) if there are significant concerns about a learner’s performance (as communicated to the learner by the Phase Lead). Examples may include, but are not limited to, late assignments without proper deferral process, lapses in professionalism, recurrent reassessment exams.
  • As outlined in Section 5.2 of the Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine in the University calendar, learners with a Fail grade in any course cannot be promoted to the next Phase.
  • As outlined in the MD program objectives, the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University values professionalism as a core competency and a requirement of the MD program. Recognizing that medical learners are developing their professional identity, professionalism lapses will be remediated where possible and appropriate. Unsuccessful remediation will result in failure of the Phase.  Professionalism lapses may render a learner incompatible with continuation in the MD program (as outlined in the Memorial University Calendar Regulation 10.5 Promotion).


Learner assessment will be both formative and summative throughout the course.

Original work, completed wholly by the learner, is expected to be submitted in this course. The use of an artificial intelligence tool like chatGPT is not permitted.

Formative Assessment

Learners will receive ongoing formative feedback on interactive portions of the course.

Summative Assessment

Summative assessment will include learner evaluation of specific milestones identified for competencies taught during workshops.

Skills competency will be assessed through observation of task performance (e.g. Intravenous placement) utilizing standardized checklists of key items.


Re-assessment will be required if a learner fails one or more summative assessments.



Formative assessment:
Ongoing instructor feedback on all technical tasks.

Summative assessment:
The learner will be required to watch demonstrations of the following technical skills and will attempt a selection of the skills with observation and feedback from the instructor:

  • Bag-Valve-Mask-Ventilation
  • Arterial Blood Gas
  • IV Insertion
  • Perform a 12 lead EKG
  • Intramuscular injections
  • Nasogastric tube insertion
  • Urinary catheter insertion
  • Casting
  • Sterile Field


Formative assessment:
Ongoing instructor feedback on all team communication and patient handovers.

Summative assessment:
The learner will be required to accomplish the following:

  • Participate as a first responder
  • Participate as a team member in the mock code event
  • Attend crash cart demonstration.


Formative assessment:
Ongoing instructor feedback on task oriented exercises.

Summative assessment:
The learner will be required to accomplish the following:

  • Participate in chart work exercises in small group setting


Formative assessment:
Ongoing instructor feedback on techniques to gather prudent patient information during an acute medical presentation and synthesize the information for appropriate patient handover.

Summative assessment:
The learner will be required to accomplish the following:

  • Participate in simulated patient encounters and handovers


Formative assessment:
Ongoing instructor feedback on appropriateness awareness and techniques for ordering imaging studies
Ongoing instructor feedback on basic image interpretation skills

Summative assessment:
The learner will be required to accomplish the following:

  • Participate in image ordering exercises in a small group setting
  • Participate in image interpretation exercises in a small group setting


Formative assessment:
Ongoing instructor feedback on all technical components and team communication skills.

Summative assessment:
The learner will be required to accomplish the following:

  • Participate in mock trauma code and debrief.
  • Attend sessions on trauma imaging and trauma skills


Formative assessment:
Ongoing instructor feedback on technical suturing skills.
Standardized patient feedback on patient communication skills.

Summative assessment:
The learner will be required to accomplish the following:

  • Participate in simulated SP session on consent for a procedure.
  • Attend introduction to suturing session


Mandatory learning sessions are defined as sessions that require learners to attend in order to achieve the learning objectives. The following sessions have been designated as mandatory learning sessions:

  • Course introduction
  • HELM – Health Law
  • Time Management
  • Phase 4 Assessment Process and Educational Technologies,
  • Receiving feedback
  • Providing feedback
  • MSPR
  • Prescribing Course

Version: April 24, 2024
Reviewed by SAS: May 22, 2024
Approved by UGMS: June 19, 2024