Registration Requirements
How to Register
New & Returning Students should proceed to the Office of the Registrar page entitled Medicine Registration Procedures and read all the provided information. You are responsible for the accuracy of your registration.The registration times are listed in the Key Dates and Holidays section.
Registration is completed via Memorial Self-Service. The courses for each Phase are listed below. You may also use the univeristy computer system to pay fees. The same rules and regulations with respect to registration and payment that apply to other university students also apply to medical students.
If you have any questions or encounter any diffculties in registering you should contact the Office of the Registrar at 709-864-4445.
Class of 2026
Phase 4 - year 3 |
MED 8710: Core Experiences |
MED 8750 A: Physician Competencies |
Class of 2025
Phase 4 - year 4 |
MED 8750 B: Physician Competencies |
MED 8730: Electives |
MED 8740: Advanced Practice Integration* |
MED 8720: Clinical Skills IV |
*Students completing the Progression To Postgraduate (P2P) option for MED 8740: Advanced Practice Integration should contact prior to registration.