Academic Component

There is a half-day protected academic time each week to accomplish the following:

  • Complete Memorial University's online multidisciplinary course: Certificate in Health Equity, including required readings, online modules, and online group discussions.  There are 12 modules, residents complete 10 in Global/Local Health Equity.
  • Collaborate with CUP faculty and community partners in a scholarly research project (e.g., chart review, program evaluation, etc.), which is integrated into the CUP Program's learning objectives and designed to contribute to the required competencies. 
  • Residents complete an advocacy projext on a topic of their choice and receive mentorship around this through CUP faculty and often in collaboration with community partners.
  • Write three reflective essays over the course of their training that consider how the broad range of learning experiences gained inform each other and influence the resident's development.
  • Participate in a Contextualized Health Research Synthesis Program (CHRSP) with the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research (NLCAHR). 
  • Prepare and present at one Family Medicine Academic Half-day session.  
  • Self-study.