An educational contract will be completed at the beginning of each rotation.
Evaluation by the preceptor (ITAR) will be completed at mid and final points for each rotation.
There is also a scholarshop ITAR which reflect the work the CUP residents does on the scholarly project and on the advocacy project. The CUP Program Director (or CUP faculty lead for scholarship project) will complete a midpoint and final ITAR for the resident's work on the scholarly project.
A minimum of one field note per week.
One reflective essay per core rotation.
Feedback from residents and students on the CUP resident's teaching at Family Medicine Academic Half-day.
An individualized resident portfolio: the resident will assemble one piece of evidence (various media forms are welcome, and may include any of the above documents except their ITARs) for having met each of the learning objectives in the curriculum.
The above evaluations will be reviewed after each rotation by the resident's faculty advisor and periodically by the Program Director. If problems are identified, they will be referred to the CUP Residency Planning Committee.
Preceptor and Rotation
Evaluations of the preceptors and of the rotation are to be completed by the resident on each rotation.
Evaluation of the overall CUP program is to be completed by the resident at the end of the program.