PriFor 2019

The Primary Healthcare Research Unit of Memorial University of Newfoundland is pleased to invite you to PriFor 2019, the eleventh annual Primary Healthcare Partnership Forum. This conference is presented in partnership with the Atlantic Practice Based Research Network, the Centre for Rural Health Studies, and Memorial University of Newfoundland. PriFor highlights the research, program, and practice activities of the many and varied professionals involved in primary healthcare.

PriFor 2019 will be held on June 27–28, 2019. We will be holding PriFor in a new location: the Emera Innovation Exchange Conference Centre at the Signal Hill Campus, St. John’s, NL, Canada. In addition to our change in venue, we have also made adjustments to our conference format. For example, this year, we are requesting submissions for poster presentations only. We are also introducing lightning round sessions in which selected presenters will give a ten-minute talk on their work followed by 5 minutes of questions.

This year’s conference theme is “learning health systems”- health systems in which knowledge generation processes (research, evaluation, and quality improvement) are embedded to enable continual improvement in health and health care. Plenary sessions related to this theme will feature talks by Drs. Joshua Tepper and Jeremy Grimshaw.

Now in our eleventh consecutive year, PriFor continues to create a forum and a climate for the sharing and networking of ideas and knowledge to help strengthen research and ultimately, the delivery of primary healthcare locally, regionally, and nationally.


Notifications of acceptance will be sent during the week of June 3rd. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Thank you for your interest in PriFor!