MUN Biology Labs

MUN Biology 2010: The Biology of Plants

Two labs, #4 & #7, will take place at the Botanical Garden

Lab #4: Grocery Store Botany

Presented by: Todd Boland, Research Horticulturist & Christine Gillard, Environmental Educator

What to Bring:
Travel mug (we will be serving a hot drink)
Indoor shoes (recommended)
Pencil or pen

Section A: The Botany of Tea, Coffee, & Chocolate

A brief overview of where these essentials come from.
Video presentation by Todd Boland

Section B: Botany Grocery Store

Most foods we eat directly (and indirectly) come from plants. But do we always know what we are eating? Let's explore our relationship with plants and food, while we taste some samples at the Botany Grocery Store.

Video on our discussion of Grocery Store Botany 


Section C: The Politics of Food Presentation

When we discuss the politics of food, we must consider all aspects of food production, control, regulation, inspection, distribution, consumption and disposal. What role does the health and sustainability of our environment, culture, ethics, and human health, play throughout this discussion?

Food Security & Sustainability Power Point
The PowerPoint above has many links and further information to what we discuss in the lab. The links will be available when you are in view mode and are orange or are embedded in a photo.

Video presentation by Christine Gillard

Hellmann's Commercial
Nourish Trailer
What is Fair Trade?

Student Feedback

We'd love to have your comments and suggestions about this lab. 
Student Feedback Form

Lab #7: Propagation

Presented by: Tim Walsh, Nursery Manager
Video presentation by Tim Walsh

Seed Savvy: Propagation By Seeds (PDF)Divide and Conquer: Propagation By Division (PDF)Making the Cut: Propagation By Cuttings (PDF)

A presentation on Sprouting may also take place by Christine Gillard, Environmental Educator


Video presentation by Christine Gillard
Turning seeds and grains into sprouts can be a fun, healthy way to produce fresh food in your kitchen. When soaked in water, seeds germinate, causing the outer layers to split open and the young shoots to emerge. These young shoots consume some of the grain’s starches, increasing the proportion of protein and fibre, lowering the glycemic index, and thereby altering the food’s nutritional content. But to keep it healthy, we’ll show you some important “dos and don’ts” as we demonstrate how to sprout seeds with simple materials. 

The seeds from our lab were bought at Food for Thought, at 68 Gower St., downtown St. John's.