Fern Brunger

BA (Hons), MA, PhD
Professor of Health Care Ethics
Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences
Contact Information:
Room: 4M212
Phone: 709-864-6677
Email: fbrunger@mun.ca
X: @FernBrunger
Fern Brunger is Professor of Health Ethics in the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University. She is a medical anthropologist and ethicist with an active research agenda at the interface of bioethics and anthropology. She examines science, medicine, and bioethics as cultural systems, considering culture in its relation to power.
Dr. Brunger is a member of Memorial University’s Centre for Bioethics, teaching ethics in undergraduate and postgraduate medicine and in the Master of Health Ethics (MHE) programme. She provides graduate supervision and education to PhD, MSc, and MHE students in the Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences.
Along with the other faculty ethicists, Dr. Brunger serves as a clinical ethics consultant to the province’s regional health authorities, through the Provincial Health Ethics Network of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Research interests include: critical social studies of science, medicine, and bioethics; governance of research that poses collective risks; nationalism and identity politics.