Changing Fee Status

 If you applied to Memorial as an international student or you arrived in Canada as an international student but have recently become a permanent resident of Canada (landed immigrant) or have been granted the status of conventional refugee status, then you must change your tuition fees status with the University administration. Charges for tuition and Foreign Health are connected with your immigration residency status.

To change your status:

Step One:
Please email with the electronic copies of the following documents:
- Permanent Resident card
- OR Landed certificate
- Confirmation of hearing - Notice of Decision for refugee claimants pronouncing them Convention Refugees.

Step Two:
The Immigration Advising Team will validate the documents and email the Cashiers Office. The immigration advisors may contact you for additional documents if required for the validation purposes.

Step Three:
Cashiers office will make the changes as recommended by the international student advisors (immigration).
NOTE: At the point that your status is changed in the University system, your differential tuition fees for that semester will be dropped.

Your Foreign Health fee, however, will only be dropped for that semester if you become a PR before the end of the opt out deadline (usually after the first two weeks of classes). If you become a PR halfway through the semester, you will be required to keep the Foreign Health Insurance for that semester. But for the following semester, you will be charged the Canadian health fee. If you have any questions about this, email