Fry Family Foundation

Fry Family Foundation - Oxen Pond Environmental Education and Recreation Program

In a wonderful display of generosity and vision, the Fry Family Foundation has stepped forward to transform the landscape of outdoor recreation and environmental education in our community. Their gift has laid the groundwork for the Oxen Pond Environmental Education & Recreation Program.

This initiative promises to be a cornerstone for community programming at the Botanical Garden in the years to come. The program is designed to intertwine kayaking and environmental stewardship, creating unique experiences for young minds to thrive in the beauty of nature.

With the potential to serve over 200 summer camp participants each summer through full-day training programs in 2025, and general, public programming beginning in 2026, the initiative is an excellent example of the partnership between the Botanical Garden and the Fry Family Foundation. The Fry Family Foundation’s commitment ensures startup funding for the program from the pilot programming this past summer to the continual development and expansion through 2026.

"We are looking forward to sharing this program with our local community and providing yet another reason to visit the Botanical Garden,” says the Garden’s Director, Kim Shipp. "We will see children who had never set foot in a kayak before not only mastering these skills but also developing a profound respect for our natural environment."

Moreover, the Fry Family Foundation in partnership with the Botanical Garden will be working with local not-for-profit groups to assist children who may be in financial need to attend a camp program. When designing this program, a central goal wa to make the program accessible to children who may face financial or physical challenges.

Christine Gillard, Environmental Education Coordinator, shares, "Working with children in this new program will be an incredible experience for our staff, and we look forward to building new partnerships within the community. "

Memorial University Botanical Garden presents an urban oasis within the city limits, a highlight of which is Oxen Pond. This treasure of a resource, Oxen Pond, has been underutilized until now, and this initiative allows for it to reach its full potential for environmental education and instilling a love of and respect for nature among our community, young and old alike.  

The strategic phased development of the program, encompassing equipment procurement, expansive programming, and infrastructure enhancement, underscores a careful approach to creating a sustainable and impactful initiative. This thoughtful planning ensures that the program's benefits will be felt for years to come, cementing the Foundation's legacy as a catalyst for positive change in our community. 

As we look forward to the future milestones of this program, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Fry Family Foundation for their unwavering support and vision. Their generous gift is not just a contribution to the present; it is an investment in a greener, more inclusive future.


For more information about charitable gifts to the Botanical Garden, please contact:

Darcy McMeekin
Development Officer – Botanical Garden & School of Pharmacy