Summer Camp

Summer Camp at MUN Botanical Garden

Junior Naturalist & Nature Explorer Camps 2025

In 2025 we will be holding 9 weeks of summer camp from July 2 - August 28. We have two types of camps:

Junior Naturalist Camps are for children completing Kindergarten - Grade 3;
Nature Explorer Camps
 are for youth completing Grade 4 - Grade 6.

Both of our camps are mostly outdoors, so make sure your child likes to spend time in nature before you sign them up! For 2025, we are expecting the Nature Explorers to spend a good bit of time using our new kayaks, so youth should be comfortable being on the water.

Below you will find information on:



Registration will be similar to our 2024 season, in that you will fill out our online form requesting which weeks you would like to put your child(ren) in. There will only be one form this year, so you will also need to provide details about your child(ren) including their health information, a friend they would like to be with (if applicable), and anything else you would like us to know. Once we have reviewed your information and confirmed availability, we will send you an invoice to be paid online. Our system processes Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit, and Debit Mastercard. We may have select times you can come in to our desk to pay but we use the same online system on our machines.

Early Registration
2025 Family Season Pass Holders will get early access to camp registration. Please ensure you have purchased your pass at least 24 hours before registration opens so we have time to send you the registration email with link. The link will open at 12:00noon on Monday, March 31, and close at 9:00am on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. 

Public Registration
Registration will be available to the general public on our website HERE, starting at 12:00noon on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.

Things to NOTE:

  • Each child can be registered for a MAXIMUM of 2 weeks, there is no minimum.
  • Your child must meet the completed grade requirement for each camp.
  • You will be able to request 1 other child to be grouped with yours, we cannot guarantee more.
  • You will need to accept our Photography Policy to register your child.
  • Payment will be due in three (3) days once we have processed your registration request. If you have not paid on time, we will go to the next person in line.
  • We will offer a waitlist for camps that fill. Many children often do get in when put on a waitlist, as people's plans change, and we try to make everyone happy.
  • There are no refunds without a doctor's note, or if we are able to fill the spot. All refunds will require a $20 processing fee.
  • Our camp is outside and there are inherent risks that come along with it: bug stings, plant reactions, sun exposure, heat, scrapes, bumps, etc. We do everything possible to mitigate these risks, but our number one priority is to have fun, so these sometimes happen.


Season Schedule & Prices

The schedule may be subject to change.

Junior Naturalist Camps (JNC)
Suitable for children who will complete Kindergarten - Grade 3 as of June 2025.

Nature Explorer Camp (NE)
Suitable for youth who will complete Grade 4 – Grade 6, as of June 2025.

All Camps run 9:00am to 4:00pm, with drop-off starting at 8:00am, and pick-up ending at 5:00pm.


**Please NOTE: Each child can be registered for a MAXIMUM of 2 weeks**


Summer Camp Week # Dates Prices
Discount of 10% for
2025 Season Pass Holders

July 2- 4

(3 day camp) 

$141 for JNC

July 7 - 11

$235 for JNC
3 July 14 - 18 $235 for JNC
$290 for NE
4 July 21 - 25 $235 for JNC
$290 for NE


July 28 - Aug 1 No Camps This Week

Aug 4 - 8

$235 for JNC
$290 for NE

7 Aug 11 - 15 $235 for JNC
$290 for NE
8 Aug 18 - 22 $235 for JNC
$290 for NE

Aug 25 - 28
(4 day camp)

$188 for JNC


What to Expect

Junior Naturalist Camps

Age-appropriate activities are arranged for our Junior Naturalist Camp. The program offers kids an opportunity to explore Newfoundland's natural history through nature hikes, exploration, activities, games, crafts, and adventures.

A respect for nature and all its “critters” is emphasized. The camps are suitable for children who enjoy exploring nature and being outside regardless of the weather and who can focus quietly on an activity or craft for a period of time.

While all camps follow similar themes (composting, wetlands, etc.), there is seasonal variety from week to week.

All programs have been developed at Memorial University Botanical Garden to present a number of themes in a fun, interactive way, utilizing nature trails, flower gardens, Oxen Pond, outdoor classrooms, and an outdoor playfield & forest.

Mornings have a structured schedule, but the afternoons are left for supervised imaginative play and free time. Our camp counsellors lead games and activities as there is interest, so if your child is eager to play something make sure they let our counsellors know!

What to Bring

1) A backpack with their lunch, 2 snacks, a filled water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, and an emergency change of clothes.

2) A hat for the sun, layers & weather appropriate clothing (rain jacket, sweater/t-shirt, pants/shorts)

3) Rubber boots for our Pond Scoop (usually Thursday - but our counsellors will let you know), and swim wear & a towel for hot days so we can go in the sprinkler.


Nature Explorer Camps

Offered during weeks: 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8.

This camp is exclusively for youth who will complete Grade 4 – Grade 6, as of June 2025.  Is this program suitable for your child?

  • Do they like being in a boat?
    We will be spending up to 8 hours of the week in our kayaks on the pond.   
  • Do they like learning about cool bugs, plants, and other forest organisms?
    Man-eating plants? A wasp mimicking fly? A mushroom eaten by the Vikings before battle? We’ve got it all, and more!
  • Do they like being challenged to help respect the environment?
    Battle in our composting challenge, build a pop-bottle terrarium, learn about the smart way to feed wildlife.
  • Are they a citizen scientist?
    If not we will show them how to start! The iNaturalist app is a great resource we love.
  • Do they love participating in a campfire?
    Safety is our number one priority. We go over all of the details on how to set up a safe fire, then celebrate our accomplishment by roasting marshmallows and eating s'mores!
  • Do they love scavenger hunts?
    Campers will get time to search for different things around the Garden.
  • Do they love spending time in nature?
    We set up our own fort base in the forest, with hammocks included. We often get requests to spend more time here as the kids act out their make-believe communities.

What to Bring

1) A backpack with their lunch, 2 snacks, a filled water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, and an emergency change of clothes.

2) A hat for the sun, layers & weather appropriate clothing (rain jacket, sweater/t-shirt, pants/shorts)

3) Rubber boots for our Pond Scoop (usually Tuesday - but our counsellors will let you know).

4) For Kayaking: Water shoes or crocs, swim clothes/clothes that dry quickly, a towel, their own PFD (if they prefer, we have enough for everyone)

*Registered Families will be sent a full package of information before their week of camp.


Daily Schedule

All times are approximate and are subject to change.

Daily Schedule for Junior Naturalist Camps:

8:00am Drop-off begins at our outdoor field behind the nursery buildings (across the road from the main Field Centre at 306 Mt. Scio Road)
Free play time in our outdoor field
9:00am Camp programs START
Most groups will head to the gardens and trails to investigate, discover, and learn about our habitats, flora, and fauna.
10:30am Picnic style snack break, then morning programs continue
12:00 noon Campers will return to our outdoor field and will have picnic LUNCH.
12:30pm When they are done eating, campers will have free play time in our field.
1:00pm We head into our forest for fort building, and make-believe play.
Story time, arts and crafts, water play in hot weather; organized group games may also take place.*
2:30pm Picnic style snack break
4:00pm Camp is FINISHED for the day; pick-up begins.
5:00pm All children MUST be picked up by this time.

*The schedule for the Nature Explorers can be similar to the younger kids, but they have more flexibility with timing, group decisions on what they are interested in, and more in-depth learning. They also spend some time learning some basic survival skills, including safely building a fire (and roasting marshmallows), creating a suitable shelter, and foraging wild plants. NEW for 2025: Weather-dependent, we will be kayaking on Oxen Pond up to 8 hours throughout the week!

If you have any questions about our summer camps, please email us at or call Christine Gillard, Environmental Educator, and Kira Whittaker, Education Assistant, in our office at 709-864-4418. We are often out leading programs so please leave a message! 

This program is funded in part by the Government of Canada, through the Young Canada Works employment program and the Canada Summer Jobs program.