Brent Suttie

Previous Education

M.A. (Archaeology), University of New Brunswick, 2005
B.A. (Anthropology & Classical Studies), University of New Brunswick, 2003


Dr. Scott Neilsen


Archaeological predictive modelling, precontact mobility models, landscape archaeology, archaeological methodological issues, early Holocene archaeology of Northeastern North America.

Research statement

My Ph.D. research seeks to examine contemporary archaeological resource management and research with a focus on how sites are located, interpreted, managed, and the information about them disseminated.

My approach is to look at existing management techniques and field assessment methodologies from a historical perspective looking at the utility and suitability of traditional methodologies to establish baseline datasets with which to compare recent approaches.

I hope that my research can contribute to developing new tools, technologies and associated standards to increase the identification and standardize the interpretation of sites within archaeological landscapes. In particular my research looks at methods of assessing for cultural material that is located in deep sediments or in deposits which are wet or waterlogged.

