
Professor | Departments of Ocean Sciences and Biology
Research Interests: Research focuses on predator-prey interactions, how they are affected by the physical environment, and their impact on habitat quality.

Professor | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Research focuses on evolutionary and behavioral ecology, with an emphasis on fish breeding systems, life history diversity, phenotypic plasticity and survival strategies in the context of conservation and management.
Department Head | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Research investigates factors and processes governing the structure and function of shallow, marine benthic ecosystems in subarctic and cold temperate regions, while contributing novel approaches to the study of these ecosystems at meaningful scales.
Open research positions in the COBEL
Professor | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Research examines how environmental factors (e.g. hypoxia, temperature, domestication, pollutants, etc.) affect fish physiology, and whether the impacted fishes have the capacity to compensate for/adapt to these changes.

Deputy Head (Undergraduate) | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Research investigates the digestive physiology and movement of crustaceans and how animals balance the demands of several systems during environmental perturbations.

Professor | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Research focuses on species interactions and the influence of environmental factors on reproductive and feeding processes at various scales in benthic marine organisms. Major research areas include chronobiology, phenology, larval ecology, deep-sea biology, ocean acidification and aquaculture.

Professor | Department of Ocean Sciences
University Research Professor
Research Interests: Research focuses on the production, transport, fate and effects of lipids and other organic compounds in food webs.

Professor | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Impact of climate change and contaminants on the biological carbon pump. This research will increase our understanding of the impacts of climate change and oil or plastic pollution on marine ecosystems and allow development of mediating measures.

Professor | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Research uses functional genomic tools and techniques to study the genes and molecular pathways involved in aquatic animal growth, development, and responses to pathogens and environmental stressors (e.g. pollutants, temperature stress).

Professor | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis and immunity in marine aquatic organism towards needle free vaccine development.

Professor | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Research addresses the problem of spatial scale in the environmental sciences, with an emphasis on spatial scaling as it has developed in oceanography, ecology, and aquaculture and fisheries.

Research Professor | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Research focuses on the links between fish and invertebrate larval behaviour and transport, and how they contribute to recruitment success, population connectivity, and spatial patterns in coastal environments.

Professor | Department of Ocean Sciences
Research Interests: Research explores the effects of air-sea interaction on large scale marine ecosystem domains, with a special focus on assessing the impact of anticipated climate change on global fisheries production.