
Welcome to the Family Medicine Undergraduate website!

The Discipline of Family Medicine plays a major role in the delivery of the undergraduate curriculum in all four phases.  The following descriptions are for courses in which we have a major role or are solely administered by the Discipline of Family Medicine.  Family physicians are involved in many other clinical, academic and administrative aspects of the undergraduate program.  Our clinicians work in a broad range of primary care environments from St. John’s to Iqaluit and one of our goals is to present our learners with the opportunities to experience the diversity that defines family medicine as a career.

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Family Medicine Undergraduate Committee

Dr. Lyn Power, Undergraduate Director 

Dr. Jessica Bishop, Clerkship Coordinator

Dr. Christine Aubrey-Bassler, Co-Chair of Early Clinical Experience and Black Bag rotations

Dr. Meghan Greene, Co-Chair of Early Clinical Experience and Black Bag rotations 

Dr. Chris Patey, FMIG & Electives/Selectives

Dawn Corbett, Program Coordinator, Undergraduate and Residency Training Program

Sarah Eustace, Academic Program Assistant - 709-864-6485