Vision, Mission and Values

Our Mission

In partnership with learners, scholars, professionals, communities, and policy makers, the Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences is committed to creative, critical, evidence-informed, and interdisciplinary teaching, research, scholarship and community service. Through this, we seek to catalyze transformative change to support health, wellbeing, and social justice for all, with particular attention to marginalized populations.

Our Vision

Through innovative scholarly activities, grounded in inclusive, interdisciplinary practice, and as responsive partners, we help create healthy communities, and effective health systems.

Our Values

  • We strive for excellence and relevance in our scholarship
  • We hold ourselves and each other responsible for working towards common goals
  • We are receptive and responsive to individuals, groups, and communities in the province and beyond
  • We are honest, transparent and professional
  • We are fair to each other in what we each expect of, and each contribute to, the work and mission of the division
  • We recognize and respect the diverse roles, contributions and ideas of faculty, staff and learners
  • We are humble in our openness to learning from others