Graduate Student Handbook

The handbook provides new graduate students in the Department of Archaeology with important information about their program, the department and Memorial University. While the goal of this handbook is to provide most of the information you might need in one place, it is still useful and recommended that you consult the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) webpage as well as the University Calendar for the rules and regulations found through the Registrars Office.
As a graduate student at Memorial University you become a member of the Graduate Students' Union (GSU). The GSU provides many services for graduate students, including the health and dental plan, potential employment, and funding for conferences. The GSU office is located in Feild Hall (adjacent to Queen’s College). Our department elects one representative to attend GSU meetings and make sure our graduate students' needs are met.
Any comments or suggestions for improvements on this handbook would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy your studies at Memorial University’s Department of Archaeology!