Madeleine Mant

Assistant Professor (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Adjunct Professor (Memorial University)
SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Fellow (Memorial University 2017-19)
Ph.D. (Anthropology), McMaster University, 2016
Research Interests
My research focuses on the integrated study of human skeletal remains and historical documents, with a particular emphasis on how historical health-related events affected the lifestyles and activities of individuals in the past, particularly the poor. I seek to illuminate the stories of previously underrepresented individuals and explore the benefits and limitations of integrating disparate datasets in bioarchaeology.
My postdoctoral work investigated the life histories of 18th- and 19th- century sailors. This was a multidisciplinary project, incorporating archaeology, history, chemistry, and experimental physics, resulting in life histories of individuals from birth until after death, and providing new insights into historic individuals of the North Atlantic. The primary research question was: how much and what kinds of information can we glean from the remains of previously “mute” historical individuals by combining chemical and physical analyses with archival research?
Selected Publications
2018 Mant, M. Violence and the marked body: (in)visible trauma in London during the long eighteenth century. In: Bodies of Information: Reading the Variable Body from Roman Britain to Hip Hop. Edited by C. Mounsey and S. Booth. Delaware University Press. Forthcoming.
2017 Ives, R., Mant, M., de la Cova, C., & Brickley, M. A large-scale palaeopathological study of hip fractures from post-medieval urban England. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 27:261-75.
2016 Mant, M., Holland, A. (Editors). Beyond the Bones: Engaging with Disparate Datasets. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego.
2016 Mant, M. ‘Readmitted under urgent circumstance’: uniting archives and bioarchaeology at the Royal London Hospital. In: Beyond the Bones: Engaging with Disparate Datasets. Edited by M. Mant and A. Holland. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego. Pp. 37-59.
2016 Lockau, L., Gilmour, R., Menard, J.-P., Balakrishnan, N., Dragomir, A.-M., Mant, M., Watamaniuk, L., & Brickley, M. “Buck and Ball”: Identification and interpretation of buckshot injuries to the pelvis from the War of 1812. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 6: 424-433.
2016 Mant, M., Nagel, A., & Prowse, T. Investigating residential history using stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of human hair and drinking water. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 61:884-91.
2015 Mant, M. and Roberts, C. Diet and dental caries in post-medieval London. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 19:188-207.
2013 Lockau, L., Dragomir, A-M., Gilmour, R., Mant, M., and Brickley, M. Bioarchaeological investigation of sharp force injuries to the ribs and lower leg from the battle of Stoney Creek in the War of 1812. Anthropological Science 121:217-27.
2013 Mant, M. Palaeopathology of human remains at ancient Mendes (Tell er-Rub’a), Egypt. Bioarchaeology of the Near East 8: 1-27.
2012 Mant, M. and Lovell, N. Individual and Group Identity in WWII Commemorative Sites. Mortality 17:18-35.