Cultural Explorations Symposium 2024

Cultural Explorations: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Humanity
Cultural Explorations: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Humanity is a student-led conference for graduate and undergraduate students studying anything at Memorial that intersects with cultural studies. This event is hosted by Memorial's Departments of Anthropology, Archaeology, and Folklore.
We are pleased to announce that we have 21 presenters and 16 poster presentations ranging from a variety of topics, including Bioarchaeology, Classics, Criminology, Disability Studies, Education, Ethnobotany, Environmental Studies, Food Studies, Philosophy & Theory, Queer & Gender Studies, Heritage Studies, Historical Archaeology, Indigenous Studies, & Health Studies.
Our presenters are associated with various Departments, Schools, and Facilities across Memorial's campuses, including Archaeology, Biology, Gender Studies, Education, Folklore, Fine Arts, Lingustics, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, History, Geography, French, English, & Social Work.
We are also happy to announe that there will be a Mixer alongside the poster session hosted by Memorial's Undergraduate Archaeology, Anthropology, & Folklore Societies, and the Department of Archaeology Graduate Society!
We'd love to see many students, faculty, staff, and public at the symposium!
- Conference Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2024
- Conference Time: 9:30 am - 3 pm (Presentations) & 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm (Poster Session/Mixer)
- Conference Location: Queen's College Room 2013 & The Great Hall
Conference Program: Cultural Explorations: An Interdisciplinary Symposium 2024 Program [PDF]
Any questions can be sent to the Conference Planning Committee at!