Research with human participants

ChildrenAt the national level, the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans is the standard for the ethical conduct of research involving humans and provides the minimum standards to which you must adhere. It does not offer definitive answers – rather, it seeks “…to identify ethical issues in the design, conduct and oversight of research and to point the way to arriving at reasoned and ethical responses to these issues.”

Memorial’s three research ethics boards—the Health Research Ethics Authority (HREA), the Interdisciplinary Committee on Ethics in Human Research (ICEHR) and the Sir Wilfred Grenfell Campus Ethics Research Ethics Board (SWGC REB)—review the ethics of proposed and ongoing research to determine whether the research adheres to Memorial’s and to the Tri-Council’s minimum standards, and whether the research is permitted to begin or to continue.

Consult the following documents for more information:



Next: Research with animals and care for the environment

In the conduct of your research, your responsibilities go beyond the university to a consideration of the environment and its ecologies...

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