Bibliographic Accuracy
As a graduate student you are expected to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of your discipline and to contribute new knowledge to it. The graduate student experience continually exposes you to the ideas of others through lectures, published material, interviews, and conversations with faculty and peers, among other sources. These interactions provide you with the opportunity to combine the ideas of others with your own experience and understanding to reach a new, deeper understanding.
To enable the reader to locate the original source, each reference in your bibliography must be accurate and complete. Proper acknowledgement of all sources will also ensure that copyright law is not violated. The style of citing sources varies between disciplines and between publishers but should remain consistent within a single piece of work. Inquire about the bibliographic style preferred by your academic unit or publisher.
Plagiarism, presenting the ideas or works of another as your own, is one of seven academic dishonesty offences specified in the Memorial University of Newfoundland Calendar. The following sources provide more information on plagiarism and referencing sources. This list is not all inclusive and you must be aware of your disciplinary expectations.
Consult the following documents and web pages for more information:
- Memorial University of Newfoundland. (2001). Integrity in scholarly research.
- Office of the Registrar, Memorial University of Newfoundland. School of Graduate Studies. Memorial University of Newfoundland Calendar. (See especially: General Information and Regulations Governing All Graduate Students.)
- School of Graduate Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Theses and reports.
- The Writing Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Avoiding Plagiarism - A Guide.
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When your research is collaborative, or funded by an industrial client, corporation, or other such agency, think carefully about intellectual property issues before you begin work on your project... |
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