Major in Marine Biology

The most up-to-date information about this program can be found in the corresponding Calendar Section (under section 10.1.13). 

  •  10.1.13 Admission Requirements Major in Marine Biology (Administered by the Department of Ocean Sciences and Marine Biology)

Admission to the program is based on academic standing. To be considered for admission to the program, students will normally have successfully completed the following courses (or their equivalents) with an overall average of at least 60%:

  1. Biology 1001 and 1002 with an average grade of 65%;
  2. Chemistry 1050 and 1051 (or 1200 and 1001);
  3. Six credit hours in Critical Reading and Writing (CRW)courses, including at least 3 credit hours in English courses;
  4. Mathematics 1000 (or equivalent);
  5. Ocean Sciences 1000 with a minimum grade of 65%;
  6. Physics 1020 (or 1050); and
  7. Physics 1021 (or 1051) or one Ocean Sciences course at the 2000 level.

Students should be aware that delaying some of the above courses, particularly Chemistry 1050 and 1051, until the second year may make it difficult to complete the program in the normal four years.

The Major in Marine Biology is jointly administered by the Department of Ocean Sciences and the Department of Biology. More information on recommended courses and timetables can be found in the Undergraduate Handbook. Students are advised to consult with the Department of Ocean Sciences and the Department of Biology at their earliest opportunity.

Admission to the program is based on academic standing. To be considered for admission to the program, students will normally have completed specific courses with an overall average of at least 60%.


  • This is NOT a double major; it is simply jointly administered.
  • Courses cross-listed between Biology and Ocean Sciences can only count for one subject or the other.
  • A maximum of 9 credit hours can be in Biology courses with no associated laboratory/seminar.
  • Students are encouraged to take Biochemistry 3206 as an elective as it is a pre-requisite for several higher-level elective courses in Biology and in Ocean Sciences.

See more information on our Department of Ocean Sciences course descriptions and prerequisites.

For other resources and forms (admission, change of program, handbooks, etc.).