Programs in Ocean Sciences

Bachelor of Sciences with Major in Ocean Sciences

Major in Ocean Sciences
The Major in Ocean Sciences is an interdisciplinary program administered by the Department of Ocean Sciences, providing a solid foundation in ocean studies, including the basic principles of its main sub-disciplines (physical, chemical, geological, and biological oceanography).

Major in Ocean Sciences (Environmental Systems)
The Major in Ocean Sciences (Environmental Systems) program is a stream of the above that provides a geological/geographical context to biological and chemical phenomena in ocean sciences. It also covers such key ocean-related topics as climate change and natural hazards.

*Please Note: Course requirements for the first year are the same for both programs, and the most up-to-date information about the programs can be found in the corresponding Calendar Section (under section 11.9.3).

Bachelor of Sciences with a Major in Marine Biology

The Major in Marine Biology program is jointly administered by the Department of Ocean Sciences and the Department of Biology. It consists of core courses in oceanography and biology, and additional courses in various Science subjects.

Bachelor of Sciences with Honours in Ocean Sciences or in Marine Biology

The Honours is a research focused program that can be in line with the Major in Ocean Sciences or the Major in Marine Biology. Possession of this degree will be of great advantage to students planning advanced work or graduate studies in any marine science field. The program includes a prescribed number of courses at the 3000/4000 level as well as mandatory completion of Ocean Sciences 499A and 499B, consisting of independent research leading to the submission and oral defence of a thesis.

The department’s primary faculty and cross-appointees have a broad range of expertise, within which Honours candidates can find a diversity of research topics, including but not limited to nutrient cycling, plankton dynamics, marine pollution, climate change, coastal and deep-sea processes, benthic biology, evolutionary ecology, marine biotechnology, fisheries, and aquaculture. Furthermore, research can be undertaken at any level of organization, from cellular and molecular studies to animal behaviour and physiology, right up to responses of marine communities and ecosystems.

Detailed information can be found in the Honours Guide.

Bachelor of Science with Minor in Ocean Sciences

Minor in Oceanography
The Minor in Oceanography is an interdisciplinary program administered by the Department of Ocean Sciences in cooperation with the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences and Physics and Physical Oceanography. It is intended primarily for students in the Faculty of Science but is open to students in other faculties.

Minor in Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries Ecology (SAFE)
The Minor in Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries Ecology program exposes students to aquaculture and fisheries management practices and helps prepare them for a career in applied marine fields. This is an interdisciplinary program administered by the Department of Ocean Sciences in consultation with the Marine Institute. It is intended primarily for students in the Faculty of Science but is open to students in other faculties.