Graduate Students

Graduate students enrolled in Ocean Sciences research programs are at the forefront of discovery and innovation. Through their dedicated studies and groundbreaking research, they contribute to advancing knowledge in areas such as marine ecosystems, climate change, and sustainable ocean practices. These students are integral to our research community, collaborating with faculty and industry partners to tackle global ocean challenges and shape a more sustainable future.


Research Topic
PhD- Marine Biology 
Energetics of seabirds wintering around Newfoundland 
Dr. Amanda Bates 
PhD- Marine Biology   
Symbiosis and energetics of a hydrothermal vent snail across extreme environmental gradients
Dr. Amanda Bates/ Suzanne Dufour 
MSc -Marine Biology
Interactions between escaped farmed and wild salmon
Dr. Ian Fleming
Caroline Ofsu
PhD- Environmental Science
 Dr. Ian Fleming
Victoria Smith Heath 
PhD Marine Biology
Characterizing mechanisms of rapid adaption to predict responses to climate change in Atlantic salmonDr. Ian Fleming/ Sarah Lehnert 
MSc- Marine Biology 
Patterns and drivers of kelp and rhodoliths distribution in coastal Newfoundland
Dr. Patrick Gagnon
Chantelle Clermont
MSc - Marine Biology
Factors affecting the covering behaviours of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
Dr. Patrick Gagnon
Aidan HicksMSc - Marine BiologyMechanical and ecophysiological aspects of rhodolith bed habitats
Dr. Patrick Gagnon
Jordan Woolfrey MSc-Fisheries Science (MI)
Effectiveness of artificial reefs in marine habitat creation
Dr. Patrick Gagnon 
PhD- Marine Biology  
Effects of Environmental and Nutritional Manipulations on Atlantic Salmon Physiology and Transcriptomics 
Dr. A. Kurt Gamperl 
MSc - Marine Biology   
Behavioural and physiological response of Carcinus maenas to acute and chronic exposure to cold temperatures and their overwintering survival strategy in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
 Dr. Iain J. McGaw
PhD - Marine Biology    
Foraging Behavioral Ecology of Lobsters 
Dr. Russell Wyeth (StFX)
PhD - Marine Biology    
Behavioural, reproductive and regenerative strategies in echinoderms: ecological and evolutionary perspectives
Dr. Annie Mercier
Robert Trenholm
Investigations of sustainable bioprocessing strategies for the Newfoundland sea cucumber fisheries
Dr. Annie Mercier/Dr. D. Dave 
MSc - Marine Biology    
Expanding fisheries into the Arctic (Hudson Bay): an assessment of the ecological and economic value of Arctic echinoderms 
MSc - Marine Biology     
Investigating the potential impacts of oil and gas exploration and aquaculture activity wastes on cold-water corals 
Dr. Annie Mercier/ Dr. Bárbara de Moura Neves
MSc - Marine Biology     
Recruitment patterns on hard substrates (dropstones) in the deep sea 
Dr. Annie Mercier
MSc-  Environmental Science
Effects of temperature and pCO2 on essential fatty acid and energy supply at the base of marine food webs 
Dr. Chris Parrish 
Carly Salant
PhD- Marine Biology
How do latitudinal gradients influence pelagic food web ecology across temperate, subpolar and polar systems
Dr. Chris Parrish 
MSc- Chemistry 
Cholesterol and phytosterols in finfish aquaculture nutrition 
Dr. Chris Parrish  
PhD - Marine Biology      
Understanding the interactions between oil, dispersants, exopolymers and particles for the improvement of marine oil spill response 
Dr. Uta Passow 
PhD - Marine Biology       
Toxic effects of dietary uptake of marine oil snow by animals in Newfoundland water 
Dr. Uta Passow  
PhD - Marine Biology        
Biodegradation of dispersed oil in association with particles and natural marine organic matter 
Dr. Uta Passow   
MSc - Marine Biology    
Genomic and phylogenetic characterization, and hydrocarbon-degrading potential of the novel marine bacterium Pseudomonas sp. Oil-1
Dr. Uta Passow /Dr. Javier Santander 
MSc - Marine Biology     
Microplastics in the Marine Environment 
Dr. Uta Passow  
MSc- Marine Biology    
Assessing Drivers of Coastal Ecosystem Health in Placentia Bay Using Size-fractionated Plankton as Indicators 
Dr. Uta Passow / Dr. Rachel Sipler
MSc - Marine Biology     
Investigating how lumpfishes respond to chemical enhanced water accommodated fraction (CEWAF) in a short period of time by looking into the changes of the expression of oil-responsive genes
Dr. Uta Passow / Dr. Matt Rise
MSc - Marine Biology      
Microplastic Sedimentation 
Dr. Uta Passow   
Eleanor Barry
PhD - Marine Biology      
Investigating community structure of plankton in order to increase understanding of climate change in the Nunatsiavut region
Dr. Uta Passow  
MSc- Marine Biology
Influence of diet on aquaculture fish immune tissue lipid composition, gene expression, and function 
Dr. Matt Rise / Dr. Chris Parrish 
PhD - Marine Biology  
Metagenomics, Bacterial pathogenesis and vaccinology in lumpfish (C. lumpus) 
Dr. Javier Santander 
PhD - Marine Biology   
Bacterial immune suppresion and fish vaccinology 
Dr. Javier Santander  
Thanh Cao
PhD - Marine Biology  
Moretiella viscosa and Vibrio anguillarum pathogenesis and vaccinology 
Dr. Javier Santander  
PhD - Marine Biology   
Virulences factors of bacteria and fish immunity  
Dr. Javier Santander   
PhD - Biology    
 Genomic and Transcriptome Architecture of Aeromonas salmonicida Pathogenesis
Dr. Javier Santander   
MSc - Marine Biology  
Addressing the Challenges Faced by Atlantic Salmon at Cold Temperatures 
Dr. Javier Santander 
MSc - Aquaculture
Field Vaccine Trial and Selection of Cleaner Fish Resistance to Infectious Diseases 
Dr. Javier Santander 
Sathees Duglas 
Cell culture-based evaluation of by-product extract for development of functional aquafeed diets
Dr. Javier Santander 
Mitchell Mehaney
MSc -Aquaculture 
Environmental interactions of Marine Pathogens: Transcriptomics study of Piscirickettsia salmonis
Dr. Javier Santander 
Elaheh Shakerdargah
MES-Environmental Science
Application of the sediment quality triad to the Soltani estuary, northern Persian Gulf.Dr. David Schneider
Kim Keats
PhD- Biology
Nutrient regulation of heterotrophic bacterial growth and community structure in relation to water mass dynamics in Arctic and Subarctic waters
Dr. David Schneider 
MSc - Marine Biology    
Biogeochemistry of Boreal ecosystems and the associated coastal ocean, focusing on characterising interactions between dissolved organic matter and phytoplankton communities
Dr. Rachel Sipler/
Dr. Sue Ziegler  
PhD - Marine Biology     
A study of the relationship between zooplankton and biogeochemical cycling along the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador 
Dr. Rachel Sipler/
Dr. Sue Ziegler   
MSc- Environmental Science 
Hydrological controls on the transformations of size fractionated organic matter across the land to sea continuum in boreal watersheds 
Dr. Rachel Sipler/
Dr. Sue Ziegler    
PhD - Marine Biology     
 North Atlantic Fisheries Conservation
Dr. Paul Snelgrove /
Dr. Trevor Avery 
PhD - Biology      
Effect of climate change on recruitment of coastal zone fishes 
Dr. Paul Snelgrove /
Dr. Bob Gregory (DFO) 
PhD - Marine Biology      
Cumulative impacts of hypoxia and trawling on seafloor ecosystems  
Dr. Paul Snelgrove 
PhD - Marine Biology   
Ecosystem functioning in coastal benthic environments: The roles of food quality and quantity in a changing ocean 
Dr. Paul Snelgrove /
Dr. Amanda Bates  
PhD - Marine Biology        
Movement and spatial ecology of juvenile cod 
Dr. Paul Snelgrove /
Dr. Bob Gregory (DFO)  
MSc- Environmental Science  
Labrador benthic food webs 
Dr. Paul Snelgrove  
PhD - Marine Biology      
Effects of the changes of feeding rates, diet and fish density on the growth and survival of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the coast of Newfoundland 
Dr. Paul Snelgrove /
Dr. Bob Gregory (DFO)   
MSc - Biology    
The trophic ecology of deep-sea fishes of the Labrador Sea 
Dr. Paul Snelgrove /
Dr. Bob Gregory (DFO)    
MSc -  Biology     
Supplemental food supply to Labrador sedimentary communities and the role of kelp 
Dr. Paul Snelgrove /
Dr. Bob Gregory (DFO)  
MSc - Marine Biology 
Climate change impacts on Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis
Dr. Paul Snelgrove
Stephan Hamisch 
MSc- Marine Biology
Impacts of ocean warming on biodiversity and nutrient exchange processes in contrasting benthic habitats
Dr. Paul Snelgrove
Alana Barton
MSc- Biology
Disturbance effects on predator to prey interactions and marine food web dynamics
Dr. Paul Snelgrove
Kelly Young
MSc- Environmental Science
Building Indigenous Community Capacity for Environmental Monitoring of Abandoned Resource Development Sites on Traditional Lands in Canada: Actions to Strengthen the Next Seven Generations
Dr. Joe Wroblewski
Meliane Deshaies
MSc - Matine Biology
Ecology of cold-water invertebrates in support of conservation strategies
Yuthika Jalim
MSc - Marine Biology
Sea cucumber ecology and biochemistry
Marcela Castano-Rodriguez
PhD - Marine Biology (Aquaculture)
Hallie Arno
MSc - Marine Biology
Consequences of interbreeding between farmed and wild salmon under climate change: effects on thermal tolerance 
Cameron MacPhail
MSc - Marine Biology
Maternal effects in the coexistence of resident (ouananiche) and anadromous salmon 
Mark Young
MSc. Environmental Sciences
MSc- Marine Biology
Biloggers as a Tool to Investigate the Thermal Biology of Fishes
MSc- Aquaculture 
The effects of temperature extremes on the cardiorespiratory physiology of salmon 
MSc- Marine Biology  
Influence of Development Temperature on the Physiology of Lumpfish 
Shimaa Salem
Lauren PollardMSc - Marine Biology   
Changes in physiology and behaviour of Carcinus maenas under different environmental stressors
Rahana EbrahimMSc- Marine Biology
The Cardiovascular System of Lobsters (Decapoda)
MSc - Environmental Science 
Behavioral and Physiological Effects of Dehydration on the Black Land Crab (Gecarcinus ruricola) 
Julienne LeBlanc
MSc - Marine Biology
Marine microbiology and physiology of commercially important invertebrates
Raja Gurung
MSc - Marine Biology
Pathogenesis and vaccinology against disease in Atlantic salmon 
Aqsa Maqsood
MSc - Marine Biology
Atlantic salmon gut microbiome and mucosal immunity 
Hadi Seyedahosseini
MSc - Aquaculture
Fatty acid nutrition in finfish